Differentiation in the senior phase visual arts classroom to address knowledge GAPS : a case study of three high school teachers

dc.contributor.advisorCarl, Arend E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRoelofse, Cerien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This study focuses on the experiences of Grade 8 Visual Arts educators with regard to the differentiation techniques they need to employ in their classrooms in order to address the challenges caused by the implementation of a new curriculum. The CAPS curriculum that was implemented in the senior phase in 2014 requires schools to offer only two of the four art forms (Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts) of their choice. This narrowing of the artform choices creates a possible gap in learners’ prior knowledge and thus a need for differentiated instruction in the Grade 8 Visual Arts classroom, since the learners come from a variety of primary schools that chose different artform combinations. To answer the research question in order to achieve the goal for this study, the researcher made use of a qualitative research design from within an interpretive research paradigm. A case study research strategy has also been applied by the researcher in order to obtain data pertaining to the specific aspect of the study, namely Grade 8 Visual Arts educators. Multiple sources were used to generate the data, namely semi-structured interviews with Visual Arts educators and a Creative Arts subject advisor, as well as document analysis. Various precautionary measures were taken to ensure validity and reliability of the data. During the course of the investigation, ethical issues were in question. However, the researcher followed the necessary guidelines to ensure that all endeavours were ethically acceptable. In the literature review, the value and importance of Creative Arts is analysed, as well as the changes in the curriculum and its effect on the educators. The concept and elements of differentiation are discussed, and the impact the changes in the curriculum have on the learner is also considered. It was established that educators from schools where the artform choices have been narrowed to only two art forms, are more likely to be confronted with learners with a gap in their prior knowledge due to the CAPS curriculum requirements and that they must employ a variety of differentiation techniques in order to bridge this gap. Taking the results of this study into account, it appears that specialist Arts educators are able to successfully apply differentiation strategies to bridge this gap in prior knowledge, but a lack of specialist Arts educators remains a challenge. The quality of training and availability of subject advisors in the Creative Arts was not sufficient at the time this study was conducted. The results of this study clearly indicate that this gap in prior knowledge can be narrowed by enabling schools to broaden the Creative Arts art forms they offer and by ensuring that more specialist educators are trained in the subject and employed at secondary schools.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie fokus op die ervarings van Graad 8 Visuele Kunste opvoeders ten opsigte van die differensiasie tegnieke wat hulle in hulle klaskamers moet gebruik om die uitdagings wat deur die implementering van ‘n nuwe kurrikulum veroorsaak word, die hoof te bied. Die KABV-kurrikulum wat in 2014 geïmplementeer is, vereis dat skole slegs twee van die vier kunsvorms (Dans, Drama, Musiek en Visuele Kunste) aanbied. Hierdie vernouing van die keuses van kunsvorme, skep ‘n moontlike gaping in die leerders se voorkennis en dus ook ‘n behoefte aan gedifferensieerde onderrig in die Graad 8 Visuele Kunste klaskamer aangesien leerders uit ‘n verskeidenheid laerskole kom wat verskillende kunsvormkombinasies gekies het. Om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord om die doel van die studie te verwesenlik, het die navorser ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie vanuit die interpretatiewe navorsingsparadigma onderneem. Die navorser het ook gebruik gemaak van ‘n gevallestudiestrategie om die data oor die spesifieke geval naamlik Graad 8 Visuele Kunste opvoeders, in te samel. Daar is gebruik gemaak van veelvuldige bronne naamlik semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met Visuele Kunste opvoeders en ‘n Skeppende Kunste vakadviseur asook dokumentontleding om data te genereer. Verskillende stappe is gevolg om die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die data te verseker. Tydens die ondersoek het etiese kwessies na vore getree en die navorser het die nodige riglyne gevolg om te verseker dat alle handelinge eties aanvaarbaar is. In die literatuurstudie word die waarde van Skeppende Kunste geanaliseer, asook die veranderinge in die kurrikulum en die inlvoed daarvan op die opvoeders. Die konsep asook die elemente van differensiasie en die impak wat die veranderinge op die leerder het, word bespreek. Daar is vasgestel dat opvoeders van skole waar die kunsvormekeuse tot slegs twee verminder is, meer waarskynlik gekonfronteer word met leerders met ‘n gaping in hulle voorkennis as gevolg van die KABV-kurrikulumvereistes en dat hulle ‘n verskeidenheid van differensiasietegnieke moet toepas om hierdie gaping te oorbrug. Uit die resultate van die studie blyk dit dat spesialis- opvoeders in staat is om differensiasiestrategieë suksesvol toe te pas om hierdie gaping te oorbrug, maar dat ‘n tekort aan spesialis- opvoeders ‘n uitdaging bly. Die kwaliteit en beskikbaarheid van vakadviseurs in Skeppende Kunste was nie voldoende teen die tyd wat hierdie studie uitgevoer is nie. Uit die studie is dit duidelik dat hierdie gaping in voorkennis verminder kan word deur skole in staat te stel om die Skeppende Kunste kunsvorme wat hulle aanbied uit te brei en deur seker te maak dat meer spesialis opvoeder in hierdie rigting opgelei word en deur sekondêre skole aangestel word.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 289 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectArt teachers -- Knowledge and learningen_ZA
dc.subjectSecondary school teachersen_ZA
dc.titleDifferentiation in the senior phase visual arts classroom to address knowledge GAPS : a case study of three high school teachersen_ZA
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