Digital gamification in South African senior phase music classrooms: investigating its potential contribution to musical understanding

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many teachers have converted to digital learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The opportunities created throughout the pandemic have opened doors for teachers in all subjects. Some available resources, specifically in music education, help expose the learners to music but do not contribute to the learner’s overall musical understanding. This research investigates the potential contribution of digital gamification to South African senior-phase music learners’ musical understanding. The study explores how music teachers can integrate gamification elements within the context of the CAPS while fostering a positive impact on learner motivation and engagement. This investigation includes achieving specific goals like contextualising South African class music, defining musical understanding, creating practical approaches for enhancing musical understanding, and identifying gamification strategies for the music classroom. The study considers educational and developmental theories like Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and Piaget’s constructivism theory to create collaborative learning environments. Digital devices are then included to facilitate gamification strategies. The investigation used qualitative research methods, including online surveys with the participants, my self-observations, and my field diary. In collaboration with 64 Grade 7 learners at a primary school in Cape Town, the data collection phase consisted of four Action Research cycles, with the participants submitting an online questionnaire at the end of each cycle. The findings highlight the potential of digital gamification as an influential tool for time management, classroom management, and learner motivation. Practical recommendations accentuate the importance of addressing challenges like educator training, accessibility and sustainability of portable digital devices, gamification techniques’ applicability, and collaborative learning strategies. Ultimately, the research contributes valuable insights to music education, enhancing musical understanding and fostering a love for music among South African Grade 7 learners.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie onderwysers het oorgeskakel na digitale leer as gevolg van die COVID-19-pandemie in 2020. Die geleenthede wat deur die pandemie geskep is, het deure vir onderwysers in alle vakke oopgemaak. Sommige beskikbare hulpbronne, spesifiek in musiekonderrig, help om die leerders aan musiek bloot te stel, maar dra nie by tot die leerder se algehele musikale begrip nie. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die potensiële bydrae van digitale spelifiëring¹ tot Suid- Afrikaanse senior-fase musiekleerders se musikale begrip. Die studie ondersoek hoe musiekonderwysers spelifiëring-elemente binne die konteks van die KABV kan integreer terwyl dit ʼn positiewe impak op leerdermotivering en -betrokkenheid bevorder. Hierdie ondersoek sluit in die bereiking van spesifieke doelwitte soos kontekstualisering van Suid-Afrikaanse klasmusiek, die definiëring van musikale begrip, die skep van praktiese benaderings vir die verbetering van musikale begrip, en die identifisering van spelifiëring strategieë vir die musiekklaskamer. Die studie oorweeg opvoedkundige en ontwikkelingsteorieë soos Vygotsky se sosiokulturele teorie en Piaget se konstruktivisme- teorie om samewerkende leeromgewings te skep. Boonop is digitale toestelle ingesluit om speletjiestrategieë te fasiliteer. Die ondersoek het kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik, insluitend aanlyn opnames met die deelnemers, my selfwaarnemings en my velddagboek. In samewerking met 64 graad 7- leerders by ʼn laerskool in Kaapstad, het die data-insamelingsfase uit vier Aksienavorsingsiklusse bestaan, met die deelnemers wat aan die einde van elke siklus ʼn aanlyn vraelys ingedien het. Die bevindinge beklemtoon die potensiaal van digitale spelifiëring as ʼn invloedryke instrument vir tydsbestuur, klaskamerbestuur en leerdermotivering. Praktiese aanbevelings beklemtoon die belangrikheid daarvan om uitdagings soos opvoederopleiding, toeganklikheid en volhoubaarheid van draagbare digitale 1 Spelifiëring is ʼn Afrikaanse word vir “gamification”, soos gebruik deur Genis en Adendorff (2021:509). toestelle, spelifiëring-tegnieke se toepaslikheid en samewerkende leerstrategieë aan te spreek. Uiteindelik dra die navorsing waardevolle insigte tot musiekopvoeding by, wat musikale begrip verbeter en ʼn liefde vir musiek onder Suid-Afrikaanse graad 7-leerders bevorder.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2024