Dividend policy and wealth maximisation : the effect of market movements on dividend-investing returns

dc.contributor.advisorErasmus, P. D.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDu Toit, Nicol Eduanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Business Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sets out to evaluate the possible influence of increasing and declining markets on the returns of dividend-investing strategies. This study’s objective, therefore, was to evaluate the possible influence dividend pay-out policy has on share return. Secondary objectives serve to investigate how the size of cash dividend payments, measured in dividend yield (DY), influence share value, especially during bull and bear markets respectively. In order to address the stated objectives of this study and prevent possible survivorship bias, the sample included listed and delisted shares for the period 1995 to 2010. Initially, all firms that were listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) during the period under review were considered, both that were listed at the end as well as firms that delisted. However, due to the nature of the financial structures of firms in the financial and basic industries, the study did not include their data. The final sample consisted of 291 firms, providing 22 927 monthly observations. Dividend-investing strategies were constructed using non-dividendpaying (Portfolio one) and dividend-paying firms (Portfolio two). Portfolio one and two were then further deconstructed into four groups based on monthly DY rankings. Portfolio one was represented by Group 1, whilst Portfolio two was grouped into the lowest, medium, and highest DYs and classified as Group 2 to Group 4 accordingly. The results obtained from statistical analyses performed in this study indicate that the level of DY appears to influence returns positively. Furthermore, after investigating the results obtained during opposing market scenarios, some important findings resulted. During bear markets no significant difference in abnormal risk-adjusted returns was observed for the portfolios and four groups, however, in bull markets the return for Portfolio two, specifically Group 4, was more than double the result for the non-dividend payers. This study, therefore proposes that firms should have a DY in the range of the highest market DY average for bull markets specifically. From the perspective of the potential investors, the study suggests that dividend-investing could allow for the generation of positive risk-adjusted returns during bull markets.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie evalueer die moontlike invloed van stygende en dalende markte aangaande opbrengs op dividend-investerings strategie . Die studie se primêre doelwit is om die invloed van dividend uitbetalings op aandeel opbrengste te bestudeer. Sekondêre doelwitte ondersoek hoe die grootte van ‘n kontant dividend, soos gemeet in dividend opbrengs, die aandeel-waarde beïnvloed, spesifiek tydens bul en beer markte. Om oorlewingsydigheid te voorkom, sluit die steekproef genoteerde sowel as gedenoteerde firmas in vir ‘n tydperk van 1995 tot 2010. Aanvanklik was alle sektore van die Johannesburg Aandele-beurs (JSE) ondersoek, maar weens die komplekse kapitaal struktuur van finansi le en die basiese nywerheid sektore was hul aandeel inligiting uitgesluit. Die finale steekproef het ‘n totaal van 291 firmas ingesluit en 22 927 maandelike waarnemings verskaf. Dividend-investerings strategie was saamgestel deur nie-dividend-betalende firmas (Portefeulje een) teenoor dividendbetalende firmas (Portefeulje twee) te vergelyk. Die twee portefeuljes was ook verder onderdeel in vier groepe volgens maandelikse dividend opbrengstes. Portefeulje een was verteenwoordig deur Groep 1, terwyl Portfeulje twee opgedeel was volgends laag, medium, en hoë dividend opbrengstes en geklasifiseer as Groep 2 tot 4 onderskeidelik. Die resultate van die statististiese ontleding van hierdie studie dui moontlik daarop dat die vlak van dividend opbrengs aandeel waarde positief beïnvloed. Nadat die spesifieke bul en beer markte ontleed is, was belangrike resultate waargeneem. Tydens beer markte was daar geen beduidende verskil tussen die risiko-aangepaste opbrengstes van die twee portefeuljes en vier groepe nie, maar tydens bul markte het die opbrengstes van Portefeulje twee, spesifiek Groep 4, meer as dubbel dié van die nie-dividend betalers getoon. Die studie stel dus voor dat ‘n firma tydens bul markte moet poog om ‘n dividend opbrengs te handhaaf wat die hoogste gemiddeld van die mark verteenwoordig. Vanuit die belegger se oogpunt, stel die studie voor dat dividend investering stategie moontlik gebruik kan word om positiewe risikoaangepaste opbrengstes te genereer, veral tydens bul markte.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 137 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectStock exchangesen_ZA
dc.subjectStocks -- Pricesen_ZA
dc.subjectRate of returnen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Business managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Business managementen_ZA
dc.subject.otherBusiness Managementen_ZA
dc.titleDividend policy and wealth maximisation : the effect of market movements on dividend-investing returnsen_ZA
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