Variation in radiosensitivities of different individuals to high energy neutrons and 60Cobalt γ-rays

dc.contributor.advisorSlabbert, Jacobusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBeukes, Philip Rudolphen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The assignment of radiation weighting factors to high energy neutron sources is important as there is reason to believe that neutron relative biological effectiveness (RBE) may be related to the inherent radiosensitivity of different individuals. A study was undertaken to quantify the inherent radiosensitivities of lymphocytes obtained from different donors to 60Co y-rays and p(66)/Be neutrons. For this a novel semi-automated image analysis process has been employed. In addition the responses of lymphocytes with different inherent radiosensitivities have also been tested using Auger electrons emitted by 123I. Methods: The RBE of neutrons was determined from dose-response curves for lymphocytes from different donors. Isolated T-lymphocytes irradiated in vitro were cultured to induce micronuclei in binucleated cells and micronuclei (MN) formations numerated using a semi-automated Metafer microscope system. The accuracy in obtaining dose response curves with this method has been tested by evaluating dispersion parameters of MN formations in the response to the different treatment modalities. Differences in the inherent radiosensitivities of cells from different donors were ascertained using 95 % confidence ellipses. [123I]Iododeoxyuridine was prepared in a formulation that allows incorporation of 123I into the DNA of lymphocytes. Micronucleus formations to this treatment were evaluated in lymphocytes with established differences in inherent radiosensitivities. Results: The image analysis system proved to be consistent in detecting micronuclei frequencies in binucleated lymphocytes. As a result, differences in the inherent radiosensitivities of different individuals were distinctive and could be stated at the 95% confidence level. The inter-individual radiosensitivity variations were considerably smaller for blood cells exposed to high energy neutrons compared to 60Co y-rays. Relative biological effectiveness (RBEM) values between 2 and 13 were determined that are highly correlated with the inherent radioresistance of lymphocytes obtained from different individuals. As such radiation weighting factors for high energy neutrons cannot be based on cytogenetic damage determined in lymphocytes from a single donor. Dispersion parameters for micronuclei formations proved to vary according to ionization density. The variation in RBE with neutron dose changed according to theoretical considerations and automated image analysis detection of MN is thus a suitable method to quantify radiation weighting factors. A clear reduction in the variation in radiosensitivity is noted for lymphocytes exposed to Auger electrons compared to 60Co y-rays. The effectiveness of Auger electrons from [123I]IUdR to induce biological damage is demonstrated as the number of disintegrations needed to yield micronuclei formations was found to be more than two orders of magnitude less than that of other compounds. An increase in the RBE of Auger electrons with radioresistance can be inferred from these findings and constitutes a basis for therapeutic gain in treating cells compared to using radioisotopes emitting low-LET radiation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die bepaling van straling gewigsfaktore vir hoë energie neutron bronne is belangrik, aangesien daar rede is om te glo dat die relatiewe biologiese effektiwiteit (RBE) kan verband hou met die inherente stralings sensitiwiteit van verskillende individue. Hierdie studie is onderneem om die inherente radiosensitiwiteit van limfosiete verkry vanaf verskillende skenkers te kwantifiseer na blootstelling aan 60Co y -strale en p(66)/Be neutrone. Vir hierdie doel is daar van 'n semi-outomatiese beeldontleding metode gebruik gemaak. Daarbenewens is die reaksie van limfosiete met vooraf bepaalde inherente radiosensitiwiteite ook getoets aan die hand van Auger elektrone wat uitgestraal word deur 123I. Metodiek: Die RBE van neutrone was bepaal uit dosis mikrokerne frekwensie verwantskappe verkry vir limfosiete. Geïsoleerde T-limfosiete was in vitro bestraal en gekweek om mikrokerne te vorm in dubbelkernige selle. Die mikrokerne was gekwantifiseer deur die gebruik van 'n semi-outomatiese Metafer mikroskoop stelsel. Die akkuraatheid in die verkryging van dosis-effek krommes met hierdie metode is getoets deur die ontleding van verspreidings parameters van MN vorming in reaksie op behandeling met die verskillende stralings modaliteite. Verskille in die inherente stralingsensitiwiteite van die selle van verskillende skenkers was vasgestel deur die konstruksie van 95 % betroubaarheidsinterval ellipse. [123I]Iododeoxyuridine was ook berei om 123I in die DNA van limfosiete in te bou. Die mikrokerne vorming op die behandeling is beoordeel in limfosiete met gevestigde verskille in inherent radiosensitiwiteite. Resultate: Die beeld analise stelsel bewys om konsekwent te wees in die opsporing van mikrokerne wat vorm in dubbelkernige limfosiete. Verskille in die inherente radiosensitiwiteite van verskillende skenkers kon vasgestel word op die 95 % betroubaarheidsvlak. Die skommeling in inter-individuele stralings sensitiwiteite was kleiner vir bloed selle blootgestel aan hoë-energie neutrone in vergelyking met 60Co y-strale. Relatiewe biologiese effektiwiteit (RBEM) waardes tussen 2 en 13 is bepaal wat sterk verband hou met die inherente radioweerstandbiedendheid van limfosiete verkry vanaf verskillende persone. As sodanig kan straling gewigsfaktore vir hoë energie neutrone nie gebaseer word op sitogenetiese skade in limfosiete van 'n enkele skenker nie. Verspreidings parameters vir mikrokern vorming het gewissel as ‘n funksie van ionisasiedigtheid van die straling. Die verandering in RBE met neutron dosis verloop volgens teoretiese oorwegings en die semi-outomatiese beeldontledings metode om mikrokerne op te spoor is dus geskik om stralings gewigsfaktore te kwantifiseer. 'n Duidelike afname in die verandering in die stralingsensitiwiteite is waargeneem vir limfosiete blootgestel aan Auger elektrone in vergelyking met 60Co y-strale. Die hoë doeltreffendheid van Auger elektrone afkomstig van [123I]IUdR om biologiese skade te veroorsaak, word weerspieël deur die feit dat die getal disintegrasies wat nodig is om mikrokerne te vorm meer as twee ordes grootte minder is as dié van ander verbindings. 'n Toename in die RBE van Auger elektrone in selle wat radioweerstandbiedend is kan afgelei word uit hierdie bevindinge. Dit vorm 'n basis vir terapeutiese wins in die behandeling van selle in vergelyking met die gebruik van radio-isotope wat lae ionisasie digthede tot stand bring.af_ZA
dc.format.extent89 p. : col. ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectRelative biological effectivenessen_ZA
dc.subjectRadiation toleranceen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Medical imaging and clinical oncologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Medical imaging and clinical oncologyen_ZA
dc.titleVariation in radiosensitivities of different individuals to high energy neutrons and 60Cobalt γ-raysen_ZA
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