Store image : scale implementation Part 3

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AOSIS Publishing
This paper is the final in the three-part series regarding store image. The purposes of this article are to (1) implement the developed scale to assess whether it illustrates acceptable psychometric properties of reliability and validity, (2) assess the model fit of the developed scale and (3) formulate recommendations for future research. Results indicated that the Apparel Store Image Scale (ASIS) shows acceptable reliability and model fit. A refined definition of store image together with a final model of apparel store image is proposed. Recommendations for future research are made.
CITATION: Du Preez, R. & Visser, E.M. & Janse van Noordwyk, H.S. 2008. Store image: Scale implementation Part 3. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 34(2):69-78, doi: 10.4102/sajip.v34i2.723.
The original publication is available at
Stores, Retail -- Design and construction
Du Preez, R. & Visser, E.M. & Janse van Noordwyk, H.S. 2008. Store image: Scale implementation Part 3. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 34(2):69-78, doi: 10.4102/sajip.v34i2.723.