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- ItemDie 2 1/2 eeu van Genadendal : 'n kultuurhistoriese ondersoek(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1986) Balie, Isaac Henry Theodore,1948-; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.No Abstract Available
- Item'n Aanleerderwoordeboek vir nultaalsprekers in ʼn Afrikaanse taalverwerwingskursus op universiteitsvlak(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015-12) Claassen, Dané; Gouws, R. H.; Adendorff, E. M.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Spcial Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Groot hoeveelheid navorsing is die afgelope paar dekades gedoen oor aanleerderwoordeboeke as tipologiese woordeboekonderafdeling. Ondanks al hierdie navorsing is die rol van aanleerderwoordeboeke in tersiêre taalleer met nultaalsprekers as teikengroep nog nie naastenby na behore ondersoek nie. Navorsing toon dat ’n goed gekose woordeboek, naas die opvoedkundige, ’n belangrike hulpmiddel is om die taalverwerwingsproses te verryk. Daar bestaan tans nie ’n eentalige of tweetalige aanleerderwoordeboek wat spesifiek gerig is op nultaalsprekers wat Afrikaans op tersiêre vlak aanleer nie. Taalverwerwingsdosente en taalfasiliteerders moet dus die gaping ten beste probeer vul deur woordeboeke soos Pharos se Aanleerderswoordeboek vir skole/Learner’s dictionary for schools en Longman-HAT se Afrikaans Dictionary and Grammar for English speakers vir hierdie aanleerders voor te skryf. Die hoofdoelwitte van hierdie studie kan soos volg opgesom word: om die mate te meet waarin hierdie “kompenserende” woordeboeke die leksikografiese behoeftes van nultaalsprekers op tersiêre vlak bevredig, om terugvoer van die teikengebruikers self te kry en om voorstelle te maak vir die moontlike samestelling van ’n aanleerderwoordeboek vir nultaalsprekers wat Afrikaans as derde of verdere taal op universiteitsvlak aanleer. Die studie is aanvanklik uitgevoer met die Funksieteorie as uitgangspunt, maar ook later gekombineer met die Algemene Teorie van Leksikografie, byvoorbeeld Wiegand (1998), as raamwerk. Taalverwerwingskursusse verskil van universiteit tot universiteit en dus is slegs die algemene en belangrikste leksikografiese behoeftes van hierdie nultaalsprekers bepaal. Die rede vir die analisering van hierdie spesifieke twee woordeboeke is omdat dit onderskeidelik voorgeskryf word by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit. Die mate waarin ’n spesifieke woordeboek voldoen aan die bevrediging van ’n sekere teikengroep se leksikografiese behoeftes word nie slegs deur die leksikograaf bepaal nie, maar ook deur die teikengebruiker. Die huidige woordeboekkultuur is vasgestel deur die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKAV), wat tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolsisteem gevolg word, onder die vergrootglas te bring. Op grond hiervan word voorstelle vir formele woordeboekonderrig op universiteitsvlak gemaak, wat beide algemene en spesifieke woordeboekonderrig insluit.
- Item’n Aanlyn Afrikaanse akademiese redigeerwoordeboek : die bruikbaarheid van ’n prototipe(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2021-03) Blom, Maret; Lourens, Amanda; Feinauer, Ilse; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The academic writing skills and research skills of postgraduate students at higher education institutions in the South African context are inadequate (Van Aswegen 2007: 1141), and therefore there is a growing demand for the services of editors of specifically academic texts. In a previous study conducted by me I looked in depth at the reference sources (style guides or standardisation sources) the editors of specifically Afrikaans academic texts use to ensure consistency in academic texts. After researching various Afrikaans reference works and doing an empirical study where questionnaires were given to freelance editors to determine their needs and problems in terms of current dictionaries, I foundthat there is a need for an Afrikaans dictionary for academic editing purposes in the field of academic editing. The current Afrikaans dictionaries and style guides are outdated and only parts thereof are useful for the academic editor.Editors of Afrikaans academic texts would therefore benefit from an Afrikaans dictionary that is especially aimed at theirneeds. Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp’s (2014) function theory for specialised online dictionaries was used to set up a model for an Afrikaans online dictionary for academic editing purposes, with the hope that this model wouldbe usefulin further effortsto compile such a dictionary. Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp (2014:192) divide the design, compilation and updating of a specialised online dictionary into three phases, namely the pre-compilation phase, the compilation phase and the post-compilation phase. Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp’s (2014:192) pre-compilation and compilation phases wereused to determine the online dictionary’s functions and data types.A homepage, five articles of examples from different disciplines and a mini user guide were then drafted. The Afrikaans dictionary for academic editing purposes that will eventually be compiled on the basis of thismodel will attempt to fulfil the role of a style guide and standardisation source. The proposed dictionarywill deal with the following issues: correct wordusage;writing or spelling rules that the academic editor will find useful;information about language use in specific subject fields;and information on academic editing as specialisation area. Links to other general and specialised dictionaries (including subject field dictionaries)will also be provided. The problem, however, is that the post-compilation phase of the model for an Afrikaans online dictionary for academic editing purposes has notbeen implemented and the model has therefore not been empirically tested. In an attempt to eliminate usability problems at an early stage in the compilation of the online dictionary for academic editingpurposes, a usability study istherefore carried out. The rationale for executingthe post-compilation phase in this paper and testingthe usability of the model’s data presentation and data description is based on Heid (2011), Kwary (2013) and Du Plessis’s (2017) statement. They aver that modernlexicographic products will satisfy their users’ needs if thosedictionaries take the user’s consulting procedures, as well as their experience and interaction with the device and software into consideration. A multidisciplinary study making use of interaction between editing, specialised lexicography, usability studies and research methods wasconducted as follows:Firstly, Blom’s model(2018) for an online dictionary for academic editing purposes wasused to set up a prototype. This prototype was based on editors’ expectations of the Afrikaans online dictionary as determined in a pre-test questionnaire. Secondly, the effectivenessand,thirdly, user satisfaction of this prototype wereevaluated by means of editing tests that determinedthe problems that academic editors hadwith the prototype’s data presentation and data description. After the tests werecompleted, quantitative data in terms of errors and task accuracy werecollected from the performance data.Qualitative data werecollected from the preference data regardingthe users’ experience while using the prototype. Guidelines for the further improvement of the Afrikaans online dictionary for academic editing purposes werethen drafted;these guidelines can be used in further studies to refine and compose this dictionary.
- ItemAbjeksie in MS Burger se Bloedfamilie (2012) en Seuns wat weet (kortverhaalbundel)(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-12) Botha, Frederick Johannes; Schaffer, Alfred, 1973-; Anker, Willem; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing, a mini-thesis is presented with the title, “Abjeksie in MS Burger se Bloedfamilie (2012)” (“Abjection in MS Burger’s Bloedfamilie (Blood Family)”). This research topic was decided upon during the writing of Seuns wat weet (Boys who know), a collection of short stories in which the abject play a prominent role. The mini-thesis points out the close interplay between the individual stories in MS Burger’s Bloedfamilie, which not only creates unity in the collection, but also places the text within the genre of the short story cycle. This genre is briefly defined, after which coherence markers such as the single protagonist, recurring characters, and continuous motifs are pointed out. However, it is the theme of abjection in Bloedfamilie that forms the focus of this mini-thesis. Julia Kristeva’s (1982) authoritative abject theory is outlined, followed by an exploration of the way in which abjection functions in the literature (Booker, 1991; Bousset, 2004; Arya, 2014). Kristeva’s view that abjection contributes to the process of creating identity is taken as point of departure for the textual analysis of Bloedfamilie where abjection is investigated on the basis of the following aspects: the bodily, the sexual, illness, rebellion against the mother, and violence. Apart from the fact that the abject portrayal of these aspects enables the first-person protagonist to establish her identity, it is also used in a moralistic manner to deploy the moral bankruptcy of orders and systems such as religion, family, and tradition, and to comment on issues such as gender inequality and rights. Seuns wat weet is a short story cycle in which Frikkie acts as first-person protagonist, with character development taking place from his childhood through to adulthood. Although the fifteen stories in the collection function individually, they form a greater coherence when they are read as part of a cycle, by showing Frikkie’s emotional development more clearly. The fifteen stories explore themes such as family, religion, culture, violence and (gay) sexuality, and how these aspects have a formative influence on Frikkie’s identity.
- ItemDie abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en a Whistling Woman : Kielhaal (roman)(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2006-03) Kapp, T. P.; Van Niekerk, Marlene; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing: Afrikaans, a novel titled Kielhaal (Keelhaul) is presented in which the main character figures as an abject hero. It is accompanied by a formal essay titled “Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en A Whistling Woman” (“The abject hero in Steppenwolf, Fight Club and A Whistling Woman”). The essay researches the application of the abject hero in literary texts.
- ItemAdapting a historical dictionary for the modern online user : the case of the dictionary of South African English on historical principles's presentation and navigation features(Bureau of the WAT, 2016) Du Plessis, Andre; Van Niekerk, TimA collaboration between the Dictionary Unit for South African English (DSAE) and Stellenbosch University (SU) was initiated in 2016 to address the structure, layout and functionality of the online Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles (DSAEHist). This article focuses on work undertaken during the initial stages of the DSAE-SU collaboration and presents current work in adapting a print historical dictionary for the digital age. As with other print dictionaries that enter the electronic medium, the pilot version of the online DSAEHist still felt and looked like a print dictionary, albeit with a somewhat more user-friendly access structure. Another difficulty that the DSAEHist faces is the need for a dictionary based on historical principles to showcase large diachronic datasets. This requires that the article and microstructure, as well as the access structure, be adapted. Apart from this, the general layout of the dictionary is also being re-evaluated and redesigned to make it more usable on online platforms. To accommodate new users and to bring the DSAEHist into the digital era (with regard to standard web and mobile practices) stylistic, navigational and functional changes are being made. This article presents these changes to show how a valuable cultural and language resource is being brought into the digital era.
- ItemAdvantages and disadvantages in the use of internet as a corpus : the case of the online dictionaries of Spanish valladolid-UVa(Bureau of the WAT, 2016) Tarp, Sven; Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A.This paper initially discusses some of the consequences which the technological development has for lexicography, especially in terms of the different types of empirical basis which can be used in dictionary projects. The most important advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet as a corpus are then listed and compared to the usefulness of "traditional" corpora. As an example, the paper shows how the Internet is used as the main empirical source in order to select lemmata and meaning items in the Online Dictionaries of Spanish Valladolid-UVa. The methods and tools employed in the project are discussed together with the requirements to the lexicographers' competences, knowledge and skills. Finally, the paper provides some general conclusions as well as recommendations and hypotheses for future lexicographical work and research.
- ItemAffirming a role for specialised dictionaries in indigenous African languages(Bureau of the WAT, 2010) Nkomo, DionOne of the main problems facing speakers and language practitioners of indigenous African languages is the shortage of appropriate dictionaries for a variety of purposes. This lack results in users consulting any available but inappropriate dictionaries. Quite often, users are disappointed because a wrong dictionary does not normally provide the required assistance. Various functions, which the dictionary may serve, are sought in vain from inappropriate dictionaries and other terminological products. Consequently, the potential of lexicography in general and specialised lexicography in particular, remains unrealised owing to a variety of reasons. This article which mainly discusses the specialised dictionary, draws insights from Wiegand's (1984) general theory of lexicography and the theory of lexicographic functions (Bergenholtz and Tarp 1995, 2003; Tarp 2000, 2002, 2008) to affirm the role of specialised dictionaries in indigenous African languages and also to give insights into how such dictionaries may be produced.
- ItemDie Afrikaanse bestemming van C S Lewis se The voyage of the Dawn Treader(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014-12) Van der Watt, Marike; Feinauer, A. E.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis is internationally considered as one of the classics of children’s literature. The series consists of seven books, of which only the first four were translated into Afrikaans, namely Die Towenaar se Neef (The Magician’s Nephew), Die Leeu, die Heks en die Hangkas (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe), Die Perd en sy Seun (The Horse and his Boy) and Prins Kaspian (Prince Caspian). According to the publisher, Human & Rousseau, they have no intention to translate the remainder of the series. The three books that have not been translated into Afrikaans are The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair and The Last Battle. The main aim of this study is the practical translation of a selection of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The Functionalist approach of Vermeer and Nord, Toury and Chesterman’s translation norms from Descriptive Translation Studies, Venuti’s foreignisation and domestication and Klingberg’s cultural contex adaptation form the theoretical framework for both the discussion and analysis of the source text as well as the translation. The four types of translation problems as identified by Nord are used as the framework for the annotations of the translation. By doing a theoretically based translation, the connection between theory and practice is illustrated: the translator chooses a general approach and translation strategies and is consequently guided to make consistent translation choices on macro as well as micro levels.
- Item'n Afrikaanse vertaling uit Cornelia Funke se Tintenherz(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007-03) Fouche, Marietjie; Feinauer, A. E.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.At present there is an extreme shortage in the publication of Afrikaans children’s books. Although revised publications of popular, classic series, such as the Maasdorp-, Trompie- and Saartjie-series can help fill the void in the market, the contribution made by translations of children’s books should not be underestimated: Afrikaans translations of popular children’s books, such as the Harry Potter- and Narnia-series are well-liked and can even encourage young readers to develop an Afrikaans reading culture. Young readers throughout the world get pleasure from the books written by the renowned German author Cornelia Funke. Funke is viewed as an influential author of children’s books and this is largely due to her popular fantasy-adventure Tintenherz; the extremely original plot of this fantasy-adventure, which forms part of a trilogy, persuades young readers to change their unenthusiastic approach towards reading by showing them that reading can be a pleasant, thrilling experience. This study attempts to prove that an Afrikaans translation of Tintenherz can make an important contribution to fill the void in the Afrikaans children’s literature, as well as encourage young readers to read more. Critics fear that translations of popular children’s books might flood the market with books that might be cheaper, but that are second-rate versions of the original texts since the translations fail to achieve the same literary standards as the original texts. This study attempts to prove that knowledge of theoretical translation strategies, such as George Steiner’s hermeneutic motion, Lawrence Venuti’s approaches of foreignisation and domestication, as well as André Levere’s approach of rewrite as a form of translation do in fact make it possible to produce an Afrikaans translation of Tintenherz which not only meets the requirements of the target-culture and satisfies the wants of the target-readers, but also upholds the literary standard of the original German text.
- ItemDie Afrikaanse vertaling van eiename in Harry Potter : konsekwensies vir kultuuroordrag(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2005-03) Bruwer, Debbie; Feinauer, A. E.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the importance of a consistent translation strategy in the translation of proper names. Coupled with this is the importance of translators having a sound theoretical knowledge that serves as a foundation for the translation of any given text. These aspects are central to the successful realisation of cultural communication seeing that proper names are one of the most important cultural indicators. First, we looked at the first book in the Harry Potter series as to determine the number of proper names that were translated and how many were not translated. Different translation strategies were then looked at to determine whether there was a purposeful and logical explanation, and motivation behind the manner and degree of translation of the proper names. This was followed by a close comparison between book one and book five as to determine whether the inconsistent use of translation strategies, was consistently applied throughout the series. Central to this study is the necessity of successful cultural communication and how the inconsistent use of certain elements can have a negative impact on the cultural communication in any literary work. To establish successful cultural communication, every translator needs a clear skopos/brief for the target text. As a point of departure I will look at certain concepts such as translation norms, culture and translation as well as various translation strategies. The impact of inconsistent translation strategies on texts will be highlighted throughout this thesis.
- Itemn Afrikaanse vertaling van The lord of the rings : n ondersoek na die veelsydigheid en heterogeniteit van Afrikaans(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2019-04) Naude, Eduan; Feinauer, A. E.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: JRR Tolkien’s epic romance The lord of the rings (1954-5) has left a lasting impact on the literary landscape. With his magnum opus, the South African-born author elicited much criticism from various quarters – literary as well as in other fields – but after 60 years and almost as many translations in different languages, the book’s popularity still shows no sign of decline. On the one hand this bears testimony to the void that Tolkien filled – offering people in modern society an escape to a world where things are simpler and the line between good and evil is easier discernible. But the popularity of The lord of the rings extends further than the obvious narrative and is deeply rooted in Tolkien’s love of words and language, the true motivation behind the creation of his masterpiece. This love, manifest in his distinctive writing style, contributes greatly to the success of the book. This study shows that The lord of the rings can indeed be translated into Afrikaans without detracting from the source text. Through practical translation of selected excerpts from the book, the thesis examines various aspects of Tolkien’s writing style, among which archaism, poetry and the portrayal of different characters. An annotation of the different translated excerpts emphasizes translation challenges, and offer possible solutions. Translation challenges are categorized using Christiane Nord’s categorization of translation problems. A functionalist approach is followed, with replication of Tolkien’s use of language as the main function to observe, and special emphasis placed on the investigative work required of the translator to source Tolkien’s careful choice of words. Tolkien’s writing style offers many challenges to the translator but if those challenges can be overcome, it offers a vast opportunity for the further development of Afrikaans – not only for translating classical works but also for creating new works in Afrikaans with the same versatility which Tolkien utilized in English.
- ItemAfrikaanse visserstaal(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1957-12) Heiberg, Lambertus Rautenbach; Kempen, W.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Afrikaans and Dutch.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die oog op 'n verhandeling oor AFRIKAANSE VISSERSTAAL; en by gebrek aan enige literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp, was ek verplig om twee jaar lank veldwerk te doen. Met die tyd en middele tot my beskikking, was ek genoodsaak om my navorsingsgebied af te baken. Ek het as navorsingsveld gekies die gebied tussen Port Nolloth en Jeffreysbaai, wat die volgende vissersgemeenskappe (beginnende by Jeffreysbaai) insluit: Stormsrivier, Plettenbergbaai, Knysna; Stilbaai, Gansbaai, Hermanus, Somerset Strand, Vishoek, Kalkbaai, Houtbaai, Clifton; Die Kaapse Dokke, Paternoster, Velddrif, Laaiplek, Dwarskersbos, Lambertsbaai, Doringbaai, Hondeklipbaai, Port Nolloth.
- ItemAfstand en vereenselwiging : perspektiewe op die veranderende betekenisse van boer en Boer in die Afrikaanse poësie(AOSIS Publishing, 2000-11) Van Zyl, DorotheaA comparison of various lemmas on boer/Boer in a number of dictionaries, as well as research on the application of these terms in a variety of poetic (and other) texts written during the 19th and 20th century, reveals interesting similarities and dissimilarities regarding both the definition and the utilization of the terms in Afrikaans and Dutch texts. In Afrikaans and in Afrikaans poetry, where Boer (and sometimes boer, under influence of the values attributed to Boer) is often used as an ethnonym, different meanings of the term correspond with the historical, sociological and ideological context. Alternatively, both terms are employed negatively, suggesting a perspective of distance, and positively, implying proximity and identification. The option selected depends on the specific intent and the context, but the terms are often used ambiguously, reflecting a multiplicity of meaning(s).
- ItemDie Agterhuis – Lina Spies se vertaling van Anne Frank se dagboek, Het Achterhuis, in Afrikaans : besluite, benaderings en strategieë(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-03) Spies, Carla-Marie; Feinauer, A. E.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the translation approaches and strategies used by Lina Spies in her translation of Anne Frank's diary, Het Achterhuis, from Dutch into Afrikaans (Die Agterhuis). The researcher mainly works descriptively to discuss the decisions made regarding translation approaches and strategies adopted and applied in this translation. However, when necessary, a critique of the translation is also offered. The first chapter deals with the background of, and rationale for, the study; it provides a hypothesis, problem statement, methodology and the research questions. The next chapter provides background information on the source text, as well as considering reasons why this source text was translated into Afrikaans. The translator (Spies) as an agent of power is discussed as well. In the third chapter, the literature review, the most prominent translation theories which are relevant to this study are discussed. There are amongst others focused on functionalism (Nord 1997), intercultural communication (Katan 200), descriptive translation studies (DTS) (Toury 1995), and foreignization and domestication (Venuti 1995). Chapters 4 and 5 present the practical application/empirical study. In the macro-analysis aspects such as genre, overall translation approach and the paratext are looked at. The micro-analysis investigates the translation strategies which were used on the micro-level in order to achieve the overall effect this translation has on macro-level. Pragmatic, intercultural, interlinguistic and text-specific translation problems/challenges and the way that Spies (possibly) resolved these in the target text are discussed. The conclusion is drawn that Spies adopts a functionalist approach towards the translation as she takes into consideration both Nord's (1995) yardsticks for a "good"/"adequate" translation, namely (1) the source text and source text author, as well as (2) the target text reader. The foreignization approach is the primary approach used in this translation and the translator is very faithful to the source text and loyal to the source text author. Domestication is used as a secondary approach as the target text is made accessible to the target text reader on a grammatical level. The thesis finds that the authenticity of the source text and the literary value of this text are preserved, and that the voice and style of the source text author are conveyed to the target text reader.
- ItemAl sietmen de lui … : perspektiewe op boere en boerejolyt in enkele Nederlandse en Afrikaanse gedigte(AOSIS Publishing, 2001-04) Van Zyl, DorotheaA selection of a few Dutch and Afrikaans poems from, inter alia, the seventeenth, nineteenth and early twentieth century, share so many characteristics in their combination of the subjects “farmer” (“boer”) and “feast”, that in this article the question is raised whether these stereotypes form part of a relatively fixed traditional topic or “storehouse” of conventions. Each poem utilizes colloquial language, diminutives and nicknames in the depiction of a dance party in a rural setting – an event characterized by immoderate behaviour, particularly regarding love-making and the use of liquor. More recent Afrikaans poems (written within a context where the initially negative term “Boer” has been transfigured positively due to the expansion of Afrikaner-Nationalist power) satirize other aspects, like status and wealth instead of backwardness, but it seems as if excess and transgression are still associated with “boer” in combination with festivity. The concept of farmer often functions as the Other in these poems, in binary opposition to the narrator.
- ItemAlice se avonture in Afrikaans : 'n vertaalteoretiese beskouing van geskiktheid, aanvaarbaarheid en gepastheid(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-03) De Roubaix, Lelanie; Feinauer, A. E.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s tale Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as well as its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, have the reputation of being the most quoted and translated texts of all time, after the Bible and Shakespeare. The status of the Alice books as timeless classics is confirmed by the numerous translations and adaptations of the texts that have already been made and is still being made. In this study, a descriptive investigation of André P. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Carroll’s classic children’s books is undertaken in order to investigate whether the translation is still suitable for Afrikaans readers today. Brink’s Afrikaans translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1965, and his translation of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There in 1968. Firstly, an overview of the most important theoretical contributions to translation studies since the nineteen-eighties is given to provide a foundation for the investigation and description of translations. Relevant terminology, such as adequacy and acceptability, will be explained. Emphasis will especially be placed on the interaction between the theoretical contributions, which will serve as a basis for the conclusion drawn regarding the suitability of the translation. The conclusion will be based on an application where the translation will be investigated. The translation is studied from a theoretical point of view on macrostructural as well as microstructural level. In the macrostructural analysis, references to the title, cover pages, illustrations, chapter titles, and the (in)visibility of the translator will be made. The microstructural analysis comprises an investigation of how Brink dealt with translation problems that arose during the particular translation. As a result of the investigation of the translation, conclusions can be drawn regarding the suitability of the translation for current readers. A recommendation on the possibility of a retranslation is also offered.
- Item'n Alledaagse andersheid : 'n ondersoek na Lauren Beukes se Zoo City as voorbeeld van heterotopiese literatuur(LitNet, 2015-04) Van den Heever, AlettieIn hierdie artikel gebruik ek Foucault se begrip heterotopie as ’n instrument om die verskil tussen literatuur wat op ’n narratiewe vlak kompleks is en literatuur wat ’n dieperliggende kompleksiteit openbaar, te ondersoek. Wertlen (2011:16) sê in ’n resensie oor Lauren Beukes se Zoo City (2010): “Beukes clearly illustrates ‘the liberated imagination’ that the acclaimed academic, Gerald Gaylard, argues can lay the foundations for the resolution of many a complex and sensitive post-colonial tribulation Africa must wrest with.” In haar resensie oor Beukes se roman The shining girls (2013) vra Corrigall (2013:18) of die roman nie bloot ’n rondskuif van die (oppervlakkige) oppervlak van die narratief is nie. Sy voer aan dat die argitektuur van die vertelling in die geval van The shining girls deur geen “grand ideas” onderlê word nie. Verder sê sy dat dit ’n fout sou wees om narratiewe kompleksiteit aan kompleksiteit self gelyk te stel. Na aanleiding van Corrigall se bedenkinge oor The shining girls wil ek vra of Zoo City wel ’n manifestasie van Gaylard se “bevryde verbeelding” is en as sodanig daarin slaag om die kompleksiteite van ons samelewing “oop te skryf” en of dit eerder – soos Corrigall (2013:18) sê – ’n “cop-out” is; “[alleviating] the need to negotiate the sometimes irreconcilable socio-political issues of our times”. In die lig van ’n ontleding van Zoo City as heterotopiese roman maak ek ’n gevolgtrekking oor die ideologiese argitektuur van die roman en gee ’n antwoord op die vraag of Beukes se spekulatiewe fiksie in die geval van Zoo City net nog ’n ontvlugtingsopsie is.
- Itemn Alledaagse andersheid : n ondersoek na Lauren Beukes se Zoo city as voorbeeld van heterotopiese literatuur, met verwysing na Animals people deur Indra Sinha en Ikabod(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2016-03) Van den Heever, Aletta Jacoba; Anker, Willem; Van Niekerk, Marlene; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the first part of this thesis Foucault’s concept of heterotopia is used to investigate the difference between narrative complexity and complexity itself. Lauren Beukes’s novel Zoo City is analyzed within the framework of heterotopic literature. The question is asked whether the novel illustrates the “liberated imagination” Gerald Gaylard refers to – “[an imagination that] can lay the foundations for the resolution of many a complex and sensitive post-colonial tribulation Africa must wrest with” (Wertlen, 2011:16) – or whether Beukes’s Zoo City is rather – as Corrigall (2013:18) suggests about The Shining Girls (2013) – a “cop-out; [alleviating] the need to negotiate the sometimes irreconcilable socio-political issues of our times”. In comparison I discuss Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People as an example of heterotopic literature. With this analysis I want to show what the difference is between a novel in which heterotopic spaces and aspects can be found and a novel which constitutes a critical-ethical heterotopia in itself. The second part of the thesis is a novel titled Ikabod. In the novel issues around conservation, decline, and the economy and politics of survival are investigated.
- Item'n Analise van die selfoon-WAT : 'n grondslag vir die verbetering van selfoonwoordeboeke(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2016-03) Du Plessis, Andre Henny; Gouws, R. H.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Modern technological advances create a lexicographic shift from primarily printed dictionaries to electronic dictionaries or reference works. This shift influences both practical and theoretical lexicography and culminates in the field of e-lexicography. Within the field of e-lexicography the possibilities for new research avenues are formed which are based on i) new lexicographic products that need to satisfy a range of new users, and ii) adapting existing products to the electronic sphere in order to satisfy new and existing users. Furthermore, the rise of mobile phone and smartphone usage (in South Africa) provides the opportunity for lexicographers to exploit a new market. Therefore the demand for mobile lexicographic tools cannot be undervalued, especially in an era where the mobile phone plays such an immense role in a user’s day-to-day activities. This also applies to Afrikaans dictionaries, dictionary users and lexicographers. Unfortunately no fully functional Afrikaans mobile dictionary currently exists. This study focuses on the mobile phone versions of current Afrikaans dictionaries, especially the mobile WAT (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal). The aim of this study is to highlight the shortcomings of this (and possibly) other mobile dictionaries. The lack of theories for the development and evaluation of electronic dictionaries is also problematic in the sense that an analysis of any mobile dictionary needs to be based on a sound theoretical framework. Therefore this study also investigates theories that are applicable for an analysis of electronic dictionaries. The Afrikaans mobile dictionaries are practically tested with the identified theoretical criteria. These analyses lead to the formulation of guidelines and recommendations for the improvement of mobile dictionaries. These recommendations form the preliminary work or foundation for the creation of an eventual model for mobile dictionary development and design. Finally, this study aims to shed light on the fundamental problems that impede the lexicographic and development process of mobile dictionary design in South Africa. Further research possibilities within the field of e-lexicography are also presented where applicable.