An integrated public service system (IPSS) utilising complexity and network theory in the enhancement of public value (PV)

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Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management
An integrated public service system (IPSS) is highly feasible as a system geared to the production and measurement of public value (PV), utilising stakeholder engagement, relationship building and citizens’ participation. This article draws on the established foundations of complexity, network and PV theory and sets out a case for intended research regarding the adoption and implementation of an IPSS in order to establish results, recommendations and limitations. An IPSS diverges from the current status quo in public management, which is characterised by bureaucracy, authoritarianism, fragmentation and excessive political-administrative control in shaping service delivery outcomes. In demonstrating the operability of an IPSS, a framework based on the principles of nonlinearity and interconnectivity and composed of four distinct ‘productivity states’, is outlined for the production and measurement of PV, i.e. the products of an IPSS. Network actors and stakeholders, as structural elements of an IPSS, appoint integrative leadership teams to assume responsibility for integration processes, network stability, feedback, innovation, resource utilisation and the growth of the IPSS through network strengthening and the formation of strategic alliances. IPSS management is described in relation to IPSS elements and the broad range of promoting and constraining factors emanating from stakeholder objectives and the complex environment.
CITATION: Jessa, F. & Uys, F. M. 2016. An integrated public service system (IPSS) utilising complexity and network theory in the enhancement of public value (PV). Administratio Publica, 24(1):183-208.
The original publication is available at
Jessa, F. & Uys, F. M. 2016. An integrated public service system (IPSS) utilising complexity and network theory in the enhancement of public value (PV). Administratio Publica, 24(1):183-208.