2014 April - USB Agenda Magazine


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 18
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    Kungani ukuba abaphathi abalungileyo besenza izigqibo ezingalunganga?
    (2014-04) Mgayi, Bongani
    Ingaba imo yethu yangaphakathi isibangela ukuba senze izigqibo ezilambathayo? Okanye singabeka ityala kwiimeko zangaphandle? UBongani Mgayi - ichule kwezoshishino kwanomcebisi oyinxalenye yezaziso eUSB kunye namanyathelo emisebenzi yasekuhlaleni - uthatha ingqwalasela koko kufihlakeleyo ekuzikhetheleni kwethu.
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    Waarom neem goeie bestuurders swak besluite?
    (2014-04) Mgayi, Bongani
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Is die manier waarop ons koppe werk die rede waarom ons slegte besluite neem? Of kan ons die skuld op eksterne faktore pak? Bongani Mgayi – sakestrateeg en konsultant by die USB se afdeling vir bemarking, kommunikasie en sosialebetrokkenheidsinisiatiewe – kyk wat skuil agter ons besluite.
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    Why do good managers make bad decisions?
    (2014-04) Mgayi, Bongani
    ENGLISH ABSTACT: Does our internal makeup cause us to make poor decisions? Or can we blame these on external factors? Bongani Mgayi – a business strategist and consultant who is involved with USB’s marketing, communication and social engagement initiatives – takes a closer look at what hides behind our choices.
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    Vooruitskatting maak onsekerheid minder
    (2014-04) Leuvennink, Jaco
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finansiële wêreld verwag dat ekonomiese vooruitskatters hulle veilig moet hou. Hoewel ekonomiese vooruitskatting nooit ’n juiste wetenskap sal wees nie, is dit nuttig vir besluitnemers, ontleders en gewone mense om die wêreld waarin ons leef beter te verstaan. Maar wat van daardie veranderlikes wat vooruitskatters nie raaksien nie? Jaco Leuvennink het met twee kenners gesels.
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    Forecasting: reducing uncertainty
    (2014-04) Leuvennink, Jaco
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The financial world expects economic forecasters to keep them safe. While economic forecasting will never be an exact science, it is useful for decision makers, analysts and ordinary people to better understand the world in which we live. But what about those variables that forecasters fail to spot? Jaco Leuvennink talked to two experts.