Inqaku ngokuphucula uluntu elibhalwe ngesiXhosa ngokohlobo lwegenre

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, M. W.
dc.contributor.authorTshefu, Naniswa Winnifred
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the defining characteristics of the genre-theory analytically for isiXhosa. The five chosen genre texts in isiXhosa, extracted from five Bona magazine, deal with social problems. Firstly the study investigates the theory of genre-based approach. The genre-based approach forms the framework for the analysis of the isiXhosa texts. The ethnography of writing posited in the theory of text construction of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is explored. This theory is accepted as an underlying framework for teaching writing in isiXhosa in Curriculum 2005. The ethnography of writing entails addressing the following questions: who writes, what, to whom, for what purpose, why and how. Secondly, the write parameter, which is extensively examined, deals with the six learning outcomes such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking and reasoning, language structure, in relation to the assessment standards, as a realisation of communicative purpose. The text-linguistic characteristics of the genre approach involving Grabe and Kaplan's model of writing are explored in the five isiXhosa magazine texts.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die onderskeidende kenmerke van die genre-teorie analities vir isiXhosa. Die vyf genre-tekste van die BONA tydskrif wat gekies word, handeloor sosiale probleme. Die studie ondersoek eerstens die teorie van die genre-gebaseerde benadering. Die genre-gebaseerde benadering vorm die raamwerk vir die analise van die isiXhosa tekste. Die etnografie van skryf soos gepostuleer in die teorie van tekskonstruksie van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) word ondersoek. Hierdie teorie word aanvaar as onderliggende raamwerk in die onderrig van skryfvaardighede in Kurrikulum 2005. Die etnografie van skryf, behels die ondersoek van die vrae: wie skryf wat aan wie, vir watter doel, wanneer, waarom, en hoe. Tweedens, die skryf parameter, wat uitgebreid ondersoek word met verwysing na die Xhosa tekste, hou ook verband met die leeruitkomste van luister, lees, praat, denkvaardighede en taalstruktuur, met betrekking tot die assesseringsstandaarde, as 'n realisering van kommunikatiewe doelstelling. Die tekslinguisitiese eienskappe word ondersoek soos gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan t.o.v. die vyf Xhosa tydskrifartikels.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractISICATSHULWA Lo msebenzi uphonononga ukwakhiwa kwe thiyori yegenre ngokuhlalutyiweyo. Itekisi zegenre ezintlanu zijonga iingxaki zasekuhlaleni yaye zicatshulwe kumabali amahlanu encwadi ekuthiwa yiBona. Okokuqala lo msebenzi uphanda ithiyori ebanzi ngendlela ethi igenre ijongwe ngayo. Le yimvelaphi yohlobo Iwetekisi yolwimi IwesiXhosa. Indlela yokubhala amagama ivela kwithiyori ka Grabe no Kaplan (1996). Le thiyori yamkelekile njengesiseko sokufundisa ukubhala. Iquka indlela yokubhala enale mibuzo: ngubani obhalayo, ebhala ntoni, ebhalela bani, siyintoni isizathu, ngoba kutheni, ebhala njani. Imigaqo okanye imimiselo yokubhala iyavavanywa yaye iza kujongana neziphumo zokufunda ezithandathu ezizezi: ukumamela, ukuthetha, ukufunda nokubona, ukubhala, ukucinga nokuqiqa, ukwakhiwa kolwimi nokusetyenziswa, nendlela yokuhlola njengenjongo yokudlulisa umba lowo. Ezi mpawu zolwimi Iwetekisi yokusetyenziswa kwegenre zizakujongwa banzi kusetyenziswa Ie ndlela yokubhala ka Grabe no Kaplan. Iziphumo zemfundo eyile: ukufunda nokubona, ukubhala, ukucinga nokuqiqa ziza kunikwa uqwalaselo olulodwa. Okokugqibela abafundi bebanga lesixhenxe baza kuba nakho ukukubona ukuvisisana nokudibana kokubhala ukucinga ukuqiqa kunye nemiqathango yokuhlolwa.xh_ZA
dc.format.extent334 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Discourse analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Usageen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Writingen_ZA
dc.subjectWritten communicationen_ZA
dc.subjectCompetency-based education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectBona magazineen_ZA
dc.titleInqaku ngokuphucula uluntu elibhalwe ngesiXhosa ngokohlobo lwegenrexho_ZA
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