Identity and modelling in mathematical literacy : a case study in designing mathematical literacy investigations

dc.contributor.advisorLampen, Ernaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorFrenzel, Jeanne-Marien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This study was a case study undertaken as qualitative research, from the interpretivist paradigm. This case study was the case of observing the mathematical identities of an entire cohort of grade 11 Mathematical Literacy learners from a quintile four school. Mathematical Literacy is a uniquely South African subject, offered as an alternative to Mathematics with the aims of improving accessibility to mathematics education and improve mathematical literacy rates in the country. This study aimed to observe how the learners’ mathematical identities may be influenced by their interaction with context-rich Mathematical Literacy material. I focussed on identity in terms of to what extent these learners perceived mathematics to be useful in their present and idealised future lives, and how these views informed the learners’ motivations to engage in Mathematical Literacy. Data collection was done using multiple data sources such as questionnaires, written reflections by the learners, work produced by the learners and a focus group interview. The data was collected over three months, with multiple visits to the school. As a base, an initial Likert Scale questionnaire was administered to all 170 participants to establish their current views about Mathematical Literacy and about themselves as individuals capable of, and willing to learn mathematics. The learners were then invited to participate in two separate mathematical modelling orientation sessions. During these sessions, learners were given the opportunity to discuss and attempt to mathematise problems they were experiencing in their school environment. I used the ideas produced by the learners to formalise two mathematical investigations based on mathematical modelling principles. These mathematical investigations were completed by all the learners as part of their formal school assessment program, within the curriculum requirements and with permission from the school. The learners’ work from these investigations were mapped against existing modelling competencies. Based on their individual reflections to the orientation sessions, their questionnaire responses, and their willingness to participate, a group of 10 learners were selected for a focus group interview. The focus group interviews provided insight into how the learners’ experiences with the context-rich investigations, as well as with Mathematical Literacy in general, informed their mathematical identities. I analysed the focus group data using grounded theory and thematic analysis. From the data it was evident that these learners held an overtly positive mathematical identity that had been established through their keen ability to accept only positive narratives from their immediate environments, and to disregard narratives that threatened their self-held views. The data also indicated that being solely exposed to standardised, contextually shallow materials had hindered the learners’ ability to envision the role of mathematics in their lives, thus further misinforming their identities. In conclusion, I draw on the literature about the global need for mathematical literacy, as well as the nature and intended aims of Mathematical Literacy as a subject to argue a cause for the use of mathematical modelling as a means of instruction to enrich learning experiences and accurately inform the learners’ mathematical identities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie was 'n gevallestudie wat as kwalitatiewe navorsing onderneem is, van die interpretatiewe paradigma. Hierdie gevallestudie is gebasseer op die waarneming van die wiskundige identiteite van 'n algehele groep leerders in graad 11 Wiskundige Geletterdheid van 'n kwintiel vier skool. Wiskundige Geletterdheid is 'n uniek Suid-Afrikaanse vak, wat as alternatief vir Wiskunde aangebied word, met die doel om beide die toeganklikheid tot wiskunde-onderwys sowel as die wiskundige geletterdheidskoerse in die land te verbeter. Hierdie studie se doelwit was om te bepaal hoe die leerders se wiskundige identiteite beïnvloed kan word deur hul interaksie met konteksryke Wiskundige Geletterdheid materiaal. My fokus is spesifiek op die bepaling tot watter mate die leerders wiskunde as nuttig beskou in hul huidige en ge-idealiseerde toekomstige lewens, en hoe hierdie sienings die leerders se motiverings om by Wiskundige Geletterdheid betrokke te raak, inlig. Data-insameling is gedoen deur verskeie databronne soos vraelyste, geskrewe refleksies deur die leerders, werk wat deur die leerders geproduseer is, en 'n fokusgroeponderhoud. Die data is oor drie maande met verskeie besoeke aan die skool ingesamel. As basis is ‘n aanvanklike Likert Skaal-vraelys deur al 170 deelnemers voltooi om hulle oorspronklike sienings oor Wiskundige Geletterdheid vas te stel asook hulle eie siening as individue wat in staat is, en bereid is, om wiskunde te leer. Die leerders is genooi om aan twee afsonderlike wiskundige modellering oriënteringsessies deel te neem. Gedurende hierdie sessies is leerders die geleentheid gegee om probleme wat hulle in hul skoolomgewing ervaar te bespreek en te poog om hierdie probleme wiskundig te verwoord. Ek het die idees wat deur die leerders verwoord is, gebruik om twee wiskundige ondersoeke te formaliseer in ooreenstemming met wiskundige modelleringsbeginsels. Hierdie ondersoeke is daarna deur al die leerders voltooi as deel van hul formele skoolassesseringsprogram, binne die kurrikulumvereistes en met die toestemming van die skool. Die leerders se werk van hierdie ondersoeke is met bestaande modelleringsvaardighede vergelyk. Gebaseer op hul individuele refleksies van die oriënteringsessies, hul vraelysreaksies, en hul bereidwilligheid om deel te neem, is 'n groep van 10 leerders gekies vir 'n fokusgroeponderhoud. Die fokusgroep onderhoude het insig gegee oor hoe die leerders se ervarings met die konteksryke ondersoeke, asook met Wiskundige Geletterdheid in die algemeen, hulle wiskundige identiteite ingelig het. Ek het die fokusgroep data ontleed deur gebruik te maak van gegronde teorie en tematiese analise. Uit die data was dit duidelik dat hierdie leerders 'n oordrewe positiewe wiskundige identiteit geopenbaar het wat gevestig is deur hulle ywerige vermoë om slegs positiewe terugvoering uit hul onmiddellike omgewings te aanvaar, en om negatiewe sienings, wat hul selfbeeld bedreig het, te verontagsaam. Die data het ook aangedui dat, om uitsluitlik aan gestandaardiseerde kontekstueel-arm materiaal blootgestel te word, die leerders se vermoë verhinder om die waarde van wiskunde in hul toekoms te sien, wat lei tot verdere misvorming van hul wiskundige identiteit. Ten slotte, wend ek my tot die literatuur oor die wêreldwye behoefte aan wiskundige geletterdheid, asook die aard en beoogde doelwitte van Wiskundige Geletterdheid as 'n vak, om wiskundige modellering voor te stel as die manier van onderrig om leerervarings te verryk en die leerders se wiskundige identiteit akkuraat in te lig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 180 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectMathematical literacy -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Curricula -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMathematical models -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMathematics -- Students -- Knowledge and learning -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleIdentity and modelling in mathematical literacy : a case study in designing mathematical literacy investigationsen_ZA
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