Exploring inquiry-based education in a professional learning programme for science teachers

dc.contributor.advisorFourie-Malherbe, Magdaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorNdlovu, Mdutshekelwaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Graan, Danelda Celesteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Schools worldwide have been struggling to produce good results in Mathematics and Science. In South Africa, in particular, continued poor results in both Mathematics and the Sciences are of great concern. This has led to the evaluation of current teaching and learning practices in these subjects and the type of pre-service and in-service training provided for Science teachers. Research has shown that the Inquiry Based Education approach (IBE) proves to be very successful in igniting and holding learner interest in Science; this ultimately leads to better performance and improved school results in Science. The Stellenbosch University Centre for Pedagogy (SUNCEP) is one training centre in the Western Cape in South Africa, which supports STEM education through programmes for learners and courses for teachers to introduce and develop teaching best practices. This study explored the effect of introducing Science teachers to Inquiry-Based Science education. It aimed to ascertain whether and how the introduction affected the teachers’ perception and practice of Science teaching. The transformative paradigm was chosen for this study since it was of an emancipatory nature. This choice was motivated by the assumption that this paradigm would allow teachers to reflect and move away from established practices. The study took the form of an action research project done with five Science educators within one district of the Western Cape Education Department in South Africa. Action research was deemed an appropriate research design for this project as it addresses practical problems in a positive way, and gives the participants an opportunity to be part of the project and to play an active role in finding solutions to the problems faced by Science education. The practical nature of action research, which is focussed on change, is well-suited to the classroom environment. The teachers agreed to take part in a teacher professional learning programme where data could be collected through interviews and class observations before and after the learning programme. A thematic analysis of the data was done, and results from data sets before and after the programme were compared to ascertain whether there was any change in teachers’ perceptions and practice. The analysis indicated that all the participating teachers initially opted for more traditional teaching practices such as lecturing. However, the participating teachers were all open to learn about, and implement a new teaching method, namely Inquiry-based Science Education. A number of changes were identified when sets of data before and after the learning programme were compared to each other. It became evident that there were some changes in teachers’ perceptions and practice. It was found that teachers initially did not trust learners to take responsibility for their learning as teachers regarded learners as lazy and disinterested. However, when the participating teachers did make a shift towards a more learner centred approach, learners were cooperative and participated actively. The study further highlighted that participating teachers were willing to move away from their customary teaching practices. In order for teachers to adopt new strategies a supportive environment where learning and collaboration can occur simultaneously, is required.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Skole wêreldwyd sukkel om goeie resultate in Wiskunde en Wetenskap te lewer. In Suid-Afrika is veral die voortgesette swak resultate in beide Wiskunde en die Wetenskappe 'n groot bron van kommer. Dit het gelei tot die evaluering van die huidige onderrig- en leerpraktyke in hierdie vakke, asook die tipe voor-diens- en in-diensopleiding wat vir wetenskaponderwysers aangebied word. Navorsing het getoon dat die Ondersoek-gebaseerde Ovoedings benadering baie suksesvol blyk te wees om meer belanstelling by wetenskapleerders in diè vak te prikkel en te behou; dit lei uiteindelik tot beter vordering en verbeterde skooluitslae in Wetenskap. Die Stellenbosch Universiteit Sentrum vir Pedagogie (SUNSEP) is een van die sentrums in die Wes-Kaap in Suid-Afrika, wat WTIW-opvoeding (Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ingeneurswese en Wiskunde opvoeding) ondersteun deur programme vir leerders, en onderrig aan WTIW-onderwysers aan te bied om hulle aan die beste onderrigpraktyke bekend te stel en daarin op te lei. Hierdie studie het die effek van die bekendstelling van Ondersoek-gebaseerde Wetenskap Opvoeding aan wetenskaponderwysers ondersoek. Die doel was om vas te stel of, en hoe die bekendstelling die onderwysers se persepsies en praktyk van wetenskaponderrig beïnvloed het. Die transformatiewe paradigma is as teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie gekies omdat dit van 'n emansipatoriese aard was. Die keuse van hierdie paradigma het berus op die aanname dat dit onderwysers in staat sou stel om na te dink, en weg te beweeg van vasgestelde praktyke. Die studie het die vorm aangeneem van 'n aksienavorsingsprojek wat gedoen is met vyf wetenskapopvoeders in een distrik van die Wes-Kaapse onderwysdepartement in Suid-Afrika. Aksienavorsing is as 'n toepaslike navorsingsontwerp vir hierdie projek beskou, aangesien dit praktiese probleme op 'n positiewe manier aanspreek. Dit het ook aan die deelnemers die geleentheid gegee om deel te wees van die projek en om 'n aktiewe rol te speel in die soeke na oplossings vir die probleme wat wetenskapopvoeding ondervind. Die praktiese aard van aksienavorsing wat op verandering gefokus is, is geskik vir die klaskameromgewing. Die onderwysers het ingestem om deel te neem aan 'n professionele leerprogram waartydens data versamel is deur middel van onderhoude en klaswaarnemings voor en na die leerprogram. 'n Tematiese analise van die data is gedoen en die resultate van datastelle voor en na die program is vergelyk om vas te stel of daar enige verandering in die persepsies en praktyke van onderwysers was. Die ontleding van die data het aangedui dat al die deelnemende onderwysers meestal tradisionele onderrigmetodes soos klasgee , verkies het. Die deelnemende onderwysers was egter almal oop om opleiding in 'n nuwe onderrigmetode naamlik Ondersoek-gebaseerde Wetenskapopvoeding, te ontvang en om dit te implementeer. 'n Aantal veranderings is geïdentifiseer toe datastelle voor en na die leerprogram met mekaar vergelyk is. Daar was definitiewe aanduidings dat onderwysers wel hul persepsies en praktyk verander het. Daar is gevind dat onderwysers aanvanklik nie leerders vertrou om verantwoordelikheid vir hul leer te neem nie, aangesien onderwysers leerders beskou as lui en nie geïnteresseerd nie. Toe die deelnemende onderwysers egter 'n skuif na 'n meer leerdergesentreerde benadering gemaak het, was die leerders samewerkend en het hulle aktief deelgeneem. Die studie het verder beklemtoon dat onderwysers bereid is om weg te beweeg van hul gevestigde onderrigpraktyke. 'n Ondersteunende omgewing waar leer en samewerking gelyktydig kan plaasvind, word benodig vir onderwysers om nuwe strategieë aan te neem.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 217 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectInquiry-based learningen_ZA
dc.subjectScience -- Study and teaching -- Practiceen_ZA
dc.subjectAction researchen_ZA
dc.titleExploring inquiry-based education in a professional learning programme for science teachersen_ZA
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