Jolyn Phillips se geding met taal in radbraak (2017)

dc.contributor.advisorVisagie, Andriesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPietersen, Leanderen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the years, various literary theorists and researchers have focused on language as an identity construction in different publications. Jolyn Phillips is no exeption and made her debut as a poet in 2017 with her collection radbraak in postcolonial South Africa. The significant title, radbraak, aligns with the language mutilation strategy evident in Phillips’ (2017) verses, encompassing language phenomena such as diglossia, code-switching, symbiosis, and metaphorical language. Furthermore, various linguistic frameworks are employed to provide a meaningful interpretation of the language mutilation strategy in Phillips’ (2017) verses. The dissertation specifically focuses on language as a construct and how Phillips (2017) applies it in her poetry. As a speaker of various varieties of Afrikaans, including Overberg Afrikaans, Cape Afrikaans and Standard Afrikaans, radbraak (2017) attempts to make these language varieties converse effectively. Phillips’ (2017) radbraak highlights different language varieties within the South African context, which are seen as separate entities but inherently have the potential to function symbiotically. The cultural critic, Hein Willemse (2012) notes that Cape Afrikaans is particularly associated with the humon of colored people and that speakers are considered “naïve, subservient, semi-educated, and unable to understand or appreciate complexity”. In contrast, Standard Afrikaans is spoken mainly by the Cape working class (coloured and white) in political arenas, corporate spaces, and educational levels, while the tendency towards a unique patois within local communities occurs naturally. In radbraak (2017), a concerted effort is made to break down these hierarchical levels of Afrikaans language varieties. Phillips (2017) succeeds in including various poems in her collection that transcend different boundaries, specifically between languages, language varieties, and cultures. This study includes a detailed discussion of seven selected poems from radbraak (2017). Theoretical insights into hybridity as a concept are used to highlight the importance of the hybridisation in the poet’s work devoted to language and identity. The selected theoretical framework is applied as a concept related to identity formation, language, and culture, which could possibly be further explored in future research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die jare heen het verskeie literêre teoretici en navorsers van verskillende werke op taal as identiteitskonstruksie gefokus. Jolyn Phillips is geen uitsondering nie en debuteer as digter in 2017 met haar bundel radbraak in ’n postkoloniale Suid-Afrika. Die veelseggende titel, radbraak, sluit aan by die taalverminking-strategie wat in Phillips (2017) se verse bespeur word en taalverskynsels soos diglossie, kodewisseling, simbiose en metaforiek insluit. Voorts word verskeie taalkundige raamwerke hieroor betrek om as sulks ’n sinvolle interpretasie van die taalverminking-strategie in Phillips (2017) se verse aan te bied. In hierdie verhandeling word daar spesifiek op taal as konstruk gefokus en hoe Phillips (2017) dit in haar verse aanwend. As ’n spreker van verskeie variëteite van Afrikaans, onder andere Overbergse Afrikaans (streektaal van die visserdorp Gansbaai), Kaapse Afrikaans asook Standaardafrikaans word daar in radbraak (2017) gepoog om hierdie taalvariëteite effektief te laat saampraat. Phillips (2017) se radbraak plaas die lig op verskillende taalvariëteite binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks wat as aparte entiteite gesien word, dog inherent die potensiaal het om simbioties te funksioneer. Die kultuurkritikus, Hein Willemse (2012), merk op dat Kaapse Afrikaans veral met die humor van die bruin mens verband hou en dat die sprekers as “naïef, skuifelend-onderdanig, halfgeskoold en met ’n onvermoë om kompleksiteit te begryp of te waardeer” beskou word. Hierteenoor word Standaardafrikaans veral deur die Kaapse werkersklas (bruin en wit) in politieke arenas, korporatiewe ruimtes en opvoedkundige vlakke gepraat, terwyl die neiging na ’n eie patois op eie bodem (dus in plaaslike gemeenskappe) heel natuurlik plaasvind. In radbraak (2017) word ’n daadwerklike poging aangewend om hierdie hiërargiese vlakke van taalvariëteite van Afrikaans af te breek. Phillips (2017) kry dit reg om in haar bundel verskeie verse in te sluit wat oor verskillende grense, meer spesifiek tale, taalvariëteite en kulture heen strek. Hierdie studie omvang sewe geselekteerde gedigte in radbraak (2017) wat breedvoerig bespreek word. Teoretiese insigte oor hibriditeit as konsep word betrek om die belang van hibridisering in die digter se werk oor taal en identiteit toe te lig . Die geselekteerde teoretiese raamwerk word aangewend as ’n konsep wat in verband met identiteitsvorming, taal en kultuur staan en wat moontlik verder gevoer kan word in toekomstige navorsing.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 101 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectJolyn Phillips se geding met taal in radbraak (2017)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrikaans language -- Variationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrikaans poetry -- 21st century -- Criticism and interpretationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCode switching (Linguistics)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshDiglossia (Linguistics)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPhillips, Jolynen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrikaans language -- Words, Newen_ZA
dc.titleJolyn Phillips se geding met taal in radbraak (2017)af_ZA
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