Verskille in tegnologiese hoe vlak mannekrag : persoonlikheidsverskille, kreatiwiteit, leerstyle, werkbelewing
Bezuidenhout, Martina
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die persoonlikheidseienskappe van die ingenieurs en wetenskaplikes by die Instituut vir
Maritieme Tegnologie is ondersoek. Psigometrika en induktiewe metings is aangewend
om verskille in hierdie groepe ten opsigte van persoonlikheid, leerstylvoorkeure en
werkbelewing te peil. Geen bestuursnoemenswaardige verskille het tussen die groepe
in die teikengroep voorgekom nie. Leerstylgroep-gegronde verskille is weI bepaal en
behoort vir bestuursdoeleindes in ag geneem te word.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Personality characteristics of the engineers and scientists of the Institute for Maritime Technology were investigated. Psychometrics and inductive measurements were used to gauge differences between these groups in respect of personality, learning style preference and perceptions of the work experience. No differences of significance for management were found between these professional groups in the target group. Differences based on learning style preference were, however, determined and should be considered for management purposes.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Personality characteristics of the engineers and scientists of the Institute for Maritime Technology were investigated. Psychometrics and inductive measurements were used to gauge differences between these groups in respect of personality, learning style preference and perceptions of the work experience. No differences of significance for management were found between these professional groups in the target group. Differences based on learning style preference were, however, determined and should be considered for management purposes.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1989.
Manpower planning, High technology, Engineers -- Psychology, Scientists -- Psychology, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology