The relationship of SOC to well-being and its effect on the perception of a selected number of work characteristics

dc.contributor.advisorVos, H. D.
dc.contributor.authorBelelie, Cindylou
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many Black nurses who originally come from previously disadvantaged communities find themselves at present in relatively senior positions. The reality is, however, that many of these employees are still residing in residential areas where transformation and changes are still very limited and progress hardly noticeable. Such employees experience the stressful world of nursing on the one hand while on the other hand they also have to battle with the realities of the legacy of Apartheid. These may include aspects such as financial burdens, long distances from work, poor public transport, high crime rates in their communities and schools that are yet to improve standards. There are still Black South Africans, amongst them Black nursing sisters, who have to battle with these problems daily, in addition to having to cope with occupational stressors. One would assume then that they may be experiencing a large degree of strain and burnout. This research was therefore concerned with those nurses who remain productive and efficient in their work by overcoming constant occupational and non-occupational demands and stressors. Not all nurses, however, experience ill health due to stressors. There are nurses who do cope well. Two research questions were investigated with reference to the above: (a) Why some Black nursing sisters appear to cope better than others; and (b) What the role of Sense of Coherence (SOC) is as a coping resource. The study therefore investigated the statistical relationship between (a) SOC and well-being and (b) the effect that SOC has on the perception of a selected number of work characteristics. Significant Pearson Correlations were found between SOC and psychosomatic strain symptoms and burnout frequency. No significant relationship was found between SOC and burnout intensity. A significant relationship was found between SOC and work demands, as well as SOC and career rewards. Findings further indicate that no significant relationship was found between organisational climate, leadership relations, influence at work, time pressures and adverse factors in the work environment. Two-way ANOVAs indicate that no significant main effect exists in respect of SOC on psychosomatic strain symptoms. The study also indicates that a significant main effect exists for SOC on burnout frequency, whereas no significant main effect exists for SOC on burnout intensity. No significant interaction effect exists between SOC and age on psychosomatic strain symptoms, burnout frequency and burnout intensity. A significant interaction effect exists between SOC and education level on burnout intensity, while there is no significant interaction effect between SOC and educational level on psychosomatic strain symptoms and burnout frequency. A significant main effect exists for SOC on the perception of leadership relations, influence at work and career rewards. Findings further indicate that no significant main effect exists for SOC on the perception of: orgnisational climate, time pressures, work demands and adverse factors in the work environment. No significant interaction effect exists between SOC and age on the perception of organisational climate, influence at work, work demands, time pressures, career rewards, leadership relations and adverse factors in the work environment. Results indicate that no significant interaction effect exists between SOC and educational level on the perception of organisational climate, influence at work, work demands, time pressures, career rewards, leadership relations and adverse factors in the work environment. The results thus indicate that a positive correlation exists between SOC and wellbeing.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle verpleegters uit voorheen benadeelde gebiede, bevind hulself huidiglik in relatiewe senior posisies. Die werklikheid is egter dat hierdie werknemers nog steeds onder andere in woongebiede bly waar transformasie en verandering gering is en algemene vordering nie waarneembaar is nie. Hierdie werknemers ondervind die stresvolle omstandighede van verpleging eendersyds en andersyds voer hulle 'n stryd teen die nalatenskap van apartheid. Dit kan aspekte soos finansiele probleme, lang afstande van hul werkplek, publieke vervoer, hoë misdaadsyfers in hul gemeenskappe asook skole waar die opvoedkundige standaarde nog aangespreek moet word, insluit. Daar is nog talle Swart Suid-Afrikaners, Swart verpleegsusters onder andere wat daagliks met hierdie probleme die stryd voer met 'n langsame veranderingsproses, terwyl hulle ook met talle stressors in hul beroepe te make het. Dit kan dus aanvaar word dat hierdie persone 'n groot mate van stres en uitbranding ondervind. Hierdie navorsing het te make met daardie groep verpleegsters wat produktief en bekwaam in hul werk bly funksioneer het, weens die feit dat hulle hierdie voordurende beroeps-en nie-beroeps vereistes en stressors suksesvol die hoof kan bied. Nie al die verpleegsters se geestegesondheid word dus deur genoemde stresfaktore benadeel nie en kan deurgaans effektief funksioneer. Twee navorsings-vraagstukke is met betrekking tot bogenoemde Suid-Afrikaanse realiteit ondersoek: (a) Waarom sommige Swart verpleegsusters die stressors in hul beroeps-en lewensomstandighede beter as ander hanteer en (b) Watter rol speel koherensiebelewing ("SOC") as enstreshantering meganisme. Die studie het (a) die verhouding tussen koherensiebelewing en werknemer welsyn en (b) die rol van koherensiebelewing ("SOC") as enmeganisme vir die hantering van stres, nagevors. Beduidende Pearson Korrelasies tussen koherensiebelewing, psigosomatiese stressimptome en die frekwensie van uitbranding is gevind. Geen beduidende verband is tussen koherensiebelewing, werkseise en loopbaanbelonings gevind nie. Die resultate dui verder aan dat daar geen beduidende verband tussen organisatoriese klimaat, leierskap verhoudings, invloed by die werk, tydsdruk, en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing bestaan nie. Twee-rigting variansie ontledings dui egter aan dat daar geen beduidende hoof effek tussen koherensiebelewing en psigosomatiese stressimptome bestaan nie. Die studie dui ook op 'n beduidende hoof effek tussen koherensiebelewing en die frekwensie van uitbranding. Geen beduidende hoof effek is tussen koherensiebelewing en uitbranding intensiteit gevind. Geen beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en ouderdom op psigomatiese stressimptome, frekwensie van uitbrandiqg en uitbrandings intensiteit nie. 'n Beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en opvoedkundige kwalifikasie op uitbranding intensiteit, terwyl daar geen interaksie effek bestaan tussen psigomatiese stressimptome en frekwensie van uitbranding nie. 'n Beduidende hoof effek ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van leierskap-verhoudings, invloede by die werk, en loopbaanbelonings is gevind. Die navorsing dui verder daarop dat geen betekenisvolle hoof effek bestaan ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, tydsdruk, werksvereistes en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing nie. 'n Statisties beduidende hoof effek ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van leierskap-verhoudings, invloede by die werk, en loopbaanbelonings, bestaan. Geen beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en ouderdom op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, invloed by die werk, werkseise, tydsdruk, loopbaanbelonings, leierskap-verhoudings en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing nie. Resultate toon geen statisties beduidende interaksie effek tussen koherensiebelewing en opvoedkundige kwalifikasie op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, invloede by die werk, werkseise, tydsdruk, loopbaanbelonings, leierskap-verhoudings en nadelige faktore by die werk nie. Die resultate dui derhalwe op 'n positiewe verband tussen koheresensiebelewing en werknemerwelstand.af_ZA
dc.format.extent164 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNurses, Black -- Psychology -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectNurses, Black -- Job Stress -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectNurses, Black -- Health and hygiene -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectStress managementen_ZA
dc.subjectStress (Psychology)en_ZA
dc.subjectAdjustment (Psychology)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleThe relationship of SOC to well-being and its effect on the perception of a selected number of work characteristicsen_ZA
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