Strong absorption model for elastic nuclear scattering. Part I

dc.contributor.authorFrahn W.E.
dc.contributor.authorVenter R.H.
dc.description.abstractA phenomenological model is presented which is capable of describing the average entrance channel phenomena of neutral and charged particles strongly interacting with complex nuclei. Instead of postulating a complex single-particle interaction potential, we start from rather general assumptions on the asymptotic properties of the scattered wave function. This approach is similar to the diffraction models of Bethe and Placzek, Akhiezer and Pomeranchuk, the sharp-cutoff model of Blair, and their generalizations by Greider and Glassgold. and by MeIntyre et al. However, by means of a somewhat different formulation it is possible to give an analytical treatment for fairly arbitrary shapes of the complex scattering function consistent with the strong absorption assumption, thereby extending and unifying the earlier models. Closed-form expressions are given for the elastic scattering amplitudes and total reaction cross sections, which exhibit all known general features of the observed angular distributions and excitation functions, and permit a detailed study of their dependence on the various scattering parameters. The relation of this model to alternative descriptions of scattering in the presence of strong absorption, in particular to the complex potential model, is discussed. © 1963.
dc.identifier.citationAnnals of Physics
dc.titleStrong absorption model for elastic nuclear scattering. Part I