An evaluation of selected housing strategies with special reference to Khayelitsha

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNkwenkwezi, Thandabantu Sydneyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to provide alternative solutions to housing and developmental problems faced by the government in South Africa's urban/metropolitan areas in general and in Khayelitsha in particular. The root causes of the problems have been identified and linked to urbanisation-related government policies of the past. The Group Areas "urban model of development" influenced the planning, management and development (spatial policies) in the urban/metropolitan areas. The rural-urban migration process through the migrant labour system during the industrialisation period was engineered by the "Corporate State" and consolidated by the introduction of tax systems and laws regulating land ownership by the African people (Natives). These have impoverished the African people both in rural and urban/metropolitan areas. The existing gap in development between rural and urban/metropolitan areas, in particular in the peri-urban areas, is evident in persistent poverty and unemployment as effects of the conditions which generate increased migration. In this context, Khayelitsha is used as a case study to illustrate study variables (urban policies and management, rapid urbanisation and their impact on housing and development) at grassroots level. Comparison is made undertaken between South African housing and developmental problems and those of other developing countries. Tanzania and Zimbabwe as African countries and former British Colonies (African connection) have been chosen for this purpose. Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews and participatory observation. This makes the study objective, but also subjective. The research concludes that there is a need to devote more resources to rural development programmes accompanied by decentralisation strategies. This will help to reduce the gap between rural and urban development. It is hoped that the information contained in this thesis will provide a basic background to meet the social and economic challenges by addressing housing and developmental problems, in Khayelitsha in particular and South Africa in general.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word daar gepoog om moontlike oplossings te vind vir die behuisings en ontwikkelingsprobleme wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede oor die algemeen en Khayelitsha in die besonder ondervind word. Die kernoorsake van die probleme word geïdentifiseer en verbind aan die vorige regering se verstedelikingsbeleide. Beplanning, bestuur en ontwikkeling (ruimtelike beleide) in die stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede is beïnvloed deur die Groepsgebiede-model vir stedelike ontwikkeling. Die landelike-stedelike migrasieproses, geïnisieer deur die trekarbeidstelsel gedurende die industrialiseringsera, is deur die "Korporatiewe Staat" bewerkstellig en gekonsolideer deur die instelling van belastingstelsels en wette ter regulering van grondbesit deur swart mense. Dit het gelei tot die verarming van swart mense in landelike en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede. Die bestaande gaping in ontwikkeling tussen landelike en stedelike gebiede, in die besonder in buitestedelike gebiede, blyk duidelik uit gevestigde armoede en werkloosheid as uitvloeisels van die omstandighede wat tot toenemende migrasie lei. In hierdie konteks is Khayelitsha gebruik as 'n gevallestudie om die studieveranderlikes (stedelike beleide, stedelike bestuur, snelle verstedeliking en die impak daarvan op behuising en ontwikkeling) op voetsoolvlak te illustreer. Vergelykings is getref ten einde Suid-Afrikaanse behuisings- en ontwikkelingsprobleme met ander ontwikkelende lande te vergelyk. Vir die doel is Tanzanië en Zimbabwe as Afrikalande en eertydse Britse kolonies (Afrika-konneksie) gekies. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste, onderhoude en deelnemende waarneming. Dit het daartoe gelei dat die studie nie alleen objektief nie, maar ook subjektief is. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat meer hulpbronne tesame met desentraliseringstrategieë gerig op landelike ontwikkelingsprogramme benodig word. Dit sal bydra tot vernouing van die gaping tussen landelike en stedelike ontwikkeling. Daar word derhalwe gehoop dat die inligting vervat in hierdie tesis basiese agtergrond sal verskaf om die sosiale en ekonomiese uitdagings die hoof te bied deur die bestaande behuisings - en ontwikkelingsprobleme in Khayelitsha in die besonder en Suid-Afrika oor die algemeen aan te spreek.af_ZA
dc.format.extent243 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHousing -- South Africa -- Khayelitshaen_ZA
dc.subjectRural development -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHousing policy -- South Africa -- Khayelitshaen_ZA
dc.subjectCities and towns -- Growthen_ZA
dc.subjectKhayelitsha (Cape Town, South Africa) -- Social conditions -- 21st centuryen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.titleAn evaluation of selected housing strategies with special reference to Khayelitshaen_ZA
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