Magmatic and related mineral deposits of the Pan-African Saldania belt in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

dc.contributor.authorRozendaal A.
dc.contributor.authorScheepers R.
dc.description.abstractMineral deposits and prospects of the Pan-African Saldania orogenic belt in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, are reviewed. The polyphase, deformed, low-grade metamorphosed, volcano-sedimentary Malmesbury Group constitutes a complex, poorly understood supracrustal sequence that has been loosely subdivided into the Tygerberg, Swartland and Boland tectono-stratigraphic terranes on the basis of NW-trending fault zones. Syn- and post-tectonic granitoids of the Cape Granite Suite selectively intruded these terranes. Early S-types preferred the Tygerberg terrane, whereas the later I-types dominate the remaining areas. Anorogenic A-type granites, however, occur in all three terranes. Despite the absence of operating base or precious metal mines in the area, this study has established at least four metal associations directly or indirectly related to the intrusions: 1. i) Cassiterite-wolframite (±Au, Cu, Mo, Zn, As, Fe-sulphides) in quartz and quartz/aplite veins hosted by tour-malinized and locally greissenized S-type granite. Similar exo-granitic veins occur in proximal metamorphites; 2. ii) Juxtaposed, disseminated, stockwork breccia and vein style CuMoFe(Au)-sulphide mineralization hosted by mafic- to intermediate-intrusions of high-K calc-alkaline, I-type affinity; 3. iii) CuMoAu-sulphides hosted by hydraulic breccia pipes, stocks and veins occurring in anorogenic A-type alkali feldspar granites and amphibole quartz syenites; 4. iv) Scheelite with minor CuMoAu-sulphides associated with endo- and exo-skams spatially related to I-type monzogranite, granite and alkali feldspar granite. The first three associations occur along the Yzerfontein-Helderberg-zone, a 180 km lineament in the Tygerberg terrane, exploited by syn-, late- and post-tectonic intrusions and their related mineralization. The fourth association is typical of the Boland terrane. The spatial and temporal relationships among the various metal associations are interpreted as the result of sequential intrusion of the granitoid suite. Relatively early, high level S-type, followed by intermediate level I-type and finally anorogenic A-type granitoids intruded during the evolution of a contracting continental margin arc and its inner arc. The spatial configuration of the various terranes at the present erosional levels is the result of rifting and significant differential vertical displacement following the cessation of subduction. This terminal tectonic event was synchronous with the intrusion of the A-type granitoids. © 1995.
dc.identifier.citationJournal of African Earth Sciences
dc.subjectmineral deposit
dc.subjectPan African orogeny
dc.subjectSouth Africa, Cape Province, Saldania Belt
dc.titleMagmatic and related mineral deposits of the Pan-African Saldania belt in the Western Cape Province, South Africa