Perceptions and preferences on high density residential development in low-cost housing : a case study of Langa

dc.contributor.advisorKoopman, C.
dc.contributor.authorMadikane, Thulani
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Sustainable Development Planning & Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of low-cost housing constitutes one of South Africa's biggest challenges. As a result, high density residential development, amid an ever increasing urban population in South Africa, is seen as the answer to address the housing problems by the authorities. The concept of densification presupposes, upon its implementation, the advantages of promoting an integrated urban system, more economical use of land, a better quality of life for the recipients, containing urban sprawl and the protection of the agricultural and natural resources. However, the application of the concept of high density development in low-cost housing has been criticised for failing to fulfil its main objectives which are intended to better the lives of the people. The hypothesis is that the concept of densification may impact negatively on the quality of family living. As a result, the main objective of this study is to seek statistical data which is related to quality of family living and to uncover the views and experiences of household members. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire, interviews and literature-based research method was adopted in this study. In addition, built housing models complemented the questionnaire. Since part of the government's high density development strategy is to expand the existing townships, the Langa township in the Western Province was chosen to conduct the study. The findings of this study revealed that the application of the concept of high density development in Langa has resulted in situations of overcrowding and noise, a lack of privacy, smaller housing structures and erven, a lack of space for children to play and adults to socialise and regular clashes between the residents and the authorities regarding these issues. Therefore, the hypothesis that although densification may have resulted in more housing units being built whilst at the same time impacting negatively on the quality of family living has been proven to be true by this study. However, this study has revealed the fact that although there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of densification, the problem lies with the manner in which the concept is applied in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van laekostebehuising vorm deel van Suid-Afrika se grootste uitdagings. Die resultaat is dat die ontwikkeling van woongebiede met hoë digthede deur die owerhede gesien word as een van die oplossings vir behuisingsprobleme van 'n steeds snelgroeiende stedelike bevolking. Met die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting word daar veronderstel dat die voordele van 'n geintegreerde stedelike stelsel, die ekonomiese gebruik van grond, beter lewensgehalte vir burgers, die beperking van stedelike uitgestrektheid en die beskerming van landbou- en natuurlike hulpbronne, verwesenlik sal word. Die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting in laekostebehuising word egter gekritiseer omdat dit tekortskiet in die primere doelwit wat daarop gemik is om die lewensgehalte van burgers te bevorder. Die hipotese is dat die konsep van verdigting gesinslewe en daarby die lewenskwaliteit van persone negatief kan beinvloed. Die doel van die studie is dus om statistiese data wat verband hou met die gehalte van gesinslewe , in te win ten einde sienswyses en ervarings van gesinne in laekoste woonbuurte te verwoord. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is 'n vraelys, onderhoude en 'n literatuurgebaseerde navorsingsmetode gevolg. Bykomende behuisingsmodelle het die vraelys gekomplementeer. Aangesien die regering se verdigtingstrategie vir ontwikkeling ten doel het om bestaande townships uit te brei, is Langa in die Wes-Kaap gekies as studiegebied. Die bevindinge van die studie toon aan dat die implementering van die konsep van die ontwikkeling van hoë digte, laekostebehuising oorbevolking en geraas, 'n gebrek aan privaatheid, kleiner huisstrukture en erwe, 'n gebrek aan speelplek vir kinders en onvoldoende plek vir volwassenes om te sosialiseer, teweeg gebring het - die toestande het tot gereelde botsings tussen die inwoners en owerhede gelei. Die studie bewys dus die hipotese dat hoewel verdigting tot die bou van meer behuisingseenhede gelei het, dit ook 'n negatiewe impak op die gehalte van gesinslewe meegebring het. Die studie bewys dat hoewel daar niks inherent met die konsep van verdigting verkeerd is nie, die probleem Iê in die manier waarop die konsep binne Suid-Afrika toegepas word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent98, [4] p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHousing -- South Africa -- Langaen_ZA
dc.subjectLow-income housing -- South Africa -- Langaen_ZA
dc.subjectHousing policy -- South Africa -- Langaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.titlePerceptions and preferences on high density residential development in low-cost housing : a case study of Langaen_ZA
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