Homeland security: the domestic deployment of the South African Armed Forces

dc.contributor.advisorEsterhuyse, Abelen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAndreas, Janen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Military Science. School for Security and Africa Studies: Military Strategy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMil)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically, South Africa has deployed the military domestically since its colonial era. Domestic military deployments in South Africa have occurred during various periods of government, including those of the Dutch, British, Union, and republican governments. The domestic deployment of the military by all previous governments was for all practical purposes intended to suppress rebellions against the government, enforce government policies, and maintain stability. The South African military has also deployed domestically several times to assist with disaster relief, to maintain law and order, and to protect the borders. The purpose of this research was to explore the idea of homeland security as a guiding framework for the domestic deployment of the South African armed forces. It aimed to address a number of key questions about the conceptualisation of homeland security in South Africa to determine the key drivers for the domestic deployment, doctrine, training, and resourcing of the South African military. In terms of homeland security, it refers to the efforts and measures taken by a government in order to safeguard its citizens, critical infrastructure, and territorial integrity from internal and external threats. It includes a wide range of initiatives aimed at preventing, detecting, and responding to dangers that include cyber-attacks, natural catastrophes, orchestrated violent political unrest, and other events that may endanger a country’s security or the general wellbeing of the nation. These efforts by the government involve a multiplicity of government departments, agencies, and private sector organisations working together to prevent and respond to threats. Among them are law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, emergency management agencies, the military, and the private sector. Overall, the goal of homeland security is to ensure that the nation remains safe, secure, and resilient in the face of a wide range of threats and risks. Homeland security should not be viewed as exclusively or even primarily a military task. Security cluster departments, provincial and local government organisations, the private sector, and the populace must carry out several activities in an integrated manner to secure the domestic security domain as a highly complex environment (Tomisek, 2002). In post-1994 South Africa, the domestic security situation has become particularly contentious, where the South African Police Service (SAPS) is mandated to address domestic security, but often relies on the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to assist in this role. The SANDF is not always trained, structured, or equipped to address contemporary domestic security issues such as recurrent xenophobic unrest, gangsterism, and, most recently, the July 2021 civil unrest. These security occurrences have caught the South African security structures off guard and unprepared to respond appropriately. The lack of coordination among security organisations highlights the weakness in the South African security cluster concept, or the application thereof, which creates the perception of an ineffective national security system. Homeland security is an emerging concept that guides the domestic utilisation of militaries globally. The South African security reconceptualisation of the early 1990s provided the foundation for the concept of homeland security; the SANDF therefore needed to develop a doctrine for the purpose of understanding its role in conducting homeland security missions within a whole-of-government system. However, homeland security has never been deliberately explored as an organising concept for the domestic deployment of the South African military in democratic South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Histories het Suid-Afrika die weermag sedert sy koloniale era binnelands ontplooi. Binnelandse militêre ontplooiings in Suid-Afrika het gedurende verskillende regeringsperiodes plaasgevind, insluitend dié van die Nederlandse, Britse, Unie- en republikeinse regerings. Die binnelandse ontplooiing van die weermag deur alle vorige regerings was vir alle praktiese doeleindes bedoel om rebellies teen die regering te onderdruk, regeringsbeleid af te dwing, en stabiliteit te handhaaf. Die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag het ook verskeie kere binnelands ontplooi om met ramphulp te help, wet en orde te handhaaf, en die landsgrense te beskerm. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om die idee van binnelandse veiligheid as ’n rigtinggewende raamwerk vir die binnelandse ontplooiing van die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag te ondersoek en het ten doel om ’n aantal sleutelvrae oor die konseptualisering van binnelandse veiligheid in Suid-Afrika te beantwoord om die sleutelkwessies vir die binnelandse ontplooiing, doktrine, opleiding, en die befondsing van die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag te bepaal. Wat binnelandse veiligheid betref, dit verwys na die pogings en maatreëls van ’n regering om sy burgers, kritiese infrastruktuur, en territoriale integriteit teen interne en eksterne bedreigings te beskerm. Dit bevat ’n wye reeks inisiatiewe wat daarop gemik is om gevare te voorkom, op te spoor, en daarop te reageer, insluitend kuberaanvalle, natuurrampe, georkestreerde gewelddadige politieke onrus, en ander gebeure wat die veiligheid of algemene welstand van die land in gevaar kan stel. Hierdie pogings deur die regering behels ’n verskeidenheid van staatsdepartemente, agentskappe, en organisasies in die privaatsektor wat saamwerk om bedreigings te voorkom en daarop te reageer. Onder hulle is wetstoepassingsagentskappe, intelligensie-agentskappe, noodbestuursagentskappe, die weermag, en die privaatsektor. Oor die algemeen is die doel van binnelandse veiligheid om te verseker dat die nasie veilig, beskermd, en vasberade bly ten opsigte van ’n wye verskeidenheid bedreigings en risiko’s. Binnelandse veiligheid moet nie as uitsluitlik of selfs hoofsaaklik ’n militêre taak beskou word nie. Veiligheidsgroeperingsdepartemente, provinsiale en plaaslike regeringsorganisasies, die privaatsektor, en die bevolking moet verskeie aktiwiteite op ’n geïntegreerde wyse uitvoer om die binnelandse veiligheidsdomein, as ’n hoogs ingewikkelde omgewing, te beveilig (Tomisek, 2002). In post-1994 Suid-Afrika het die binnelandse veiligheidsituasie besonder omstrede geraak, waar die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) ’n mandaat het om binnelandse veiligheid aan te spreek, maar dikwels op die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) staatmaak om met hierdie rol te help. Die SANW is nie altyd opgelei, gestruktureer, of toegerus om die hedendaagse binnelandse veiligheidskwessies soos herhalende xenofobiese onrus, bendebedrywighede en die mees onlangse burgerlike onrus van Julie 2021 aan te spreek nie. Hierdie veiligheidsvoorvalle het die Suid-Afrikaanse veiligheidstrukture onkant en onvoorbereid betrap om gepas te reageer. Die gebrek aan koördinasie tussen veiligheidsorganisasies beklemtoon die swakheid van die konsep van die Suid-Afrikaanse veiligheidsgroepering, oftewel die toepassing daarvan, wat ’n persepsie van ’n ondoeltreffende nasionale veiligheidstelsel skep. Binnelandse veiligheid is ’n opkomende konsep wat die binnelandse benutting van militêre magte wêreldwyd lei. Die Suid-Afrikaanse veiligheidsherkonseptualisering van die vroeë 1990s het die grondslag gelê vir die konsep van binnelandse veiligheid; daarom moes die SANW doktrine ontwikkel met die doel om hul rol te verstaan wanneer tuislandveiligheidsmissies binne ’n hele regeringstelsel uitgevoer word. Binnelandse veiligheid is egter nog nooit doelbewus ondersoek as ’n organiserende konsep vir die binnelandse ontplooiing van die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag in demokratiese Suid-Afrika nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 145 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNational security -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSouth Africa -- Armed Forces -- Political activityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCivil defence -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSouth Africa. National Defence Forceen_ZA
dc.titleHomeland security: the domestic deployment of the South African Armed Forcesen_ZA
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