H.A. Welker and pedagogical lexicography

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Bureau of the WAT
The lexicographer Herbert Andreas Welker's book of more than 500 pages about pedagogical lexicography provides a panoramic overview of the various types of pedagogical dictionaries as well as the corresponding theoretical literature. Welker's method is descriptive, with himself mainly an observer of lexicographical practice and a "collector" of - frequently opposed - opinions and ideas expressed by a large number of scholars. This method allows the reader to become acquainted with an important part of the most relevant literature on pedagogical lexicography which is presented in a systematic and condensed form. Written in Portuguese, the book might perhaps not be so easily accessible to many readers. This review article provides a guided tour through the main contents of this highly recommendable book and discusses some of the most important ideas reproduced in it.
CITATION: Tarp, S. 2010. H.A. Welker and pedagogical lexicography. Lexikos, 20:730-749, doi:10.5788/20-0-166.
The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.za
Welker, Herbert Andreas, Lexicography, Dictionaries
Tarp, S. 2010. H.A. Welker and pedagogical lexicography. Lexikos, 20:730-749, doi:10.5788/20-0-166.