DNA fingerprinting of table grape cultivars

dc.contributor.authorPrins R.
dc.contributor.authorVan Heerden C.J.
dc.contributor.authorBurger A.L.
dc.contributor.authorBurger P.
dc.contributor.authorSmit W.A.
dc.description.abstractIn this study, 17 table grape cultivars, of which 11 are commercially grown in South Africa, were selected for SSR analysis. In an attempt to limit costs, seven fluorescently-labelled SSR primer pairs were combined in a single multiplex PCR reaction. This, in combination with automated analysis of the PCR products on an ABI 3100 genetic analyser, resulted in informative and repeatable data that could be produced in a relatively short time compared to other DNA-based molecular markers. This study showed that the small set of seven SSR markers could be used to discriminate between the table grape cultivars subjected to the analysis. The highly polymorphic nature of the chosen SSR markers suggests that they will be useful in the typing of more of the commercially important table grape cultivars. In order to improve transferability across different genetic analysers, preliminary work to determine the feasibility of developing an allelic ladder, as internal control for the DNA fingerprinting of table grapes, has been done.
dc.description.versionConference Paper
dc.identifier.citationActa Horticulturae
dc.titleDNA fingerprinting of table grape cultivars
dc.typeConference Paper