Improvement of the acoustic properties of tonewoods

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work investigated different wood modification techniques to improve the acoustical properties of tonewoods, in particular the sound radiation ratio (R). The treatments used were heat-, fungal - and UV exposure, as well as immersion into NaOH and Na2SO3 solution and a combination of the most successful treatments. All initial experiments were performed on pine, before replicating the best performing treatment on spruce due to cost factors. The main objective was to reduce the hemicellulose content without severely degrading cellulose, which results in a reduction of density while maintaining, or even improving the elasticity (MOEL). The results indicated that it is possible to increase R and MOEL significantly with heat-, fungal – and sodium treatment. Overall, the combined heat-fungal and heat-sodium treatments performed the best and managed to increase R by up to 20 %. Sodium treatment led to the best increases in R, but compromised the wood structure and the treatment protocol needs to be developed further. Consequently, this study found the most successful wood treatment to be exposure to white rot combined with heat treatment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk het verskillende houtmodifikasietegnieke ondersoek om die akoestiese eienskappe van toonhout te verbeter, veral die klankstralingsverhouding (R). Die behandelings wat gebruik is, was hitte-, swam- en UV-blootstelling, sowel as onderdompeling in NaOH en Na2SO3-oplossing en 'n kombinasie van die mees suksesvolle behandelings. Alle aanvanklike eksperimente is op denne uitgevoer, voordat die beste behandeling op spar herhaal is as gevolg van kostefaktore. Die hoofdoelwit was om die hemisellulose-inhoud te verminder sonder om sellulose ernstig af te breek, wat lei tot 'n vermindering van digtheid terwyl die elastisiteit (MOEL) behou of selfs verbeter word. Die resultate het aangedui dat dit moontlik is om R en MOEL aansienlik te verhoog met hitte-, swam- en natriumbehandeling. In die algemeen was die gekombineerde hitte-swam- en hitte-natriumbehandelings die beste en het daarin geslaag om R met tot 20 % te verhoog. Natriumbehandeling het gelei tot die beste toenames in R, maar het die houtstruktuur in die gedrang gebring en die behandelingsprotokol moet verder ontwikkel word. Gevolglik het hierdie studie bevind dat die mees suksesvolle houtbehandeling blootstelling aan witvrot gekombineer met hittebehandeling is.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.