Teaching senior secondary school mathematics for retention

dc.contributor.advisorGierdien, M. Faaizen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAndjamba, Maiya Namutenya Liinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The very school existence is established on the basis that learners retain, retrieve, or remember what they are taught at a later stage especially during the high-stakes examination at the exit levels and in real-life situations. However, in most cases despite extended instruction periods, often learners forget what they were taught. Learners could, therefore, benefit from strategies that produce long-lasting retention, the way to deal with ‘the forget problem’. The assumptions are that teachers need to explore retention strategies, use them more, and apply them more effectively; and teachers do not have enough opportunities to improve learner’s retention of school mathematics. This thesis intends to confirm these claims. The study emphasis is situated in theoretical and empirical explanations on retention and revision strategies, and various aspects of using and teaching through revision and retention strategies. The methodology part of the study underpinned by the interpretive paradigm depicts the procedure as well as the results obtained from qualitative face-to-face interviews and questionnaires of 10 teachers as well as the classroom observations of eight teachers (four cases from each school). The study also explained and discussed results obtained from the pre-tests, post-tests, and delayed tests for two grade 11 and two grade 12 classes from two different schools. This study was a case study, and the focus group was ten teachers, intentionally and conveniently selected in the Oshikoto region, Namibia. The aims were to explore the teachers’ perceptions, experiences, opportunities, and challenges they are faced with in the process of addressing the problem of forgetting. The main research question was: How do Namibian senior secondary school mathematics teachers perceive and experience the facilitation of mathematics through retention and revision strategies? The findings of the study have shown that teachers need more opportunities to explore retention and revision strategies. The results have also revealed that retention and revision strategies have a positive influence on learners’ mathematics achievement scores. It is recommended that collaborative professional development programs be designed to stimulate and promote teachers’ willingness to develop an understanding of retention and revision strategies and their use.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die hele doel van skoolgaan is dat kinders dit wat daar aan hulle geleer word, sal inneem en onthou. Die suksesvolle terugroep van wat geleer is, is veral belangrik tydens die aflegging van eksamens aan die einde van ‘n skoolfase, maar dit is ook waardevol dat hierdie verworwe kennis uiteindelik in die werklike lewe toegepas kan word. Tog, in die meeste gevalle en ten spyte van verlengde onderrigtydperke, vergeet leerders dikwels die kennis wat hulle opgedoen het. Leerders kan dus grootliks baat vind by die ontwikkeling en aanwending van strategiese vaardighede wat blywende onthouvermoëns verseker en wat die ‘probleem van vergeet’ sal aanspreek. Die aanname bestaan dat onderwysers retensiestrategieë of dan tegnieke om beter te onthou, behoort te ondersoek, dit meer dikwels te gebruik en om hierdie strategieë ook op doeltreffender wyses aan te wend. Voorts kan genoem word dat onderwysers nie voldoende geleenthede kry om leerders se wiskunderetensievaardighede op skoolvlak genoegsaam te ontwikkel en te bevorder nie. Daar is beoog om met die navorsing vir die proefskrif, hierdie aannames te bevestig. Tydens die ondersoek word teoretiese verduidelikings van retensie- en hersieningstrategieë beklemtoon en verskeie aspekte van die gebruik en die onderrig van hersienings- en oproeptegnieke kom onder die loep. Die metodologie vir die ondersoek word ondersteun deur die interpretatiewe paradigma en beeld die prosedure wat gevolg word, sowel as die resultate uit wat bevind is nadat kwalitatiewe, direkte onderhoude gevoer is en vraelyste van tien onderwysers bekom is. Voorts is klaskamerwaarnemings van agt onderwysers (vier gevalle uit elke skool) onderneem. Tydens die ondersoek word gevolgtrekkings verduidelik en die bevindinge wat spruit uit die vooraftoetsing, natoetse asook die uitsteltoetsing van twee graad 11- en twee graad 12-klasse van twee verskillende skole, word bespreek. Die ondersoek neem die vorm van ‘n gevallestudie aan en die fokusgroep bestaan uit tien onderwysers, doelbewus gekies uit die Oshikoto-streek in Namibië. Die doel van die studie is om onderwyserervarings te ondersoek en om die geleenthede en die uitdagings tydens die aanspreek van die sogenaamde vergeetprobleem, te verken. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag is: Hoe word retensie- en hersieningstrategieë deur Namibiese senior sekondêre onderwysers in hulle onderrig van skoolwiskunde gebruik? Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat onderwysers meer geleenthede gegun behoort te word om retensie- en hersieningstrategieë te verken. Die resultate wys ook daarop dat die toepassing van retensie- en hersieningstrategieë ‘n positiewe invloed op leerders se prestasievlakke in wiskunde uitoefen.af_ZA
dc.format.extent[263] pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectMathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary)en_ZA
dc.subjectMemory -- Strategic planningen_ZA
dc.subjectLearning strategiesen_ZA
dc.subjectLearning, Psychology ofen_ZA
dc.subjectRepetition in learningen_ZA
dc.titleTeaching senior secondary school mathematics for retentionen_ZA
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