Administrative support for community participation in the IDP : a case study of the Oostenberg Municipality

Erasmus, Vernon William Hendry
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explains community participation in the Integrated Development Planning (lDP) process and indicates that administrative support in the Oostenberg Municipality is not conducive for the facilitation of effective participation in this process. This resulted in poor attendance of the 1997/98 cycle of the IDP meetings. Certain improvements in this regard to the 1998/99 cycle did not show any significant difference. This situation did not allow the Oostenberg Municipality to achieve the objective of meaningful input from the community in the IDP policy process. It resulted in the budget not reflecting the priority needs of community specifically. Data in the study was obtained by means of a questionnaire. Information derived at supports the researcher's hypothesis that administrative support is not conducive to effective participation. The study yielded various reasons for non-participation, inter-alia that: the community was uninformed about the IDP, preventing people from access to information and effective participation; II> community participation was undertaken by various directorates on a fragmented basis while no official plan for implementing participation in a coordinated fashion existed; the Oostenberg Municipality relied only on community meetings as a method of participation. The illiteracy factor in the Oostenberg community however, made this an ineffective method; and the community do not value their participation because of the perception that the municipality and it's officials do not regard the community input in a serious light. Based on these findings, criteria for supporting effective community participation processes were developed. Practical recommendations which can be used to overcome the problems of participation in the context of the study were formulated. The principle recommendations derived at in this study are the following: ~ participation should be institutionalised by making one directorate responsible for it; ~ incorporating a participation policy into the organisation; ~ introducing alternative participation mechanisms, techniques and structures for the IDP; ~ the establishment of better communication systems and processes for the IDP; and, ~ the use of developmental-orientated officials and councillors (by providing them with ongoing training and development). If officials and councillors become developmentorientated they will eventually value community participation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie verduidelik deelname in die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning proses (GOP) en dui daarop dat administratiewe steun in die Oostenberg Munisipaliteit nie bevorderlik is vir die ontwikkeling van effektiewe deelname in die proses nie. Dit het veroorsaak dat daar swak bywoning van die 1997/98 siklus van GOP vergaderings was. Verbeterings in hierdie verband tot die 1998/99 siklus het nie enige merkwaardige verbeterings getoon nie. Die swak bywoning het nie die Oostenberg Munisipaliteit toegelaat om die doelwitte van betekenisvolle insette van die gemeenskap in die GOP proses te bereik nie. Dit het gevolg dat die prioriteite van die gemeenskap nie in die begroting gereflekteer is nie. Data in die studie was verkry deur middel van 'n vraelys. Afleiding gemaak vanafinligting ondersteun die navorser se hipotese dat administrasie steun nie bevorderlik is vir effektiewe deelname nie. Die studie verskaf verskeie redes vir die swak deelname, onder andere dat: die gemeenskap oningelig was oor die GOP en dat dit die mense weerhou het van toegang tot informasie en effektiewe deelname; .. gemeenskapsdeelname onderneem was deur verskeie direktorate op 'n gefragmenteerde basis terwyl geen amptelike plan vir die implementering van effektiewe deelname op 'n gekoordineerde manier bestaan het nie; Oostenberg Munisipaliteit slegs op gemeenskapsvergaderings staatgemaak het as 'n metode van deelname. Die ongeletterdheid in die Oostenberg gemeenskap het dit 'n oneffektiewe metode gemaak; en .. die gemeenskap heg geen waarde aan hul deelname nie aangesien die persepsie bestaan dat die munisipaliteit en sy amptenare nie die gemeenskap se insette in 'n ernstige lig beskou nie. Gebaseer op hierdie bevinding was kriteria vir effektiewe deelname ontwikkel. Praktiese aanbevelings wat gebruik kan word om probleme van deelname te oorkom was in die konteks van hierdie studie geformuleer. Die belangrikste aanbevelings is as volg: .. deelname moet ge-institusionaliseer word en een direktoraat verantwoordelik te maak daarvoor; .. die daarstelling van 'n deelname-beleid by die munisipaliteit; .. die bekendstelling van alternatiewe deelname meganisme, tegnieke en strukture vir die GOP; .. die vestiging van beter kommunikasie stelsels en prosesse vir die GOP; en .. die aanwending van ontwikkeling georiënteerde amptenare en raadslede (deur hulle te voorsien van deurlopende opleiding en ontwikkeling). Indien amptenare en raadslede ontwikkelings-georiënteerd is, sal hulle waarde kan heg aan gemeenskapsdeelname.
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Municipal services -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Local government -- South Africa -- Oostenberg -- Citizen participation -- Case studies, Local government -- South Africa -- Oostenberg -- Decision making, Dissertations -- Public administration, Theses -- Public administration