Erythrocyte apoptosis (erythroptosis) and anaemia in chronic HIV-1 infection : relationship with immune activation and viraemia

Loots, Stanley
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chronic HIV-1 infection is characterized by extensive inflammation/immune activation and also by anaemia. Macrophages and neutrophils produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can cause damage to surrounding cells, including erythrocytes. Damaged erythrocytes may die by apoptosis (erythroptosis) or be tagged for clearance by monocytes/ macrophages. In this study we investigated HIV-1-associated anaemia and erythroptosis in asymptomatic, untreated HIV-1 infected individuals and how it relates to oxidative stress and immune activation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Chroniese MIV-1 infeksie word gekenmerk deur uitgebreide inflammasie/immuun aktivering en ook deur anemie. Makrofage en neutrofiele produseer reaktiewe suurstof spesies (ROS), wat kan skade aan omliggende selle, insluitend rooibloedselle veroorsaak. Beskadigde rooibloedselle kan sterf deur apoptose (erythroptosis) of gemerk vir klaring deur monosiete/makrofage. In hierdie studie het ons ondersoek MIV-1-verwante bloedarmoede en erythroptosis in asimptomatiese, onbehandelde MIV-1 besmette individue en hoe dit verband hou met oksidatiewe stres en immuun aktivering.
Thesis (MScMedSc)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Erythrocyte apoptosis anaemia HIV, Anaemia in chronic HIV-positive persons, Theses -- Medicine, Dissertations -- Medicine, Theses -- Medical virology, Dissertations -- Medical virology, HIV (Viruses), Cell death, Apoptosis, HIV positive persons -- Anaemia