Segmenting the South African wine market : a focus on involvement, motive/lifestyle and purchase behaviour

dc.contributor.advisorPentz, Christian Donalden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMyburgh, Carnaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept of Business Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Wine is a complex product that comprises many intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes, ranging from grape variety to brand. Wine consumer behaviour is also intricate. First, consumers have different levels of involvement with the wine product, ranging from no or low involvement to ultra-high involvement. Moreover, consumers have different lifestyle motives to consume wine, ranging from drinking wine for self-expression to enjoying the intellectual challenge associated with wine consumption. Varying levels of involvement and motives to consume wine could lead different wine consumers to consider alternative wine product purchase criteria. Wine consumers pay attention to different aspects of wine when buying wine, from price to the wine producer. Therefore, many factors play a role in a consumer product purchase decision. The South African wine industry is in dire need of an increase in domestic wine sales. Therefore, information is needed by wine marketers to better understand the South African wine market. Market segmentation is, therefore, necessary to divide the total wine market into distinct consumer groups to better satisfy the needs and wants of these consumers. Because of the limited knowledge of different South African wine segments, the purpose of this study was to explore involvement, motive/lifestyle, and purchase behaviour of South African wine consumers. The purpose was to segment the South African wine market according to the involvement, motive/lifestyle, and purchase behaviour of its consumers. Based on the results of the study, wine marketers can effectively target South African wine market segments according to characteristics. This study was semi-replicated from a Swiss market segmentation study conducted by Brunner and Siegrist (2011). The present study was two-phased. First, a qualitative phase entailed a focus-group discussion to establish whether the proposed questionnaire, semi-replicated from the Swiss study, was valid for use in studying South African wine consumers, as the instrument would be used in the second research phase. In the second (quantitative) phase of the study, a survey strategy was implemented. Data were gathered from 400 respondents (South African wine consumers) through a questionnaire, with the assistance of an external research company. Analysis of the gathered data assisted the researcher in segmenting the South African wine market according to involvement, motive/lifestyle, and purchase behaviour. A specific research design and methodology plan was implemented to segment the South African wine market. First, a cluster analysis was conducted, whereby the 400 respondents were grouped into five respective clusters (segments). The clusters were formed based on their similarity according to Involvement, Motive/Lifestyle, and Purchase behaviour sub-variables and behavioural variables. Hence, hierarchical clustering was employed using Ward’s method and Euclidean distances. In the next step, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with an F-test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) post hoc test was computed for each sub-variable and variable. The purpose of the one-way ANOVA was to establish whether the identified clusters differed significantly according to each sub-variable and behavioural variable. The clusters (segments) were profiled accordingly the identified significant differences and means. The five South African wine market segments identified in this study are: the bargain-hunting wine consumer, the wine traditionalist, the wine enthusiast, the wine intellectual, and the basic wine consumer.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wyn is ‘n komplekse produk wat baie intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke produkeienskappe bevat, wat strek van druifsoort tot handelsmerk. In hierdie verband is wynverbruikersgedrag ook ingewikkeld. Eerstens het verbruikers verskillende vlakke van betrokkenheid met die wynproduk. ‘n Verbruiker kan of geen tot min betrokkenheid met die wynproduk he, of ‘n ultra-hoogsbetrokke verbruiker wees. Verder het verbruikers verskillende leefstyl-motiewe om wyn te verbruik, wat strek van wyn drink vir selfuitdrukking of om die intellektuele uitdaging wat met wynverbruik gepaardgaan, te geniet. Verskillende wyn-betrokkenheidsvlakke en motiewe vir wynverbruik kan verskillende wynverbruikers daartoe lei om alternatiewe wynproduk-aankoopskriteria te oorweeg. Wynverbruikers gee aandag aan verskillende aspekte van wyn wanneer hul wyn aankoop, van die prys tot die wynproduseerder. Wynverbruikers oorweeg dus baie faktore in hul wynaankoopsbesluit. Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynindustrie het ‘n dringende behoefte aan ‘n toename in plaaslike wynverkope. Gevolglik benodig wynbemarkers inligting om die Suid-Afrikaanse wynmark beter te verstaan. Marksegmentering is daarom nodig om die algehele wynmark in onderskeie verbruikersgroepe te verdeel, sodat wynvebruikers se behoeftes en begeertes beter bevredig kan word. As gevolg van beperkte kennis van Suid-Afrikaanse wynmarksegmente was die doel van hierdie studie om betrokkenheid, motief/leefstyle, en koopsgedrag van Suid-Afrikaanse wynverbruikers te verken. Die uitkoms was segmentering van die Suid-Afrikaanse wynmark volgens wynverbruikers se betrokkenheid, motief/leefstyl, en koopgedrag. Wynbemarkers kan die resultate van die studie aanwend om Suid-Afrikaanse wynmarksegmente effektief volgens hul eienskappe teiken. Hierdie studie is gesemi-repliseer vanaf ‘n Switserse marksegmenteringstudie Brunner en Siegrist (2011). Die studie is in twee fases gedoen. In die eerste (kwalitatiewe) fase is ‘n fokusgroepbespreking gehou. Die doel van die fokusgroep was om te bevestig of die voorgestelde vraelys wat vanaf die Switserse studie gesemi-gerepliseer is vir die tweede navorsingsfase relevant tot Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers was. In die tweede (kwantitatiewe) fase van die studie is ‘n opname-strategie geimplementeer. Data is met die hulp van ‘n eksterne navorsingsmaatskappy vanaf 400 respondente (Suid-Afrikaanse wynverbruikers) versamel. Ontledings van die versamelde data het die navorser in staat gestel om die Suid-Afrikaanse wynmark volgens betrokkenheid, motief/leefstyl, en koopgedrag te segmenteer. ‘n Spesifieke navorsingsontwerp- en metodolgieplan is geimplementeer om die Suid-Afrikaanse wynmark te segmenteer. Eerstens, is ‘n klusteranalise uitgevoer waardeur die 400 respondente in vyf onderskeie klusters (segmente) gegroepeer is. Die vorming van die klusters is gebaseer op hul soortgelykheid in die sub-veranderlikes van Betrokkenheid, Motief/Leefstyl, en Koopgedrag, en die veranderlikes van gedrag. Hiervandaan is hierargiese klustering aangewend met gebruik van Ward se metode en Euklidiese afstande. In die volgende stap is ‘n eenrigting analise van variansie (ANOVA) met ‘n F-toets en Fisher se minste beduidende verskil ‘post hoc’ toets uitgevoer vir elke sub-veranderlike en veranderlike. Die doel van die eenrigting analise van variansie was om te bevestig of die geidentifiseerde klusters beduidend verskil in terme van elke sub-veranderlike en veranderlike van gedrag. Die klusters (segmente) se profiele is geskep gebaseer op die beduidende verskille wat geidentifiseer is, tesame met sub-veranderlikes en veranderlikes se gemiddeldes. Die vyf Suid-Afrikaanse wynmarksegmente wat in hierdie studie geidentifiseer is, is: die wynwinskopie-jagter, die wyn-traditionalis, die wyn-entoesias, die wyn-intellektualis, en die algemene wynverbruiker.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxix, 413 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectWine consumption -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectWine -- Marketing -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectWine consumer behaviouren_ZA
dc.titleSegmenting the South African wine market : a focus on involvement, motive/lifestyle and purchase behaviouren_ZA
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