A study of pre-service science teachers’ pedagogical use of multiple representations during lesson presentations

dc.contributor.advisorEdwards, Nazeemen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMaree, Christina Elizabethen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The science teacher has to have the pedagogical skills to be able to explain any concept by using multiple representations to optimise learning for their learners and develop their abilities to transfer knowledge. Communicating verbally, displaying information by means of tables and graphs, the use of text, diagrams, symbols, models and simulations are amongst these representations that are used to communicate the body of scientific knowledge about phenomena that occur in the natural world. This study is focused on the way in which pre-service science teachers (PSSTs) use multiple representations during lessons in the classroom as part of their pedagogical repertoire. The way in which these are constructed by the PSSTs in complex classroom settings, as well as how they select, use and translate between representations is the problem I address in this study. The main research question that the study addresses is “How do pre-service science teachers use multiple representations as a pedagogical tool to explain science concepts during their lessons?”. A concurrent dependent mixed-methods design was adopted in this study, more specifically taking on a QUAL + quan design driven by the video-recorded qualitative data collected. The findings show that for a sample of 167 PSSTs enrolled in initial teacher education programmes at university, the predominant modes used in Physics were Non-specialist Words, Graphical representations and Expert Words. In Chemistry it was predominantly Non-specialist Words, Experimental representations and Expert Words. The modes that were most prominent overall were Non-specialist Words and Expert Words. PSSTs showed similar levels of competence and fluency in using or not using Experimental representations, Non-specialist Words and Expert Words, which was not the case for Graphical representations and Symbolic representations. Overall PSSTs showed similar levels of competence and fluency across all representational modes combined when presenting Physics and Chemistry lessons. None of the most frequently observed fluency code combinations for Physics and Chemistry included Experimental representations. Less than 5% of PSSTs showed high levels of representational fluency in all five representational modes in Physics, and only about 6% PSSTs showed representational fluency in all five representational modes in Chemistry. The findings point towards statistically significant differences in Non-specialist and Expert Words used. Significantly more PSSTs used Non-specialist Words at a high level of competence and fluency compared with those who use Expert Words. The overall findings of the study indicate that the PSSTs did not show adequate levels of competence and fluency when teaching science with the help of MRs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : wetenskap onderwyser moet die pedagogiese vaardighede besit om enige konsep te verduidelik deur veelvuldige voorstellings te gebruik sodat leer en kennis oordrag optimaal by hul leerders kan plaasvind. Verbale kommunikasie, voorstelling van inligting deur tabelle en grafieke, gebruik van teks, diagramme, simbole, modelle en simulasies is onder andere van die voorstellings wat gebruik word om die liggaam van wetenskaplike kennis te kommunikeer na aanleiding van verskynsels in die natuur. Hierdie studie fokus op die manier hoe voordiens wetenskaponderwysers (VWOs) veelvuldige voorstellings gebruik tydens lesse in die klaskamer as deel van hul pedagogiese repertoire. Die manier hoe bogenoemde gekonstrueer word deur VWOs in komplekse klaskamer instellings, sowel as hoe hul voorstellings selekteer, gebruik en transleer tussen voorstellings, is die probleem wat ek aanspreek in hierdie studie. Die hoof navorsingsvraag wat die studie aanspreek is “Hoe gebruik toekomstige wetenskap onderwysers veelvuldige voorstellings as ’n pedagogiese hulpmiddel om wetenskap konsepte te verduidelik tydens lesse?”. Die gemengde metodes ontwerp wat die studie aangeneem het was ’n gelyktydige afhanklike ontwerp, meer spesifiek ’n KWAL + kwan ontwerp gedrewe deur die video opname kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is. Die bevindings toon dat vir 'n steekproef van 167 VWOs wat ingeskryf was vir aanvanklike onderwysopleidingsprogramme aan die universiteit, die oorheersende modusse in Fisika was Nie-Spesialis Woorde, Grafiese voorstellings en Kenner Woorde, terwyl dit in Chemie Nie-Spesialis Woorde, Eksperimentele voorstellings en Kenner Woorde was. Die modusse wat algeheel die mees prominent gebruik was is Nie-Spesialis Woorde en Kenner Woorde. VWOs het soortgelyke vlakke van bekwaamdheid en vlotheid getoon in die gebruik of die gebrek aan gebruik in Eksperimentele voorstellings, Nie-Spesialis Woorde en Kenner Woorde, wat nie die geval was met Grafiese voorstellings en Simboliese voorstellings nie. In die algemeen het VWOs soortgelyke vlakke van bekwaamdheid en vlotheid getoon oor al die voorstellingsmodusse heen gekombineerd wanneer hul Fisika en Chemie lesse aanbied. Geen van die mees gereelde waargenome vlotheid kode-kombinasies in Fisika of Chemie het Eksperimentele voorstellings ingesluit nie. Minder as 5% van VWOs het hoë vlakke van voorstellingsvlotheid in al vyf voorstellingsmodusse in Fisika getoon, en slegs ongeveer 6% van die VWOs het hoë vlakke van voorstellingsvlotheid in al vyf voorstellingsmodusse in Chemie getoon. Die bevindings toon statistiese beduidende verskille tussen die gebruik van Nie-Spesialis Woorde en Kenner Woorde aan. Beduidend meer VWOs het Nie-Spesialis Woorde op ‘n hoë vlak van bekwaamdheid en vlotheid gebruik teenoor die wat Kenner Woorde gebruik. Die algehele bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat VWOs nie voldoende vlakke van bekwaamdheid en vlotheid toon wanneer hul wetenskap onderrig met behulp van veelvuldige voorstellings nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 224 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectScience -- Students -- Knowledge and learningen_ZA
dc.subjectPedagogical content knowledgeen_ZA
dc.subjectMultiple representationsen_ZA
dc.subjectScientific fluencyen_ZA
dc.subjectScientific literacyen_ZA
dc.subjectScience -- Study and teaching -- Curriculaen_ZA
dc.titleA study of pre-service science teachers’ pedagogical use of multiple representations during lesson presentationsen_ZA
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