The impact of international funding on projects in developing countries

dc.contributor.advisorTheron, Francois
dc.contributor.authorHansen, B. B.(Britt Bertram)
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Sustain. develop plan and managementen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment seeks to critically analyse the impact of international funding on the present state of development in developing countries. The aim of the analysis is to provide recommendations to improve the methods and motives behind giving funding in order to increase the impact of such funding. International funding provided to developing countries is often based on rigid guidelines, requirements, restrictions and conditions. It is these conditions that need revising to be more appropriate for conditions in developing countries. Only through viewing case studies and learning from them is it possible for international funding to facilitate more innovative and effective development to those in need. The research findings are derived from analysis of the literature review of international funding and through viewing the Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) and the South African Police Service (SAPS), the two organisations of this case study. The SAPS is one of many organisations receiving international assistance and have benefited from assistance from DANIDA since 1994. Funding for the project in the study was granted after the project proposal was formulated to fit the requirements of the DANIDA Guideline for Project Preparation, a set of guidelines prescribed to any organisation wanting to receive funding from DANIDA. All funding organisations have similar guidelines although it is evident that some are more rigid and prescriptive than others. From this study a list of recommendations were developed pertaining to the sets of guidelines used by international development organisations. It appeared rational that the list of recommendations should be divided into suggestions on the required structures of development organisations and on the required aspects to be included in the project proposal and implementation. The recommendations to the structures were to determine the level of involvement of the funding organisation in the project; to determine the literacy level necessary to comply with the funding requirements; to decide on the level of involvement of external consultants; to ensure frequent reviews; and finally to ensure conflict resolution. The aspects to be included in the project proposal and implementation were based on ensuring equal opportunity in terms of diversity and gender awareness; to commit to the sustainability of the project; for all parties to be involved in the compilation of project objectives and to ensure that the project represents the overall development goals of the beneficial country. Although a number of these recommendations are applied by some organisations it is necessary for the successful outcome of a project that all are considered. Each recommendation represents a building block of development and these are all interdependent. The general conclusion of this study is therefore that some level of conditionality is necessary. No one can expect economic aid to be given without conditions but the conditions must be fair, benefiting the recipient country and ensuring that development of those living in poverty is indeed the outcome of all funding.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk het ten doelom die impak van internasionale befondsing op die huidige stand van ontwikkeling in ontwikkelende lande krities te analiseer. Die analise het die formulering van aanbevelings ter verbetering van die metodes en motiewe agter die toestaan van befondsing ten doel ten einde die impak van sulke fondse te verhoog. Internasionale befondsing vir ontwikkelende lande is dikwels gebaseer op rigiede riglyne, vereistes, beperkings en voorwaardes. Dit is hierdie voorwaardes wat hersien moet word ten einde meer toepaslik vir toestande in ontwikkelende lande te wees. Slegs deur die ontleding van gevallestudies en lesse daaruit geleer is dit moontlik vir internasionale befondsers om meer innoverende en effektiewe ontwikkeling aan behoeftiges te fasiliteer. Die navorsingsbevindings is afgelei uit die analise van die literatuurstudie insake internasionale befondsing, asook die analise van die twee organisasies in die gevallestudie, naamlik die "Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA)" en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Diens (SAPD). Die SAPD is een van vele organisasies wat internasionale bystand ontvang en word reeds sedert 1994 deur DANIDA ondersteun. Befondsing vir die projek waarop die gevallestudie gebaseer is, was toegestaan nadat die projekvoorstel geformuleer is volgens die vereistes van die "DANIDA Guideline for Project Preparation". Laasgenoemde is 'n stel riglyne wat voorgeskryf word aan alle organisasies wat vir befondsing wil kwalifiseer. Alle befondsingsorganisasies het soortgelyke riglyne, alhoewel dit duidelik is dat sommiges veel meer rigied en voorskrywend is as ander. Uit die studie is 'n stel aanbevelings ontwikkel rakende die riglyne soos gebruik deur internasionale ontwikkelingsorganisasies. Dit blyk rasioneel om die lys van aanbevelings te verdeel volgens voorstelle rondom die vereiste struktuur van ontwikkelingsorganisasies, asook voorstelle aangaande die vereiste aspekte wat ingesluit moet word in die projekvoorstel en implementering. Aanbevelings insake die struktuur het ten doelom vas te stel watter vlak van betrokkenheid van die befondser benodig word; om die nodige geletterdheidsvlak vir die nakoming van die befondsingsvereistes te bepaal; om die vlak van betrokkenheid van eksterne konsultante te bepaal; om gereelde hersiening te verseker; en om konflik oplossing te verseker. Aspekte om in te sluit in die projekvoorstel en implementering is gebaseer op die versekering van gelyke geleenthede in terme van diversiteit en geslagsbewustheid; om volhoubaarheid van die projek na te streef; vir alle partye om betrokke te wees in die samestelling van die projekdoelwitte en om te verseker dat die projek die oorkoepelende ontwikkelingsdoelwitte van die begunstige land verteenwoordig. Alhoewel party van hierdie aanbevelings reeds toegepas word deur sekere organisasies, is dit noodsaaklik om alle aanbevelings in ag te neem ten einde 'n suksesvolle uitkoms van die projek te verseker. Elke aanbeveling verteenwoordig 'n boublok van ontwikkeling en almal is interafhanklik tot mekaar. Die algemene bevinding van hierdie studie is dat 'n bepaalde vlak van voorwaardelikheid noodsaaklik is. Daar kan nie verwag word dat ekonomiese hulp verskaf word sonder voorwaardes nie, maar laasgenoemde moet regverdig wees, voordelig vir die begunstigde land wees, en verseker dat ontwikkeling van diegene wat in armoede leef wel die uitkoms van alle befondsing is.af_ZA
dc.format.extent117 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectInternational economic relationsen_ZA
dc.subjectEconomic assistance -- Developing countriesen_ZA
dc.subjectDeveloping countries -- Dependency on foreign countriesen_ZA
dc.subjectDeveloping countries -- Foreign relationsen_ZA
dc.subjectDeveloping countries -- Foreign economic relationsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.titleThe impact of international funding on projects in developing countriesen_ZA
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