The role of risk perception in Internet purchasing behaviour and intention

De Villiers, R. R. (Raoul Reenen)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years the importance and number of users of electronic commerce and its medium, the Internet, have grown substantially. Despite this, the Business-to- Consumer sector has shown slow expansion and limited growth, with the majority of consumers slow to adopt the Internet as a medium for purchase. A probable factor affecting the purchasing behaviour of individuals is the perception of risk of a breach in (credit card) security and/or a violation of privacy. The research discussed here indicates that two closely related constructs, namely perceived privacy risk and perceived security risk exerts an influence on the Internet purchasing behaviour of Internet users, and more importantly, the intention to purchase. In addition, the role of social pressures regarding the provision of personal and credit card information is indicated to be of considerable importance.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope aantal jare het die belangrikheid en gebruik van eletroniese handel en die Internet aansienlik toegeneem. Ongeag hierdie groei het die sektor gemoeid met die handel tussen besighede en verbruikers egter beperkte groei getoon. 'n Waarskynlike rede vir die tendens in Internet aankoop gedrag is die persepsie dat daar 'n risiko is van misbruik van 'n krediet kaart sowel as misbruik en skending van privaatheid. Die studie wat hier bespreek word toon aan dat twee nou verwante kostrukte, naamlik persepsie van sekuriteits- en persepsie van privaatheidsrisiko 'n rol speel in die bepaling van Internet aankoop gedrag, sowel as die intensie om te koop. Verder is die rol van sosiale druk rakende die verskaffing van persoonlike en krediet kaart inligting uitgelig as 'n faktor van uiterste belang.
Thesis (MComm.)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
Consumer behavior, Electronic commerce -- Security measures, Consumer protection, Risk, Electronic funds transfers -- Security measures, Internet -- Security measures, Dissertations -- Business management, Theses -- Business management