Towards an appropriate framework for South African rural renewable energy provision

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable energy provision is regarded as one of the most significant development challenges in South Africa, where a large proportion of the population still lacks access to energy services. Efforts at addressing this situation have encountered substantial problems. The Intermediate Technology Development Group (a.k.a. Practical Action) has developed a manual that seeks to address these issues; the Renewable Energy for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods workgroup has also developed such a framework that makes use of computer-modelling. Both these frameworks rely heavily on the Sustainable Livelihoods theoretical framework and have been integrated and assessed in terms of their applicability for South African rural renewable energy through a Delphi study conducted with several experts in the industry. The results indicate that the integrated framework is suitable for the South African context, with several additions suggested.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volhoubare voors1emmg van energie word beskou as een van die belangrikste ontwikkelingsuitdagings in Suid-Afrika, waar 'n aansienlike deel van die bevolking steeds nie toegang het tot energie-dienste nie. Pogings om die probleem aan te spreek word gekenmerk deur ernstige probleme en tekortkomings. Die "Intermediate Technology Development Group" (huidiglik bekend as "Practical Action") het 'n handleiding saamgestel wat poog om die kwessies aan te spreek. "Renewable Energy for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods" is 'n werkgroep wat ook die kwessie aanspreek met behulp van rekenaar-gebaseerde modelle. Beide die raamwerke is gebou op die "Sustainable Livelihoods" teoretiese fondasie en word vir die doel van hierdie tesis geintegreer en assesseer d.m.v. 'n Delphi studie, uitgevoer met verskeie kundiges in die veld. Die resultate dui aan dat die geintegreerde raamwerk toepaslik is vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, met verskeie aanvullings wat aanbeveel word.
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2008.
Renewable energy sources -- South Africa, Rural electrification -- South Africa, Rural development -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Public management and planning