Invasion costs, impacts, and human agency : response to Sagoff 2020

Article impact statement: In an era of profound biodiversity crisis, invasion costs, invader impacts, and human agency should not be dismissed.
CITATION: Cuthbert, R. N. et al. 2020. Invasion costs, impacts, and human agency: response to Sagoff 2020. Conservation Biology 34, 1579-1582. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13592.
Cuthbert, R.N.; Bacher, S.; Blackburn, T.M.; Briski, E.; Diagne, C.; Dick, J.T.A.; Essl, F.; Genovesi, P.; Haubrock, P.J.; Latombe, G.; Lenzner, B.; Meinard, Y.; Pauchard, A.; Pyšek, P.; Ricciardi, A.; Richardson, D.M.; Russell, J.C.; Simberloff, D.; Courchamp, F. (2020). Invasion costs, impacts, and human agency: response to Sagoff 2020. Conservation Biology 34, 1579-1582. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13592.