A study of the organizational complexity of the offering of basics mathematics at a Namibian tertiary institution

dc.contributor.advisorGierdien, M. F.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHatutale, Sylviaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : The main purpose and aim of the study was to assess the main determinants of performance in the teaching of Basic Mathematics at a Namibian tertiary institution from the positivist theoretical standpoint. The study sought to gauge the impact of organizational processes on organizational performance in the teaching of Basic Mathematics at the University of Namibia; to determine the link between lecturers’ skills development and organizational performance in the teaching of Basic Mathematics at the University of Namibia; to assess the impact of organizational resources on organizational performance in the teaching of Basic Mathematics at the University of Namibia; and determine how the organizational processes and performance in the teaching of Basic Mathematics at the University of Namibia be improved. The researcher observed the rights, freedoms and liberties of the participants. The study used a mixed research design through the use of closed and open ended questions. Self – administered structured questionnaires were administered personally to 55 randomly and purposively selected lectures for Basic Mathematics at a tertiary institution in Namibia. A Statistical Package for the Social Science analysis plan package SPSS Version 25 was used to analyze the data. The data analyzed was Ordinal because of the Linkert scale. Linkert scale was used because it measures the respondent’s attitudes. Data was described through the use of descriptive statistics. Chi-square test was used to compare the dependence or relationship between variables. The validity was measured through triangulations and the reliability of the scale was measured using Cronbach’s alpha value. The study revealed that organizational processes and organizational resources are the main domains which seem to be contributing to the foregoing poor performances being experienced at the University of Namibia. It also unveiled that organizational commitment, skills development and organizational performance are sufficient at the University of Namibia and are not the ones that can be blamed for the poor performance being experienced in the mathematics department at the University of Namibia. Therefore, the study recommends that the Mathematics department at the University of Namibia should work with the Ministry of Basic Education, Arts and Culture to ensure a continuous flow of concepts from primary and secondary education to tertiary level. The University should invest more money in Mathematics department to have all the resources required. More recruitment is needed in the Mathematics department. More staff (lecturer) training is needed for performance enhancement. The Ministry of Basic Education, Arts and Culture should review the high school mathematics curriculum to close the gap between high school and tertiary curriculum. The study recommended that there is need to constantly pilot new ideas to improve our educational processes. In addition, the study recommended that lecturers need adequate exposure contemporary maths teaching methods. There is need for the lecturers to undergo career development within the Mathematics Department at the University of Namibia.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die hoofdoel en oogmerk van hierdie ondersoek is die assessering van die bepalende faktore vir prestasie by die onderrig van Basiese Wiskunde aan ‘n Namibiese tersiêre instelling vanuit ‘n positivisties-teoretiese standpunt. Met die studie is die uitwerking van die verband tussen vaardigheidsonwikkeling van dosente en organisatoriese prestasie in die onderrig van Basiese Wiskunde aan die Universiteit van Namibië bepaal; die impak van organisatoriese hulpbronne op organisatoriese prestasie in die onderrig van Basiese Wiskunde aan die Universiteit van Namibië geassesseer; en daar is bepaal hoe die organisatoriese prosesse en prestasie in die onderrig van Basiese Wiskunde aan die Universiteit van Namibië verbeter kan word. Die navorser het die aansprake, regte en vryhede van die deelnemers deurentyd in ag geneem. Tydens die ondersoek is ‘n verskeidenheid van navorsingsontwerpe toegepas deur die aanwending van geslote sowel as ope vraagstelling. Selftoegepaste, gestruktureerde vraelyste is persoonlik gelewer aan 55 lukrake sowel as doelbewusgekose dosente vir Basiese Wiskunde aan ‘n tersiêre instelling in Namibië. ‘n Statistiese programpakket vir die analisering van Sosiale Wetenskappe (Statistical Package for the Social Science), SPSS Version 25, is gebruik vir die ontleding van die data. Die geanaliseerde data was Oorspronklik vanweë die aanwending van die Linkert-skaal. Die Linkert-skaal is gebruik aangesien dit die respondent se houding en ingesteldheid ook meet. Data is beskryf deur die gebruik van deskriptiewe statistieke. Die Chi-vierkanttoets is gebruik in die vergelyking van die afhanklikheid tussen die veranderlikes. Die geldigheid is gemeet deur triangulasies en die betroubaarheid van die skaal is gemeet aan Cronbach se alfawaarde. Voorts het die ondersoek aan die lig gebring dat organisatoriese prosesse en organisatoriese hulpbronne die hoofareas is wat blyk by te dra tot vorige swak prestasie by die Universiteit van Namibië. Na aanleiding van die studie is ook blootgelê dat die Universiteit van Namibië oor genoegsame organisatoriese toewyding, vaardigheidsontwikkeling en organisatoriese prestasie beskik en dat dít nie die oorsaak van swak prestasie by die instelling is nie. Na aanleiding van hierdie studie word dus aanbeveel dat die Wiskunde departement aan die Universiteit van Namibië met die Ministerie van Basiese Onderswys, Kuns en Kultuur sal saamwerk ten einde te verseker dat ‘n volgehoue vloei van konsepte vanuit primêre en sekondêre opvoeding tot op tersiêre vlak kan plaasvind. Die Universiteit behoort meer geld te belê in die Wiskunde departement. Meer opleidingsgeleenthede vir doseerpersoneel is nodig ten einde prestasiebevordering te verseker. Die Ministerie van Basiese Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur behoort wiskundeleerplanne vir hoërskole te hersien ten einde die gaping tussen tersiêre en hoërskoolkurrikula te oorbrug. Voorts kan daar, na aanleiding van hierdie studie, gerapporteer word dat ‘n dringende behoefte bestaan vir die volgehoue loodsing van nuwe idees vir die verbetering van opvoedkundige prosesse. Die studie dui ook aan dat dosente deeglike blootstelling behoort te kry aan kontemporêre wiskunde-onderrigmetodes. ‘n Behoefte is geïdentifiseer vir voortdurende loopbaanontwikkeling van dosente aan die Wiskunde Departement, Universiteit van Namibië.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 122 pages : colour illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHigher education -- Curricula -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectMathematics -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectMathematics -- Teaching methoden_ZA
dc.titleA study of the organizational complexity of the offering of basics mathematics at a Namibian tertiary institutionen_ZA
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