Biopsy and tracheobronchial aspirates as additional tools for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in living European bison (bison bonasus)
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in living wildlife remains a complex problem,
and one of particular importance in endangered species like European bison (Bison bonasus). To identify
infection and avoid the unnecessary culling of such valuable individuals, current best practice
requires the collection and culture of material from living animals, as mycobacteria isolation
remains the gold standard in BTB diagnosis. However, such isolation is challenging due to the
need for the immobilization and collection of appropriate clinical material, and because of the
sporadic shedding of mycobacteria. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of sampling
for the detection of BTB in a group of seven living European bison suspected of being infected
with Mycobacterium caprae. The specimens were collected both as swabs from the nasal and
pharyngeal cavities, tracheobronchial aspirates (TBA), ultrasound-guided biopsies from lateral
retropharyngeal lymph nodes, and post mortem, from mandibular, retropharyngeal and mediastinal
lymph nodes. Clinical samples were tested for mycobacterial species via mycobacteriological culture
and PCR. M. caprae was isolated from collected material in two out of four living infected individuals
(TBA, biopsy) and mycobacterialDNAwas detected in three out of four (TBA, pharyngeal swab) bison.
This is the first report of isolation of M. caprae in living European bison. Our findings demonstrate the
value of diagnostic tests based on both molecular testing and culture in European bison and confirm
the respiratory shedding of viable M. caprae in this host species.
CITATION: Didkowska, Anna et al. 2020. Biopsy and tracheobronchial aspirates as additional tools for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in living European bison (bison bonasus). Animals, 10(11):2017, doi:10.3390/ani10112017.
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The original publication is available at:
Biopsy, European bison, Mycobacterium caprae, Tracheobronchial aspirates, Tuberculosis, Bison bonasus
Didkowska, Anna et al. 2020. Biopsy and tracheobronchial aspirates as additional tools for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in living European bison (bison bonasus). Animals, 10(11):2017, doi:10.3390/ani10112017