South Africa's relations with Latin America (1966-1988)

dc.contributor.authorLeysens, Anthony J.(Anthony Jan)en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1991.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is a qualitative, exploratory study which has as its primary aim the description and analysis of South Africa's international relations with Latin America between 1966 and 1988. A secondary aim of the study is to demonstrate the utility of using a multi-level, multi-actor framework for the study of international relations (the pluralist paradigm) which takes cognisance of the fact that actors in the international system mobilise support around a wide variety of issues. The purpose is not, however, to establish empirically that a theory with these underlying assumptions can be used to explain South Africa's relations with Latin America. The importance of the study lies in its contextual nature and the fact that previously no extensive attempt has been made to undertake a comprehensive study of the subject matter in question. In this sense this thesis is an attempt to address the current lack of information on South Africa's international relations with Latin America. South Africa's international relations with Latin America were analysed using the indicators which Geldenhuys (1990) has used in his work on isolated states in the international system, viz. the diplomatic terrain, the economic terrain, the military terrain and the socio-cultural terrain. The study's major finding is that the issue of South Africa's status in the international system was the chief contributing factor in the initiatives which were launched to expand her relations with various states in Latin America. The most important benefits which accrued to the South African state in this respect were political and military of nature. The economic component of South Africa's "outward movement" to Latin America was important but, given the small amount of trade involved, the economic benefits went to non-state actors and not the South African state. Another important finding is the fact that the democratisation process in Latin America during the eighties resulted in a hardening of attitudes by the states concerned towards South Africa. Finally, the study concludes that the prospects of a major expansion in a post-apartheid South Africa's relations with Latin America is unlikely.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing wat onderneem is in hierdie studie is van 'n kwalitatiewe en verkennende aard. Die hoofdoel van die tesis is om die internasionale betrekkinge tussen Suid-Afrika en Latyns-Amerika tussen 1966 en 1988 te beskryf en te analiseer. 'n Sekondere doel van die studie is om die bruikbaarheid van 'n multi-vlak, multi-akteur benadering (die pluralisme paradigma) vir die bestudering van internasionale betrekkinge aan te toon. Hierdie benadering slaan ag op die feit dat akteurs in die internasionale stelsel random 'n wye verskeidenheid van kwessies mobiliseer. Die doel is egter nie om empiries vas te stel dat 'n teorie met hierdie onderliggende aannames gebruik kan word om Suid-Afrika se internasionale betrekkinge met Latyns-Amerika mee te verklaar nie. Die belangrikheid van die studie is gelee in die kontekstuele aard daarvan en die feit dat daar voorheen nog geen omvattende paging aangewend is om 'n deeglike studie oor hierdie onderwerp aan te pak nie. In die sin is die tesis 'n paging om die huidige gebrek aan inligting oor Suid-Afrika se internasionale betrekkinge met Latyns-Amerika, aan te vul. Suid-Afrika se internasionale betrekkinge met Latyns-Amerika is geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van Geldenhuys (1990) se indlkatore soos hy dit aangewend het in sy bestudering van state wat ge"isoleer is in die internasionale stelsel, nl. die diplomatieke terrein, die ekonomiese terrein, die militere terrein en die sosio-kulturele terrein. Die studie se hoofbevinding is dat die kwessie van Suid-Afrika se status in die internasionale stelsel die belangrikste bydraende faktor was tot die inisiatiewe wat geloods is om die land se betrekkinge met verskeie state in Latyns-Amerika uit te brei. Die belangrikste voordele vir Suid-Afrika in die verband was polities en militer van aard. Die ekonomiese komponent van Suid-Afrika se "uitwaartse beweging" na Latyns Amerika was belangrik, maar gegewe die klein volume van wedersydse handel betrokke, het die ekonomiese voordele na nie-staatsakteurs gegaan en nie na die Suid-Afrikaanse staat nie. Nog 'n belangrike bevinding van die studie is dat die demokratiseringsproses in Latyns-Amerika tydens die tagtigerjare die betrekkinge tussen die betrokke state en Suid-Afrika nadelig be"invloed het. Laatstens, word tot die slotsom gekom dat die vooruitsigte vir 'n betekenisvolle uitbreiding in 'n post-apartheid Suid-Afrika se betrekkinge met Latyns-Amerika onwaarskynlik is.af_ZA
dc.format.extent232 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa -- Foreign relations -- Latin Americaen_ZA
dc.subjectLatin America -- Foreign relations -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleSouth Africa's relations with Latin America (1966-1988)en_ZA
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