Masters Degrees (Curriculum Studies)

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    Die oorsprong en aard van grondslagfase leerders se ervaring van wiskunde-angs
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03 ) Waggie, Chante Chanelle; Bosman, Linda; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study originated from my personal experience as a pupil unconsciously experiencing maths anxiety (WA). I observed this in my practical period in schools where I worked with children in the Foundation Phase classes. Today, from my experience as a FP teacher, I still observe in my own classroom how children signs from WA to from an early age (Grade 1 learners). This problem is present not only in my experiences, but also in literature. The literature argues that WA is a problem that has been around for over 60 years and has long been researched (Krinzinger et al. 2009). Existing research has focused on adults and learners from high school and higher primary grades (i.e., the intermediate phase), but the more research is conducted the more it indicates that children are in the early primary grades (e.g., Foundation Phase) also experiencing mathematically related anxiety (Ganley and McGraw 2016; Harari et al. 2013; Krinzinger et al. 2009; Ramirez et al. 2013). The focus of the study is to find out the nature and origins of Maths Anxiety (MA) in young children, how young children experience MA, the factors contributing to MA and how can children be supported to reduce their MA levels.
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    Intermediate phase educators’ experiences of the transition from traditional to e-education in selected South African schools
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03 ) Jaffer-Solomon, Taahirah; Le Grange, Lesley; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The White Paper for e-Education was promulgated in 2004 by the Department of Education. It aimed for all learners in South Africa to be ICT competent by 2013. Now, a decade later there has been minimal actualisation in the attainment of the White Paper’s objectives. As with all initiatives in education, the individuals tasked with enacting policy are educators. This study therefore aimed to gain insight into the lived experience of educators transitioning from traditional to e-Education. The objective of this was to be able to: Describe educator lived experiences, Explore the impact of contextual factors on implementation and identify factors that have enabled or hindered implementation of this policy. A qualitative research methodology drawing on the Interpretive paradigm was used for this study. This methodology is considered the most participant orientated and allows one to seek understanding of lived realities, to make an interpretation of the shared experiences of participants and the observed commonalities identified between them. A sample of six purposively selected educators, teaching at public and private schools located in mostly the Western Cape and in Gauteng, South Africa, took part in the study. Participant data was collected through semi-structured interviews similar to Seidman’s three-interview series. The main difference in structure was a single, in-depth interview was conducted as opposed to three separate interviews. The study was conducted, analysed and interpreted using a conceptual framework based on the merged ideas of the theoretical frameworks of Bronfenbrenner’s Biological Systems Theory and Davis’s Technology Adoption Model. This allowed for an understanding of the interlinked nature of the impact of an individual’s context and how this influences their acceptance and use of technology. Data was analysed using the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis approach with the following being some of the key findings. Firstly, educators were unaware of the White Paper on e-Education, but were implementing e-Education in their teaching as it was something they considered important for their learners. Secondly, all educators felt that the amount of professional development needed to engage with, in the limited time they had available, was overwhelming, especially when considering their already heavy workloads. Fear was one of the greatest deterrents to technology use in the classroom, and was mostly related to the potential for technological malfunction, subsequent time loss and not attaining academic outcomes. A recommendation from the study is linked to including e-Education in preservice programmes. There is potential for improvement to the Initial Educator Professional Training requirements as is documented in the National Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development. By amending the expectation of the desired level of ICT and e-Education competency, educators can be trained to the desired level and afforded the opportunity to develop competency with this pedagogical approach in an environment where learning is still taking place and professional identity still being moulded. This, I feel, will result in more competent new entrants to the profession who are comfortable to incorporate e-Education into their practice, thus making policy implementation to the desired level more attainable.
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    Supporting South African foundation phase teachers in becoming culturally responsive literacy practitioners
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03 ) Smit, Emma; Barends, Zelda; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study implemented participatory action research to determine how South African Foundation Phase teachers can be supported in becoming culturally responsive literacy practitioners. The purpose of this study was to assess Foundation Phase teachers’ practices in terms of culturally responsive teaching (CRT). The data collected provided information regarding how teachers can become culturally responsive as an intervention strategy to overcome the educational disparities from the past. Currently, South Africa is facing a literacy crisis. South Africa’s participation in the Progress in International Reading Literacy evaluation (PIRLS) showed that 78% of South African Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning (Baloyi, 2023). According to Howie (Howie et al., 2016) the results suggest that the majority of learners cannot read well enough to prosper in subjects across the curriculum. In the past, the South African education system has separated minority learners from their culture to impose a singular cultural belief system. This resulted in a clash between the widely accepted education practices and minority learners’ frame of reference, their way of learning, and their natural communication styles which in turn led to an achievement gap among culturally diverse learners. CRT views cultural diversity as an asset to enrich learning for all learners. By bridging the separation between the home and school environment CRT supports minority learners to fully reach their academic potential in a previously hegemonic education system. This study was informed by existing literature to understand the competencies needed to become culturally responsive within literacy teaching. Classroom observations and follow-up discussions were used as data collection methods to understand current teaching practices and the role that culture plays in classrooms. Participants’ reflections played a significant role throughout the process as an indicator of change within their personal and professional readiness for responsive teaching. The data analysis was led by the eight competencies of CRT (Muñiz, 2020:3). Areas of community engagement, instructional strategies for diverse dialects, and access to responsive resources were identified as the primary areas where sustenance is needed. The information was generalised to compile a potential action plan for developing cultural competence among South African Foundation Phase teachers. The data collected suggests that CRT elements should be integrated into pre-service training and that its integration should continue throughout teachers’ careers in the form of coaching and regular opportunity for community engagement. Educational stakeholders who want to support the development of CRT among teachers will be able to draw from the action plan proposed in this study.
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    A case study of final year mathematics education student-teachers' experiences of online assessment at a university in Namibia
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03) Nawaseb, Dennis Sedney; Tshuma, Nompilo; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sudden introduction of online assessment at the university in Namibia has created doubts about online assessment as well as challenges and benefits for final year students, hence a need to carry out this study to understand final year Mathematics education students 'experiences about online assessment at the university in Namibia. The researcher has realized that there is little or no literature on online assessment and research in Mathematics Education Nortvedt and Buchholtz (2018). The theoretical framework of the study was the theory of self-efficacy. The objective of the study was to explore the final-year Mathematics Education student teachers' experiences of online assessment at a university in Namibia. The study addresses the following research question: How do the final year students experience online assessment of Mathematics Education at the university in Namibia? The research paradigm of the study was interpretivist paradigm. The research was a case study of the final year Mathematics Education students at the university in Namibia. The study used Purposive sampling. The data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The study found that the final year students have experienced some challenges with online assessment: network connectivity issues, access to Moodle, insufficient or lack of data bundles, layout of question paper, changes in the date or time and sometimes incorrect feedback. Although there were challenges, the study also found some benefits of online assessment: flexibility of online assessment, cost-effectiveness, and immediate feedback and increases computer skills. Although participants indicated they prefer face-to-face over online assessment, they mentioned that they would like to use online assessment in the future.
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    Enhancing the teaching and learning of technology in a grade 7 classroom: an action research study
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03 ) Schoeman, Paul Christiaan; Esau, Omar; Rule, Peter; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study was to improve the teaching and learning in the subject of Technology within a Grade 7 classroom setting. Action research was employed to gain insight into my existing teaching practices and explore ways to improve the understanding of this knowledge. Specifically, attention was directed towards issues that were discovered via my experience as a Technology subject head. I took into account global viewpoints on pedagogy and acquired knowledge while considering the specific circumstances of the private educational institution where I am presently employed. The objective was to make a significant contribution to the Technology classes that I am teaching and to profoundly impact the students' educational experiences. This was achieved through a thorough analysis and improvement of my teaching methods. I believe that education possesses the potential to catalyse societal transformation. Research Question How do I, as a teacher-researcher, enhance the teaching and learning of a Grade 7 Technology classroom? Primary Objective To explore how the teaching and learning of Technology, as a subject, can be enhanced in a Grade 7 classroom to equip the learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to compete fairly in the world of work one day. The action research cycle I used in my study implemented the following steps: Step 1 - Observation: This entails collecting relevant data about learners' existing conditions and the impact of any alterations. This can be achieved through several means, such as maintaining teacher journals, administering learner surveys, and conducting focus group discussions. Step 2 - Reflection: The data acquired in step one will be analysed to gain insights into the changes that have occurred as a result of the interventions. This analysis will be conducted by me as teacher-researcher, who will critically examine the data. Step 3 - Intervention: Drawing upon the insights from the reflective analysis, formulate a suitable intervention strategy that aligns with the identified findings. Step 4 - Evaluation: In a manner akin to the reflection phase, carefully examine the input received to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention and identify potential avenues for improvement in subsequent iterations. Step 5 - Modification: In light of the knowledge acquired from the evaluation, it is necessary to devise novel interventions or alter the existing intervention if it is shown to be unsuccessful. The action research study consisted of an initial stage: cycle 1: stage 1, followed by cycle 1: stage 2 and then cycle 2. Cycle 1 and cycle 2 encompass four distinct activities. Cycle 1, specifically stage one, was designed to effectively address several key difficulties noted by scholars and my observations in the classroom setting. The primary emphasis of these proposed interventions revolved around the significance of the subject matter, the incorporation of indigenous knowledge, the cultivation of problem-solving abilities, and the acquisition of skills essential for the future labour market. The planned interventions in the first cycle stage 2 and second cycle of this action research study were determined based on data obtained from field notes, questionnaires, and a focus group. My study revealed insights into Technology education, learners' preferences, emphasising career pathways, practical knowledge application, diverse cultural contexts, and problem-solving. This research benefits curriculum designers and educators, promoting practical illustrations, cultural diversity, and problem-solving in instructional resources. Bloom's Taxonomy integration of Lev Vygotsky’s learning theories enhances cognitive alignment in Technology education. The study also advocates for 21st-century skills development, including Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL), fostering critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. Cultural inclusivity is crucial in education, integrating diverse viewpoints and indigenous knowledge. Teachers’ professional development requires explicitness, visual aids, and flexible teaching methods. Real-world engagement with industry experts and continuous improvement in educational practices are essential. Overall, this research contributes to advancing Technology education with a focus on engagement, relevance, and inclusivity, ultimately improving the quality of education in the field.