A lexicographical perspective to intentional and incidental learning : approaching an old question from a new angle

dc.contributor.authorTarp, Svenen_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Tarp, S. 2022. A lexicographical perspective to intentional and incidental learning : approaching an old question from a new angle. Lexikos, 32(2):203-222, doi:10.5788/32-2-1703.
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at https://lexikos.journals.ac.za
dc.description.abstractSecond-language learning is a complex process that combines text reception (reading, listening) and text production (writing, talking). Applied linguistics usually distinguishes between intentional and incidental learning. The academic literature contains various definitions of these concepts, espe­cially in connection with reading. The paper explores L2 learning from a lexi­co­graphical perspective and redefines the two terms based on parameters like flow, focus, and inter­ruption. It then focuses on digital dictionaries integrated into e-readers, learning apps, and writing assistants, and argues that this inte­gration, so far, has not been particularly successful due to a number of negative factors. As an alternative, the paper provides examples of how lexicographical data could be filtered and presented in pop-up windows to serve both inci­dental and intentional learning. The former requires instantaneous, contextu­alized, and discreet assistance with an abso­lute minimum of lexicographical data, whereas the latter presupposes easy access to relevant addi­tional data. Finally, the paper discusses the techniques and technologies required to guar­antee this approach. Keywords: incidental learning, intentional learning, integrated dic­tionaries, e-readers, e-reading tools, learning apps, writing assistants, intuitive use, context-awareness, lexicographical contextualization.en_ZA
dc.description.abstract'n Leksikografiese perspektief op doelbewuste en toevallige leer: 'n Ou vraagstuk word vanuit 'n nuwe invalshoek benader. Die aanleer van 'n tweede taal is 'n komplekse proses waarin teksresepsie (lees, luister) en teksproduksie (skryf, praat) gekombineer word. Die Toegepaste linguistiek onderskei gewoonlik tussen doelbewuste en toevallige leer. Die akademiese literatuur bevat verskeie definisies van hierdie konsepte, veral met betrekking tot lees. In hierdie artikel word L2-leer vanuit 'n leksikografiese perspektief verken, en die twee terme word, gebaseer op parameters soos vloei, fokus, en onderbreking, geherdefinieer. Dan word daar gefokus op digitale woordeboeke wat in e-lesers, aanleerdertoepassings en skryf-hulpmiddels geïntegreer is, en daar word geargumenteer dat hierdie integrasie tot dusver weens 'n aantal negatiewe faktore nie besonder suksesvol was nie. As alternatief verskaf hierdie artikel voor-beelde van hoe leksikografiese data gefilter en in opwipvensters tot voordeel van beide toevallige en doelbewuste leer aangebied kan word. Eersgenoemde vereis onmiddellike, gekontekstuali-seerde, en diskrete ondersteuning met 'n absolute minimum leksikografiese data, terwyl laasge-noemde maklike toegang tot relevante addisionele data voorveronderstel. Laastens word tegnieke en tegnologieë wat vereis word om die sukses van hierdie benadering te waarborg, bespreek.af_ZA
dc.format.extent20 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.identifier.citationTarp, S. 2022. A lexicographical perspective to intentional and incidental learning : approaching an old question from a new angle. Lexikos, 32(2):203-222, doi:10.5788/32-2-1703.
dc.identifier.issn2224-0039 (online)
dc.identifier.issn1684-4904 (print)
dc.publisherWoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT)
dc.rights.holderAuthor retains copyright
dc.subject.lcshLanguage and languages -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSecond language acquisitionen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLexicography -- Data processingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshElectronic dictionariesen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshContext (Linguistics)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshReading -- Computer-assisted instructionen_ZA
dc.titleA lexicographical perspective to intentional and incidental learning : approaching an old question from a new angleen_ZA
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