Die vestiging van 'n leerkultuur in 'n kinderhuisskool

dc.contributor.advisorPrinsloo, N. P.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorArendse, Abraham Johnen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to research the establisment of a culture of learning in a childcare school. The appeal by the government of the establisment of a culture of learning, serves as background to this study. This appeal implies a change of attitude by both learners and educators with regard to the learning and teaching process. The objective of this change is to prioritize learning and teaching in schools. This will enable learners to effectively develope intelectually, personally and socially. The feasibility to transform the school to a learning organization , is being researched. In a learning organization , learning is being internalised. Transformation to a learning organization will ensure that the school keeps pace with, and make the neccesary adjustments relative to the change. In achieving the transformation to a learning organization, such a school can be sure that learning and teaching will remain a top priority. This study is a situational analysis of a childcare school, which requested to remain anonymous. This analysis clearly expose the lack of a culture of learning at this school, due to the cultural bagage of the learners, which are manifested in serious behavioral problems, and which in turn prevent an effective learning prosess. The behavioral problems impede an the educators abillity to teach effevtively. It leads to high stress levels and a low morale. It is very clear that this situation can only be remedied if the behavioral problems of the learners are effectively dealt with. The study begins with identifying the problems and setting the questions for research. In the ensuring chapters, a study of the literature, a situational analysis and proposed programme to establish a culture of learning, follows. The proposed programme, amongst others, put forward a strategy to eliminate the behavioral problems of learners as well as reducing the stress-levels of the educators. It uniformaly focusses on the role of the prinicipal in obviating the said encumbrances, and the transformation to a learning organization. The programme includes a comprehensive discussion of strategic planning as an instrument In establishing a culture of learning and transformation to a learning organization. The programme can possibly serve as a guideline for schools which accommodate large numbers oflearners with serious behavioral problems.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vestiging van 'n leerkultuur in 'n kinderhuisskool is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die studie is onderneem teen die agtergrond van die regenng se oproep om 'n leerkultuur in ons skole te vestig. Hierdie oproep impliseer 'n verandering in leerders en onderwysers se ingesteldheid ten opsigte van leer en onderwys. Hierdie verandering het dit ten doel dat leer en onderrig prioriteit in skole sal geniet. Die moontlikheid om die skool in 'n lerende organisasie te transformeer word ondersoek. In 'n lerende organisasie word leer geïnternaliseer. Transformasie na 'n lerende organisasie sal verseker dat die skool tred hou met verandering en die nodige koersaanpassings maak. Indien 'n skool daarin kan slaag om tot 'n lerende organisasie te transformeer sal dit verseker dat leer en onderrig altyd prioriteit by die skool sal bly. Hierdie studie is 'n situasie-analise van 'n kindershuisskool, wie op versoek anoniem wil bly. Vanuit die situasie-analise blyk dit duidelik dat daar nie 'n leerkultuur in die skool aanwesig is nie. Die leerders se kulturele bagasie, wat uitdrukking vind in ernstige gedragsprobleme, verhoed dat effektiewe leer plaasvind. Die gedragsprobleme kortwiek die onderwysers se werkverrigting aangesien dit aanleiding gee tot hoë stresvlakke en dus 'n lae moraal. Dit blyk baie duidelik dat dit slegs moontlik sal wees om 'n leerkultuur te vestig indien die leerders se gedragsprobleme effektief aangespreek kan word. Die studie begin deur die probleem en navorsingsvrae te stel. Die volgende hoofstukke behels 'n studie van die literatuur, die situasie-analise en 'n voorgestelde program om 'n leerkultuur in die skool te vestig. Die voorgestelde program doen, onder andere, strategieë aan die hand om die leerders se gedragsprobleme te elimineer en om die onderwysers se stresvlakke te laat daal. Dit fokus deurgaans op die prinsipaal se rol in die uitskakeling van bogenoemde hindernisse en sy rol in die vestiging van 'n leerkultuur en die transformering na 'n lerende organisasie. Die program sluit 'n volledige bespreking van strategiese beplanning as instrument in die vestiging van 'n leerkultuur en die transformering na 'n lerende organisasie in. Die program kan moontlik as riglyn dien vir skole wie groot getalle leerders met gedragsprobleme huisves.af_ZA
dc.format.extent133 p.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- Aims and objectivesen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren -- Institutional careen_ZA
dc.subjectJuvenile delinquents -- Educationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleDie vestiging van 'n leerkultuur in 'n kinderhuisskoolaf_ZA
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