Theoretical framework of gated communities in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorPienaar, W. P.
dc.contributor.authorRehder, Alexander
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Sustainable Development Planning & Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gated communities are a rapidly growing global residential occurrence and the long-term impact of this phenomenon on the urban landscape is of great importance to planners, local and provincial governments, urban decisionmakers, and legislation policies. The assignment is a comprehensive literature study, because in South Africa only the CSIR (BOUTEK) recently attempted to explain this fairly new development type. Internationally extensive studies have been conducted in the USA and Europe, although only in the last decade. In the study the term "gated community" is conceptualised, the general characteristics of gated communities, the pros and cons of the enclosed communities are discussed. The discussion focuses on the postmodern theory movement and how it relates to gated communities, with examples from the USA, especially Los Angeles. Additionally, the history of gated communities is discussed from Greek times to modern times and an overview is given of the international debate on gated communities. The debate emphasises important issues such as safety and security, exclusion, privacy, urban fragmentation and other issues. The last chapter looks at the current situation of gated communities in South Africa and the effect that apartheid had on the urban structure. Gated communities in South Africa are unique compared to other countries and a summary is given on the positive and negative features of gated communities in South Africa. The fear of crime is growing in South Africa, and the number of gated communities or enclosed neighbourhoods are growing daily, and calls for in-depth studies of this phenomenon in South Africa. Although there seems to be an increasing trend in larger cities to enclose areas, requests for neighbourhood enclosures have also been received by smaller cities and towns. Most of the metropolitan areas tend to have policies in place, or are in the process of compiling policies to regulate road closures and gated communities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslote gemeenskappe is 'n vinnig groeiende globale residensiële gebeurtenis en die langtermyn impak wat hierdie fenomeen het op stedelike landskap is baie belangrik vir beplanners, plaaslike en provinsiale regerings, stedelike besluitnemers, en wetgewende beleide. Die werkstuk is 'n omslagtige literatuurstudie, omdat in Suid-Afrika het die WNNR (BOUTEK) onlangs probeer om die taamlik nuwe ontwikkelingstipe te verklaar. Internasionale uitgebreide studies is al gedoen deur die VSA en Europa, alhoewel net in die laaste dekade. In hierdie studie word die term "geslote gemeenskappe" gekonseptualiseer, die algemene kenmerke van geslote gemeenskappe, die positiewe en negatiewe eienskappe van geslote gemeenskappe bepreek. Die bespreking fokus op die postmoderne teorie beweging en hoe dit verwant is aan geslote gemeensakppe, met voorbeelde van die VSA, veral Los Angeles. Gevolglik word daar gekyk na die geskiedenis van geslote gemeenskappe vanaf die Griekse tye tot die moderne tye en 'n oorsig word gegee van die internasionale debat op geslote gemeenskappe. Die debat beklemtoon belangrike kwessies soos veiligheid en sekuriteit, uitsluiting, privaatheid, stedelike opbreking en baie meer. Die laaste hoofstuk kyk na die huidige toestand van geslote gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika en die effek wat apartheid gehad het op die stedelike struktuur. Geslote gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika is uniek in vergelyking met ander lande en 'n opsomming word gegee op die positiewe en negatiewe eienskappe van geslote gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika. Die angs vir geweld groei in Suid-Afrika en die hoeveelheid geslote gemeendskappe groei ook daagliks, en dus styg die noodsaaklikheid vir in-diepte studies van hierdie verskynsel in Suid-Afrika. Alhoewel dit wil voorkom dat daar 'n stygende tendens in groter stede is om areas te omsluit, is die aanvrae vir geslote gemeenskappe ook gekry van kleiner stede en dorpe. Meeste van die metropolitaanse areas neig om beleide in plek te hê, of is in die proses om beleide te struktureer vir die beheer van padsluitings en geslote gemeenskappe.af_ZA
dc.format.extent73 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectGated communities -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.titleTheoretical framework of gated communities in South Africaen_ZA
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