Fostering design students’ creativity through reflective practice

dc.contributor.advisorFrick, B. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAbdo, Fionaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This study reports on an action research project I undertook at the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion together with 3rd year fashion design students. The focus of the study was the fostering of my design students’ creativity through reflective practices. Reflection on my previous teaching practices revealed challenging aspects which were hindering my design students’ creativity and this was used as a catalyst to introducing reflective practices into my teaching approach. This introduction of reflective practices, in turn, led me to adopting a change in my teaching practice from one of teaching creatively, to teaching for creativity. A thorough review of the relevant literature aided the design of lesson plans, incorporating dialogical reflective practices, focusing on critical friend discussions, peer group discussions, and one-on-one student facilitator feedback sessions. The action research study was conducted over two action research cycles. The first action research cycle was aimed at changing my teaching practice, introducing the students to the concept of reflection, and facilitating various reflective activities within the initial conceptual design process of the self-expressive design brief presented to the participating students. The second action research cycle was an attempt at fostering creativity in my design students through reflective practices. The planning for action research cycle 2 was a refinement of the activities in action research cycle 1, following practitioner reflections and colleague validation discussions on the outcomes of the first cycle. The facilitator observations, as well as participant feedback that was supported by the relevant literature found that reflective activity practiced within the fashion design process allows the students to communicate and engage with their peers, which evokes self-awareness and self-direction. The reflective activities encourage the students to assess their design process, develop an understanding of context, compare different design projects, rethink dominant design choices, and identify unconscious aspects of the design problem. This repeated testing of the design problem, dialogically, enhances the reflective process and aids the students in gaining clarity and confidence in their design concepts. When a design student is confident and clear on his or her design direction, their creativity is stimulated. Limiting apprehension, lack of self-awareness, and reservation within the students allows for autonomy of self-expression to develop. In conclusion, if practiced appropriately, reflective practices within the design process can foster the creativity of design students.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie rapporteer ‘n aksienavorsingsprojek wat ek onderneem het by die Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion tesame met die derdejaar mode-ontwerp studente. Die fokus van die studie was die bevordering van my ontwerpstudente se kreatiwiteit deur middel van reflektiewe praktyke. Refleksie op my vorige onderrigpraktyke het uitdagende aspekte wat my ontwerpstudente se kreatiwiteit verhinder onthul, en is gebruik as ‘n katalisator om reflektiewe praktyke bekend te stel binne my onderrigbenadering. Hierdie bekendstelling van reflektiewe praktyke het my oortuig om my onderrigpraktyk te verander van kreatiwiteit-onderrig, na onderrig vir kreatiwiteit. ‘n Deeglike oorsig van die relevante literatuur het die ontwerp van lesplanne, inkorporering van dialogiese reflektiewe praktyke, ‘n fokus op kritiese vriendbesprekings, ewekniebesprekings, en een-tot-een student-fasiliteerder terugvoersessies bevorder. Die aksienavorsingstudie is voltooi oor twee aksienavorsingsiklusse. Die eerste aksienavorsingsiklus was gemik op die verandering van my onderrigpraktyk, die bekendstelling van studente aan die konsep van refleksie, en die fasilitering van verskeie reflektiewe aktiwiteite binne die aanvanklike konseptuele ontwerpproses van die self-ekspressiewe ontwerpopdrag aangebied aan die deelnemende studente. Die tweede aksienavorsingsiklus was ‘n poging om kreatiwiteit binne my ontwerpstudente te bevorder deur reflektiewe praktyke. Die beplanning vir aksienavorsingsiklus 2 was ‘n verfyning van die aktiwiteite in aksienavorsingsiklus 1, op grond van praktisynrefleksies en kollega bevestigingsbesprekings oor die uitkomste van die eerste siklus. Die fasiliteerder se waarnemings, sowel as deelnemerterugvoer wat ondersteun is deur die relevante literatuur het gevind dat reflektiewe aktiwiteit wat beoefen is binne die mode-ontwerpproses studente in staat gestel het om met hul eweknieë te kommunikeer en te interakteer, wat self-bewussyn en self-gerigtheid ontlok het. Die reflektiewe aktiwiteite het studente aangemoedig om hul ontwerpproses te assesseer, ‘n begrip vir konteks te ontwikkel, verskillende ontwerpprojekte te vergelyk, dominante ontwerpkeuses te heroorweeg, en onbewuste aspekte van die ontwerpprobleem te identifiseer. Hierdie herhalende dialogiese toetsing van die ontwerpprobleem het die refleksieproses bevorder en die studente gehelp om klarigheid en selfvertroue te verkry in hul ontwerpkonsepte. Wanneer ‘n ontwerpstudent selfvertroue het en duidelikheid het oor sy of haar ontwerprigting, word hul kreatiwiteit gestimuleer. Beperking van vrees, ‘n gebrek aan self-bewustheid, en voorbehoud binne studente laat die ontwikkeling van outonomie van self-uitdrukking toe. Ter opsomming, indien toepaslik bedryf, kan reflektiewe praktyke binne die ontwerpproses kreatiwiteit van ontwerpstudente bevorder.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 78 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectElizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashionen_ZA
dc.subjectFashion design -- Study and teaching (Higher)en_ZA
dc.subjectReflective learningen_ZA
dc.subjectReflective practiceen_ZA
dc.subjectCreative abilityen_ZA
dc.subjectElizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Designen_ZA
dc.titleFostering design students’ creativity through reflective practiceen_ZA
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