The effectiveness of BuddingQ as a literacy and motor development intervention for Grade R children in Makhanda

dc.contributor.advisorBarends, Zeldaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTalbot, Anna Lindiwe Presten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch Universty. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) is a microcosm of South Africa, exhibiting inequality and low literacy rates similar to national statistics (Ashley-Cooper, van Niekerk & Atmore, 2019). The deficits of this context exhibit most starkly in the education sector where several esteemed private and Model C1 schools and Rhodes University exist alongside many dysfunctional, no-fee or state-subsidized schools which lack the human (Atmore, 2019) and material resources to provide good quality education (Lemon, 2004). This lack of good quality education manifests in the earliest years of a child’s literacy development; and, if not addressed limits a person’s capabilities to be a fully participating member of society. In response to this BuddingQ is put forward as a literacy intervention that contributes to emergent literacy development of Grade R children by ensuring they have the necessary motor skills that prepare their bodies and minds for formal literacy education. There is a clear and beneficial link between a child’s motor development and their resultant literacy development. However, there is a gap in the literature and in practice that clearly links early motor development to literacy development (Excell & Linington, 2011). A case study of BuddingQ, sought to determine the effectiveness of BuddingQ for Grade R children’s’ motor and literacy development in Makhanda. The case study evaluated BuddingQ through observations of Grade R children at one participating school and through interviews with all implementing stakeholders in the broader programme. While the extent to which BuddingQ directly contributes to children’s literacy development was not starkly evident; BuddingQ was proven to be an effective programme for young children’s motor development and overall learning. An unintended, outcome was that of BuddingQ’s role in conscientizing Mkahanda’s community to South Africa’s plight of poor literacy education while simultaneously offering supportive strategies and the necessary resources to overcome community literacy challenges. Likewise, this study has been a critical step in BuddingQ’s evolution and to advance literacy intervention practices and design more generally. Finally, evaluatory studies are critical to the sustainability of good quality interventions as they support motivations for resource allocation in an under-funded, resource-scarce sector. Recommendations from this research suggest that BuddingQ should home in on its unique teacher coaching model and intentionally align BuddingQ activities to the Science of Reading principles more directly.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makhanda (voorheen Grahamstad) is 'n mikrokosmos van Suid-Afrika, wat ongelykheid en lae geletterdheidsyfers soortgelyk aan nasionale statistieke toon (Ashley-Cooper et al., 2019). Die tekorte van hierdie konteks vertoon die skerpste in die onderwyssektor waar verskeie gewaardeerde privaat- en Model C-skole1 en Rhodes-universiteit bestaan saam met baie disfunksionele, geen-fooi of staatsgesubsidieerde skole wat nie die mens het nie (Atmore, 2019) en materiele hulpbronne om goeie gehalte onderwys te verskaf (Lemon, 2004). Hierdie gebrek aan goeie gehalte onderwys manifesteer in die vroegste jare van 'n kind se geletterdheidsontwikkeling; en, indien dit nie aangespreek word nie, beperk 'n persoon se vermoens om 'n ten volle deelnemende lid van die samelewing te wees. In reaksie hierop word BuddingQ voorgestel as 'n geletterdheidsintervensie wat bydra tot opkomende geletterdheidsontwikkeling van Graad R-kinders deur te verseker dat hulle die nodige motoriese vaardighede het wat hul liggame en gedagtes voorberei vir formele geletterdheidsopvoeding. Daar is 'n duidelike en voordelige verband tussen 'n kind se motoriese ontwikkeling en hul gevolglike geletterdheidsontwikkeling. Daar is egter 'n gaping in die literatuur en in die praktyk wat die vroee motoriese ontwikkeling duidelik verbind met geletterdheidsontwikkeling (Excell & Linington, 2011). 'n Gevallestudie van BuddingQ het gepoog om die doeltreffendheid van BuddingQ vir graad R-kinders se motoriese en geletterdheidsontwikkeling in Makhanda te bepaal. Die gevallestudie het BuddingQ geevalueer deur waarnemings van Graad R-kinders by een deelnemende skool en deur onderhoude met alle implementering van belanghebbendes in die breer program. While die mate waarin BuddingQ direk bydra tot kinders se geletterdheidsontwikkeling was nie duidelik nie; BuddingQ is bewys as 'n effektiewe program vir jong kinders se motoriese ontwikkeling en algehele leer. 'n Onbedoelde, uitkoms was die van BuddingQ se rol in die pligsgetroue motiewe Mkahanda se gemeenskap tot Suid-Afrika se lot van swak geletterdheidsopvoeding, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ondersteunende strategiee en die nodige hulpbronne bied om gemeenskapsgeletterdheidsuitdagings te oorkom. Net so was hierdie studie 'n kritieke stap in BuddingQ se evolusie en om geletterdheidsintervensiepraktyke en ontwerp meer algemeen te bevorder. Ten slotte is evalueringstudies van kritieke belang vir die volhoubaarheid van goeie gehalte intervensies, aangesien dit motiverings vir hulpbrontoewysing in 'n onderbefondsing, hulpbronskaars sektor ondersteun.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 175 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Preschoolen_ZA
dc.subjectMotor ability in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectMotor development in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectMentoring in educationen_ZA
dc.subjectIntelligent tutoring systems -- Education, Preschool -- South Africa -- Makhandaen_ZA
dc.titleThe effectiveness of BuddingQ as a literacy and motor development intervention for Grade R children in Makhandaen_ZA
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