Using reflective pedagogy to improve writing consultant practice

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Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research note considers the potential of reflective pedagogy as a means to improve writing consultants’ practice. Through the use of literature and reflective examples, I illustrate how reflective practice has enabled me to improve my pedagogy in the transition from being a novice writing consultant to becoming a senior consultant at the Stellenbosch University Writing Lab. Furthermore, I reflect on how writing consultants, as key agents in the writing centre space, can utilise reflective practice to leverage the potential of writing centres as transformative spaces in South African higher educational institutions.
CITATION: Januarie, V. 2019. Using reflective pedagogy to improve writing consultant practice. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 57: 225-229. doi:10.5842/57-0-825
The original publication is available at
Reflective practice, Pedagogy, Power, Transformative spaces
Januarie, V. 2019. Using reflective pedagogy to improve writing consultant practice. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 57: 225-229. doi:10.5842/57-0-825