Incorporating agricultural by-products as functional ingredients in the food industry to improve the nutritional properties of food items and investigating consumer perceptions regarding acceptability.

dc.contributor.advisorSigge, G. O.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPillay, Kalle Veronicaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Food Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerous studies have highlighted the negative impact agricultural and food waste contribute to the environment and have pursued alternative approaches to facilitate eco-friendly practices to promote sustainability. The brewery industry is considered a large contributor to environmental waste and many studies have highlighted the nutritional potential of reutilizing brewery by-products such as brewer’s spent grain (BSG) which frequently enter waste streams. Breweries ought to seek opportunities to foster sustainable practices which have the potential to reduce operational costs. A descriptive research study was carried out to investigate the potential of upcycling BSG. Participants were recruited to participate in the study through a combination of non-probability sampling techniques, purposive and snowball sampling utilizing an online survey questionnaire to gather information on brewery operations amongst 10 purposively selected breweries within KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Breweries and consumers have a role to play in ensuring environmental sustainability therefore consumer perceptions regarding waste reduction practices and repurposing agricultural by-products were investigated. Adults between the ages of 18 - 50 years who self- identified as health-conscious were recruited to participate in the study. The aim of the study was to quantify waste, in the form of BSG within the brewing industry and investigate the perceptions amongst consumers in regard to incorporating their agricultural by-products as functional ingredients in the modern-day diet to promote a circular economy. The circular economy approach builds resilient economies and through managing our limited natural resources it minimises environmental degradation and provides societal benefits. The objectives for the study included i) Determining the quantity of BSG produced by breweries within KwaZulu-Natal ii) Determining the current practices for disposal of BSG amongst these breweries iii) Determining the perceptions amongst the general population regarding repurposing food waste and whether health considerations influence food consumption decisions. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings from the study revealed the predominant by-product in beer manufacturing was BSG and 90% of the breweries disposed their BSG as animal feed. Eighty percent of the breweries had shown interest in perusing upcycling methodologies. Significant results were obtained in relation to gender and high-fibre food purchases with more females 73% purchasing high-fibre foods in comparison to males. Age, food price, monthly income and high-fibre food purchase decisions had also revealed significant results p < 0.05. The varying income levels amongst study participants had a significant influence on food choice decisions and barriers to adopting healthier food choices such as those high in fibre. Results revealed consumers within the lower income bracket were more attentive to the price of food and 94% of consumers were in support of purchasing upcycled food products to reduce the environmental impact. The results reinforce the idea that innovative nutritious functional food product development supported by upcycling brewery by-products should consider the varying income levels of consumers as these value-added product formulations have the potential to contribute to food security and environmental sustainability.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie studies het die nadelige uitwerking beklemtoon wat landbou- en voedselafval op die omgewing het en alternatiewe benaderings begin volg om eko-vriendelike gebruike te fasiliteer om volhoubaarheid te bevorder. Die brouerybedryf word beskou as ’n groot bydraer tot omgewingsafval en talle studies het die aandag gevestig op die moontlike voedingswaarde om die byprodukte van brouerye soos gebruikte graan van brouery, wat gereeld in afvalstrome beland, kreatief te herbenut. Brouerye behoort geleenthede te ontgin om volhoubare gebruike te bevorder wat moontlik bedryfskoste kan verlaag. ’n Beskrywende navorsingstudie is gedoen om die moontlikheid te ondersoek om gebruikte graan van brouery kreatief te herbenut. Deelnemers is gewerf om aan die studie deel te neem met ’n kombinasie van niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming en doelbewuste en sneeubalsteekproefneming deur ’n aanlynmeningspeiling te gebruik om inligting te versamel oor brouerybedrywighede onder 10 brouerye in KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika, wat doelbewus gekies is. Brouerye en verbruikers moet albei ‘n rol speel om die volhoubaarheid van die omgewing te verseker en daarom is die persepsies van verbruikers oor gebruike om afval te verminder deur landboubyprodukte kreatief te herbenut. Volwassenes tussen die ouderdomme van 18 tot 50 jaar wat hulself as gesondheidsbewus geïdentifiseer het, is gewerf om aan die studie deel te neem. Die doel van die studie was om afval te kwantifiseer in die vorm van gebruikte graan van brouery in die brouerybedryf en die persepsies van verbruikers te ondersoek om hul landboubyprodukte te inkorporeer as funksionele bestanddele in die hedendaagse dieet om ’n sirkelekonomie te bevorder. Die sirkelekonomiebenadering ontwikkel veerkragtige ekonomieë en deur ons beperkte natuurlike hulpbronne te bestuur verminder dit omgewingsdegradering en bied voordele vir die samelewing. Die doelwitte vir die studie het ingesluit i) Die bepaling van die hoeveelheid gebruikte graan van brouery wat by brouerye in KwaZulu-Natal geproduseer word ii) Die vasstelling van die algemene bevolking se persepsies oor die kreatiewe herbenutting van voedselafval en óf gesondheidsoorwegings besluite oor voedselverbruik beïnvloed. Die data is ontleed deur beskrywende en afgeleide statistieke te gebruik. Die bevindings van die studie het aan die lig gebring dat die grootste byproduk van biervervaardiging gebruikte graan van brouery was en 90% van die brouerye het hul gebruikte graan van brouery as dierevoer weggemaak. Tagtig persent van die brouerye het belangstelling getoon om kreatiewe herbenuttingsmetodes te ondersoek. Beduidende resultate is verkry in verband met geslag en die aankoop van kos met ’n hoë veselinhoud met meer vroue (73%) in vergelyking met mans wat kos met ’n hoë veselinhoud koop. Ouderdom, die prys van kos, maandelikse inkomste en aankope van kos met ’n hoë veselinhoud het ook beduidende resultate opgelewer p < 0.05. Die wisselende inkomstevlakke onder die deelnemers aan die studie het ’n groot invloed gehad op die besluite wat rondom kos gemaak word, asook die hindernisse om gesonder koskeuses, soos kos met ’n hoë veselinhoud, te maak. Die resultate het getoon dat verbruikers in die laerinkomstegroep meer op die prys van kos gelet het en 94% van verbruikers het die koop van kos wat kreatief herbenut word, ondersteun om die impak op die omgewing te verminder. Die bevindings sit krag by die argument dat die ontwikkeling van innoverende, voedsame, funksionele kosontwikkeling gerugsteun deur die kreatiewe herbenutting van byprodukte van brouerye die wisselende inkomstevlakke van verbruikers moet oorweeg, aangesien hierdie waardetoevoegende produkformulerings die potensiaal het om tot voedselsekerheid en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid by te dra.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 76 pages : Illustrations (some color)en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBrewers spent grainen_ZA
dc.subjectUpcycling (Waste, etc.)en_ZA
dc.subjectBrewery waste -- South Africa -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectBrewing industry -- Waste disposal -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCircular economyen_ZA
dc.titleIncorporating agricultural by-products as functional ingredients in the food industry to improve the nutritional properties of food items and investigating consumer perceptions regarding acceptability.en_ZA
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