'n Literêr-gerontologiese beskouing van "Die dao van Daan van der Walt" deur Lodewyk G. du Plessis (2018)

dc.contributor.advisorVisagie, A. G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDu Plessis, Annetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus in literary gerontological research is on literary work wherein the ageing protagonist experiences his own ageing (and in some cases writes about it as well). This induces not only sympathy for the ageing character, but it also creates insight for the reader into the problematic (bodily, sociological and psychological) world of the aged. Although situations in real life may be portrayed in literature, it remains a representation of reality and cannot mirror society. The representation of ageing in literature might be powerful in creating better understanding of ageing, but only when literature is studied as one among many other cultural, sociological or psychological factors. The insight thus created cannot be equalled by gerontologists, psychologists or by the medical profession. It is important, however, that the prime focus is on literature as a form of art and not on gerontology. The themes that have been selected for study in Die dao van Daan van der Walt by Lodewyk G. du Plessis (pseudonym of Andries Buys) are all associated with ageing: transience, religion, relationships, identity, sexuality and loss. The focus in this research is on the portrayal of the main character’s (Daan) inner conflict in resolving his homosexual identity by acknowledging and realizing it. To find inner peace by confronting the heterosexist society and the dictations of the church, required a complicated and long journey for Daan (seventy years old). The word dao (way/journey) in the title of the novel creates the expectation that the text will be devoted to this journey. Research on male subjectivity forms an integral part of this investigation in understanding Daan’s struggle, as he was married to Magrieta while not realizing his homosexuality. The church, the Bible and daoism are all major influences in his eventual transformation. The insight he gained into his identity and comprehension and acceptance of other people’s views and cultures, contribute to the hope and wisdom with which he approaches his final years. It is important to notice that a transformed conception of ageing is a powerful basis for the fight against ageism. The hybrid nature of the novel opens interfaces with a variety of genres, such as the farm novel, metafiction and the Reifungsroman. Since Daan is writing his memoirs, his Historia, the novel acquires a confessional tone. References to mythology, history, the Bible and literature are included in the Historia, thereby opening new perspectives on political and ecclesiastical issues. The novel is a valuable contribution to the genre of the Reifungsroman, as there is (especially in Afrikaans literature) a lack of novels with an ageing male protagonist in the narrative. The portrayals of the coming out of ageing homosexuals are almost non-existent. This study is concluded with a discussion of the novel as the late work of Andries Buys.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n literêr-gerontologiese ondersoek is die fokus op ’n letterkundige werk waarin die protagonis sy oudword beleef en dalk ook daaroor skryf. Só ’n persoonlike belewing kan vir die leser insig gee in die ouderdomsproblematiek wat op verskeie terreine (liggaamlik, sosiologies of psigologies) kan uitspeel. Die meelewing wat so bewerkstellig word, is iets wat nie deur gerontoloë, psigoloë of mediese analise bereik kan word nie. Alhoewel situasies en gebeure in die sosiale wêreld in die letterkunde uitgebeeld kan word, is dit steeds ’n voorstelling en nie ’n spieëlbeeld van die werklikheid nie. In samehang met verskeie ander faktore kan die uitbeelding van veroudering in ’n letterkundige werk baie kragtig wees om beter begrip te kweek oor wat veroudering behels. Die taalkunswerk moet egter in die eerste plek as letterkunde bespreek word en nie soseer as ’n gerontologiese studie nie. In Die dao van Daan van der Walt deur Lodewyk G. du Plessis (2018), skuilnaam van Andries Buys, word verskeie temas, soos verganklikheid, religie, verhoudings, identiteit, seksualiteit en verlies ondersoek. Dit is egter die uitbeelding van die hoofkarakter, Daan, se innerlike konflik om sy identiteit as homoseksueel te vind, te erken en uit te leef, wat as transformerende veroudering belangrik is en die hooffokus in die tesis is. ’n Sewentigjarige man se pad of reis om die heteroseksistiese samelewing en die kerk se voorskriftelikheid te trotseer ten einde vrede in homself en aanvaarding van sy medemens en ander kulture te vind, is ’n komplekse reis, wat alreeds deur die woord dao (pad) in die titel van die roman in die vooruitsig gestel word. Navorsing oor manlike subjektiwiteit vorm ’n belangrike deel van hierdie ondersoek, waarin Daan se karakterontwikkeling in sy soeke na seksuele identiteit uitgebeeld word. Invloede vanuit die kerk, die Bybel en die daoïsme speel ’n groot rol in sy uiteindelike transformasie. Die insig wat hy verwerf, dra daartoe by dat hy die laaste fase van sy lewe hoopvol en met wysheid aanpak. In hierdie ondersoek word voorts aangetoon dat dit juis dié “getransformeerde” ouderdomsbelewing is wat ouderdomsdiskriminasie kan bestry. Die hibriditeit in die roman leen dit voorts tot aansluiting by verskeie genres, soos die plaasroman, die rypingsroman (Reifungsroman) en die metafiksie, wat deur die skrywer benut word om aspekte van die karakter se ontwikkeling en uiteindelike transformasie uit te lig. Die narratologiese verskeidenheid open ook nuwe perspektiewe op kerklike en politieke vraagstukke. Die roman word as ’n belangrike toevoeging tot die genre rypingsroman beskou, waar daar veral in die Afrikaanse letterkunde ’n gebrek is aan romans met ’n ouer manlike protagonis en feitlik geen uitbeelding van die bejaarde homoseksueel se uitkom nie. Die mate waarin hierdie roman as Andries Buys se laatwerk beskou kan word, word ten slotte bespreek.af_ZA
dc.format.extentviii, 185 leaves : illustration
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectGerontology in literatureen_ZA
dc.subjectAging in literatureen_ZA
dc.subjectIdentity in literatureen_ZA
dc.subjectHomosexuality -- Religious aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectAfrikaans fictionen_ZA
dc.subjectBuys, Andriesen_ZA
dc.subjectTaoism in literatureen_ZA
dc.title'n Literêr-gerontologiese beskouing van "Die dao van Daan van der Walt" deur Lodewyk G. du Plessis (2018)af_ZA
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