Masters Degrees (Afrikaans and Dutch)

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    Empowerment and disempowerment : a descriptive analysis of the multi-faceted role of parliamentary interpreters in South Africa
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-03-05) Sogiba, Asiphe; Lesch, Harold; Wallmach, Kim; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Interpreters working in the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa are required to perform in different settings, employ different working modes and address different audiences. To successfully render their service, interpreters must adjust their role and interpretation modes according to each setting they work in. The current study investigates the multi-faceted role of the parliamentary interpreter in South Africa by comparing the role of parliamentary interpreters when they perform simultaneous interpreting remotely during parliamentary sittings to their role in “less formal” parliamentary sessions such as public hearing sessions (Ntuli, 2012:1). In addition, the study will examine the reasons why parliamentary interpreters feel more empowered when they interpret physically as opposed to when they interpret remotely. The study will employ a mixed methods research approach involving the distribution of questionnaires to the interpreters working in Parliament. In addition, online one-on-one interviews will be conducted with selected interpreters, and the researcher will also observe parliamentary proceedings at the Western Cape Legislature as well as public hearings in two provinces, namely, the Eastern Cape, as well as the Western Cape provinces of South Africa. The findings of this study will assist in highlighting the prevalent challenges within the interpreting profession in the Parliament of South Africa and South Africa in general, with recommendations on how to alleviate them for the betterment of the profession.
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    Gesubsidieerde Nederlandstalige fiksie in Afrikaans : die seleksie en produksie van Esther Verhoef se Lieve Mama as gevallestudie
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03) Swart, Mareli; Feinauer, Ilse; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Nederlandstalige literaire thriller, Lieve Mama deur Esther Verhoef is in 2020 deur LAPA Uitgewers in Afrikaans gepubliseer. Deur die vertaling as fokusteks vir hierdie deskriptiewe kwalitatiewe gevallestudie te gebruik, word die faktore geïdentifiseer wat LAPA se seleksie- en produksieprosesse vorm, en hoe dié faktore hul aansien in die vertaal- en produksieveld van Afrikaanse genrefiksie beïnvloed. Bykomend hiertoe word LAPA se aandeel in die vorming en uitbreiding van Afrikaanse genrefiksie ondersoek, spesifiek die uitbreiding van misdaadfiksie deur die vertaling van ’n literaire thriller. Die studie se hoofdatainsamelingsmetode is semigestruktureerde onderhoude wat gevoer is met rolspelers wat by Liewe Mamma se seleksie- en produksieproses betrokke was, naamlik die teks se redakteur (Charlene Hougaard), vertaler (Joanita Fourie) en redigeerder (Jeanette Ferreira), asook die LAPA-werknemer wat die bronteks vir vertaling voorgestel het (Marieta Nel). Korrespondensie met die Nederlands Letterenfonds- (NLF-) korrespondent (Barbara den Ouden) en LAPA se uitvoerende hoof ten tye van die publikasie (Sylvia de Wet), asook bestaande bronne oor LAPA, Verhoef, Liewe Mamma en misdaadfiksie word betrek. Hierdie data word gebruik om LAPA se seleksie- en produksieproses op mesovlak (LAPA en die NLF) en makrovlak (LAPA se vertaalbeleid en - benadering) te ondersoek en bepaal. Hierdie prosesse word gebruik om LAPA se uitgewersprofiel saam te stel deur Bourdieu se konsepte van habitus en kapitaal te betrek. LAPA se rol om die Afrikaanse genrefiksieveld te vorm, word bespreek deur Bourdieu se veldteorie te gebruik, en LAPA in hierdie veld te situeer. Hierby word die Liewe Mamma-vertaler, Joanita Fourie, se habitus en kapitaal ook bepaal. Beide LAPA en Fourie se vertaalnorme is bepaal aan die hand van onderskeidelik Toury en Chesterman se werk. Daar is bevind dat Lieve Mama se seleksie vir vertaling nie op ’n konvensionele wyse plaasgevind het nie. Die vertaalprojek se uiteindelike goedkeuring het wel op LAPA se standaardkriteria vir teksseleksie berus – die gewildheid van die brontaalskrywer en die omvang van brontaalverkope. As deel van die studie is voorstelle gemaak vir LAPA om hulle voortaan te vestig as markvormer van Afrikaanse genrefiksie. ’n Aangepaste bemarkingstrategie word ook voorgestel sodat vertalings beter aan die Afrikaanse doelteksleser bekendgestel word, veral as die bronteksouteur kommersiële sukses in die brontaal behaal het. Voorstelle word gemaak om hierdie outeurs dan ook in die Afrikaanse doelkultuur ’n handelsmerkouteur te maak wat moontlik vir die uitgewery ’n bestendige inkomstevloei kan genereer. Deur LAPA se institusionele uitgewershabitus, kapitaal (waaroor hulle beskik en na streef) en vertaalnorme te gebruik, is daar vasgestel dat hulle hulself in ’n posisie in die Afrikaanse genrefiksie veld kan posisioneer wat steun op hulle geskiedenis as gevestigde, betroubare uitgewery van Afrikaanse genrefiksie, waar hulle ook deel is van grootskaalse produksie. LAPA kan gevolglik optree as markvormer omdat hulle veldposisie sterk genoeg is en hulle genoeg kapitaal het om meer gewaagde redaksionele besluite te neem. Liewe Mamma het egter getoon dat nie elke waagstuk sukses waarborg nie.
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    ’n Ondersoek na die ideologiese invloed op die Afrikaanse hervertaling van Wilbur Smith se The sound of thunder
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03) Meads, Carolyn; Feinauer, Ilse; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens apartheid is Wilbur Smith se boeke When the lion feeds (1964) en A sparrow falls (1977b) weens onwelvoeglikheid en godslastering verban. Eietyds is sy werk deur sommige kommentators weens rassisme en seksisme gekritiseer. Dit blyk dus dat daar in verskillende sosiohistoriese kontekste uiteenlopende ideologies gefundeerde opvattings oor Smith se werk bestaan. Smith se romans is al in meer as dertig tale vertaal, insluitend Afrikaans. Trouens, van sommige van sy boeke bestaan daar meer as een Afrikaanse vertaling. Dit tel onder van die min voorbeelde van hervertaling in Afrikaans. Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die ideologiese invloed op ’n Afrikaanse hervertaling van een van Smith se romans, The sound of thunder (1966), ten einde by te dra tot die onlangse opbloei van studies oor die sosiokulturele invloede op hervertaling. Daar is nog weinig studies oor hervertaling in Afrikaans en hierdie studie verteenwoordig ʼn poging om by te dra tot navorsing in dié veld. ’n Beskrywende studie is onderneem met as korpus The sound of thunder (Smith 1966) en die eerste Afrikaanse vertaling daarvan, As die donderweer dreun (Smith 1977a), vertaal deur Johann Swanepoel, asook die hervertaling, Donderslag (Smith 2015), vertaal deur Zirk van den Berg. Lefevere (2017) se raamwerk en sy konsepte van die patronaat en professionele agente is ingespan om ’n kontekstuele beskrywing te doen van die heersende ideologie in die tydperke waarin die eerste vertaling en hervertaling onderskeidelik gepubliseer is. Lambert en Van Gorp (1985) se model is vir die tekstuele vergelyking van die korpus van tekste gebruik. Duidelike verskille is geïdentifiseer tussen die vertaaloplossings in die tekssegmente wat ondersoek is in die hervertaling en dié in die eerste vertaling. Met die trek van verbande tussen die heersende ideologie ten tyde van publikasie en die vorm en inhoud van onderskeidelik die eerste vertaling en hervertaling, is daar bevind dat ideologie ’n merkbare invloed op albei tekste uitgeoefen het. Die apartheidsideologie, Afrikanernasionalisme en Christelike konserwatisme van 1977 kan in As die donderweer dreun (Smith 1977a) in verband gebring word met byvoorbeeld die gebruik van raspejoratiewe en die versagting van godslastering, asook met die weglating van tonele wat met predikante spot; wat as “onwelvoeglik” beskou kon word; of wat Afrikaners in ’n ongunstige lig stel. Die liberalisme van 2015 kan in Donderslag (Smith 2015) in verband gebring word met byvoorbeeld die aanpassing van uitbeeldings van swart mense sodat sulke uitbeeldings nie stereotiep of eksotiserend is nie; die aanpassing van veralgemenings ten opsigte van ras en gender sodat dit net op ’n spesifieke individu van toepassing is; en die weglating van die frase “I deserved that” uit ’n vroulike karakter se dialoog nadat die manlike hoofkarakter haar ’n pak slae gegee het. Ten slotte is daar bevind dat ideologie as die hoofrede vir hierdie hervertaling gesien kan word omdat die 1977-vertaling nie geskik sou wees in die ideologiese konteks van die doelkultuur in 2015 nie.
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    Jolyn Phillips se geding met taal in radbraak (2017)
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-12) Pietersen, Leander; Visagie, Andries; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the years, various literary theorists and researchers have focused on language as an identity construction in different publications. Jolyn Phillips is no exeption and made her debut as a poet in 2017 with her collection radbraak in postcolonial South Africa. The significant title, radbraak, aligns with the language mutilation strategy evident in Phillips’ (2017) verses, encompassing language phenomena such as diglossia, code-switching, symbiosis, and metaphorical language. Furthermore, various linguistic frameworks are employed to provide a meaningful interpretation of the language mutilation strategy in Phillips’ (2017) verses. The dissertation specifically focuses on language as a construct and how Phillips (2017) applies it in her poetry. As a speaker of various varieties of Afrikaans, including Overberg Afrikaans, Cape Afrikaans and Standard Afrikaans, radbraak (2017) attempts to make these language varieties converse effectively. Phillips’ (2017) radbraak highlights different language varieties within the South African context, which are seen as separate entities but inherently have the potential to function symbiotically. The cultural critic, Hein Willemse (2012) notes that Cape Afrikaans is particularly associated with the humon of colored people and that speakers are considered “naïve, subservient, semi-educated, and unable to understand or appreciate complexity”. In contrast, Standard Afrikaans is spoken mainly by the Cape working class (coloured and white) in political arenas, corporate spaces, and educational levels, while the tendency towards a unique patois within local communities occurs naturally. In radbraak (2017), a concerted effort is made to break down these hierarchical levels of Afrikaans language varieties. Phillips (2017) succeeds in including various poems in her collection that transcend different boundaries, specifically between languages, language varieties, and cultures. This study includes a detailed discussion of seven selected poems from radbraak (2017). Theoretical insights into hybridity as a concept are used to highlight the importance of the hybridisation in the poet’s work devoted to language and identity. The selected theoretical framework is applied as a concept related to identity formation, language, and culture, which could possibly be further explored in future research.
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    Abjeksie in MS Burger se Bloedfamilie (2012) en Seuns wat weet (kortverhaalbundel)
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-12) Botha, Frederick Johannes; Schaffer, Alfred, 1973-; Anker, Willem; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing, a mini-thesis is presented with the title, “Abjeksie in MS Burger se Bloedfamilie (2012)” (“Abjection in MS Burger’s Bloedfamilie (Blood Family)”). This research topic was decided upon during the writing of Seuns wat weet (Boys who know), a collection of short stories in which the abject play a prominent role. The mini-thesis points out the close interplay between the individual stories in MS Burger’s Bloedfamilie, which not only creates unity in the collection, but also places the text within the genre of the short story cycle. This genre is briefly defined, after which coherence markers such as the single protagonist, recurring characters, and continuous motifs are pointed out. However, it is the theme of abjection in Bloedfamilie that forms the focus of this mini-thesis. Julia Kristeva’s (1982) authoritative abject theory is outlined, followed by an exploration of the way in which abjection functions in the literature (Booker, 1991; Bousset, 2004; Arya, 2014). Kristeva’s view that abjection contributes to the process of creating identity is taken as point of departure for the textual analysis of Bloedfamilie where abjection is investigated on the basis of the following aspects: the bodily, the sexual, illness, rebellion against the mother, and violence. Apart from the fact that the abject portrayal of these aspects enables the first-person protagonist to establish her identity, it is also used in a moralistic manner to deploy the moral bankruptcy of orders and systems such as religion, family, and tradition, and to comment on issues such as gender inequality and rights. Seuns wat weet is a short story cycle in which Frikkie acts as first-person protagonist, with character development taking place from his childhood through to adulthood. Although the fifteen stories in the collection function individually, they form a greater coherence when they are read as part of a cycle, by showing Frikkie’s emotional development more clearly. The fifteen stories explore themes such as family, religion, culture, violence and (gay) sexuality, and how these aspects have a formative influence on Frikkie’s identity.