An investigation into partnerships between schools and service provider in an education district

dc.contributor.advisorReddy, C. P. S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBailey, Lorraineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : The role of partnerships between schools and service providers remains an important part of school improvement processes. In this study the role of the READ Education Trust in assisting teachers with the implementation of a Balanced Language Approach is explored and researched. This study focuses on the experiences of the three partners, the READ facilitator, the curriculum advisor and the teachers from participating schools. The study looks at the factors promoting or hindering the success of the partnership and develops ideas based on the data produced for ways in which such partnerships might be improved and planned for more ‘successful’ interactions. The study is framed and interpreted within the Cultural Historical Activity Theory framework as it lends itself to the multiple dimensions of different activities within a system. Each partner is viewed as an activity system and the processes of interaction between the systems, what facilitates interactions and provides positive developments are recorded and discussed in terms of literature reviewed. The three partners were investigated separately and data developed by way of interviews, questionnaires and document analysis (teacher lesson plans). Overall the partners show complimentary interactions that supported the intervention to improve language teaching. A well planned professional developed process which included new teaching ideas that were supported by materials were mentioned by teachers as an important factor in their own learning and professional development. The curriculum advisor and the READ facilitator cited interactions with teachers and between themselves as important sharing processes (boundary crossing) where new ideas, adaptations to materials and new approaches to teaching were developed (boundary objects) that promoted the objectives of the partnership mainly the implementation of the balanced language approach to language teaching. Issues raised as barriers included lack of support at school level, the “exclusion” of school management teams in the partnership process, the lack of enthusiasm for the partnership demonstrated by school management teams. Another issue raised was the limited time the READ facilitator could spend in classrooms. Suggestions for further research include a form of cascade process to include more teachers at schools and a greater collaboration between neighbouring schools in order to extend the useful ideas and value of the partnership.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die rol van die vennootskap tussen skole en diensverskaffers bly n belangrike deel van skoolverbeteringdprosesse. Met hierdie studie word die rol van die READ–opvoedingstrust in die opleiding van onderwysers om die gebalanseerde taalmetode te implementeer, nagevors en bespreek. Die studie focus op die ervarings van die drie vennote, die READ-fasiliteerder, die kurrikulum adviseur en onderwysers by deelnemende skole. Die studie ondersoek die faktore wat die sukses van die vennootskap bevorder of verhinder en ontwikkel idees, gebasser op die data, oor how sulke vennootskappe verbeter kan word en beplan kan word ten ten einde meer suksesvolle interaksies te laat plaasvind. Die studie word volgens die teoretiese raamwerk van kultureel-historiese aktiwiteitsraamwerke gedoen, aangesien die verskillende dimensies van die vennootskap hierdeur gedek word en elke stelsel in die vennootskap hierdeur ingesluit word. Elke vennoot word as a aktiwiteitstelsel gesien en die interaksies tussen stelsels en wat dit bevorder en positiewe ontwikkelings wat mag geskied, word genotuleer en bespreek met die literatuurstudie as agtergrond. Die drie vennote is onafhanklik ondersoek en data is ontwikkel deur onderhoude, vraelyste en document-analise ( onderwyser se lesplanne) te raadpleeg. Oor die algemeen het vennote komplimentere interaksies getoon wat die ingryping om taalonderwys te verbeter, ondersteun. Dit was ‘n goedbeplande professionele ontwikkelingsprogram wat met leerondersteuningsmateriaal onderskraag is. Dit is as n belangrike factor in die leer-en onderrig van onderwysers geidentifiseer. Die kurrikulumadviseur en die READ-fasiliteerder het onderlinge interaksies met mekaar en met die onderwysers as belangrike grensoorskrydingsprosesse ( boundary crossing ) bestempel, wat nuwe idees, aanpassing van bronmateriaal en nuwe benaderings tot onderwys ontwikkel het ( boundary objects) wat die uitkomstes van die vennootskap , naamlik die implimentering van die gebalanseerde taalonderrigbenadering bevorder het. Kwessies wat as hindernisse geidentifiseer is sluit in die tekort aan ondersteuning op skoolvlak en die uitsluiting van die skool se bestuurspan in die vennootskap. Ook die tekort ann entosiasme van die skool se bestuurspan in die vennootskap is genoem. ‘n Verdere kwessie war uitgesonder is, is gebrek aan tyd wat die READ faciliteerder in the klasse on deurbring. Voorstelle vir verder navorsing behels die insluiting van meer onderwysers by skole ( reeds ingesluit in die vennootskap), asook die feit dat daar beter verhoudinge met naburige skole ingestel word ,deur middle van ‘n “cascade” proses om die goeie idees en waarde van die vennootskap uit te brei.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 118 pages : chiefly colouren_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectService providers -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum consultants -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectREAD Education Trusten_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage teachers -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectPublic-private sector cooperation - South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectSchool districts -- South Africa --Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage and languages -- Study and teaching -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleAn investigation into partnerships between schools and service provider in an education districten_ZA
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