D8/17 in obsessive-compulsive disorder and trichotillomania

The finding that patients with Sydenham's chorea often demonstrate obsessive-compulsive disorder (OeD) has fostered increased interest in possible neuroimmunological mechanisms in OCD.' Increased expression of the B-Iymphocyte antigen 08/17, which has been hypothesised to be a genetically inherited trait marker for susceptibility to rheumatic fever, has recently been demonstrated to be higher in OCD patients than in normal controls.2.3 To date, however, 08/17 expression has been studied in few psychiatric control populations.
CITATION: Niehaus, D. J. H. et al. 1999. D8/17 in obsessive-compulsive disorder and trichotillomania. South African Medical Journal, 89(7):755-756.
The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za
Compulsive hair pulling, Obsessive-compulsive disorder