Prosesse van transformasie in Lettie Viljoen se roman Karolina Ferreira (1993)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
In this thesis the processes of transformation in Karolina Ferreira ( 1993) by Lettie Viljoen, are researched. The approach of this study is based on a poetical view of the author: "Die sug na vernuwing is die sug na transformasie. Die sug na transformasie is die verlange wat mens en wurm gemeen het." (Viljoen 1994:497). ("The desire for renewal is a desire for transformation. The desire for transformation is a longing which man and worm have in common." (My translation - TV)). The concept of transformation is interpreted in a specific manner, as given in the first chapter. Transformation is essentially a metamorphosis. This is on a human level an outward manifestation of a spiritual rebirth which leads to renewal. This transformation culminates in the central figure of the novel. Karolina Ferreira is an entomologist who travels to the village Voorspoed in the Orange Free State to research the moth species, Hebdomophruda crenilinea. The changes in her transform her into a "chosen" anti-patriarchal heroien, a "graced" mystical dancer, a moth-woman entomologist and a dream-afflicted traveller in transit. Signs of transformation are evident in the Free State milieu with its village hotel which becomes subject to political changes. Karolina's stay in Voorspoed grows into '"n transformasieproses waarin die self haar groter Self soek." (Gouws 1993:10): (a transformation process wherein her self seeks for her greater Self (my translation - TV)). During this process she is assisted by four companions, who also show signs of transformation. Willie September is Karolina's guide in the realm of the human psyche. Pol Habermaut keeps Karolina informed about socio-political events. A relationship develops between Karolina and a Buddhist, Jess Jankowitz. She also befriends Adelia Farber, a Spanish/South African painter. Within their different domains, all these characters have a transformative influence on Karolina, while they also become influenced by this process. This study will attempt to show that these single selected characters, as well as the "spaces" wherein they move, have as a common denominator, transformation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is 'n poëtikale uitspraak van die skrywer: "Die sug na vernuwing is die sug na transformasie. Die sug na transformasie is die verlange wat mens en wurm gemeen het." (Viljoen 1994:497). Die begrip transformasie word in die studie op 'n bepaalde wyse geïnterpreteer, soos in die eerste hoofstuk uiteengesit. Transformasie is in wese 'n (gedaante-) verandering. Dit is op menslike vlak die uiterlike manifestasie van 'n geestelike hergeboorte wat tot lewensvernuwing lei. Die transformasie word tot 'n kulminasiepunt gevoer in die sentrale karakter van die roman. Karolina Ferreira is 'n entomoloog wat na die dorp Voorspoed in die Vrystaat reis om navorsing te doen oor die motspesie Hebdomophruda crenilinea. Die venuwende veranderings in haar omvorm haar tot "uitverkore" antipatriargale heldin, "begenadigde" mistieke danseres, motvrou-entomoloog en droomgeteisterde reisiger "in transit." Die ruimtes waarin die romangebeure plaasvind, vertoon self tekens van transformasie. Die Vrystaatse dorpie met sy dorpshotel is aan politieke veranderinge onderhewig. Karolina se verblyf in Voorspoed word "'n transformasieproses waarin die self haar groter Self soek." (Gouws 1993: 10). Sy word tydens die proses bygestaan deur vier begeleiers, wat self ook tekens van transformasie vertoon. Willie September is vir Karolina 'n Ieermeester op die gebied van die menslike psige. Pol Habermaut hou Karolina ingelig oor sosio-politieke gebeure. Sy knoop 'n Iiefdesverhouding aan met die Boeddhis Jess Jankowitz en raak bevriend met die Spaans/Suid-Afrikaanse skilderes Adelia Farber. Hierdie karakters het in hul onderskeie gebiede 'n transformerende werking op Karolina, en bly self nie onaangeraak deur die proses nie. Die studie sal probeer aantoon dat die enkele geselekteerde karakters, in samehang met die ruimtes waardeur hulle beweeg, transformasie gemeen het.
Tesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1996.
Viljoen, Lettie -- Karolina Ferreira, Afrikaans literature -- History and criticism, Dissertations -- Afrikaans literature