Mensvaardighede vir die verteenwoordigende rol van plaaslike owerheidsverteenwoordigers

dc.contributor.advisorvan Rooyen, A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBotha, Petrus Albertusen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionTesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1995.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om raadslede bewus te maak van die verskillende rolle en wyduiteenlopende funksies, asook die vereiste mensvaardighede, wat met die amp van raadslid gepaard gaan. Die navorsing moet ook as normatiewe vaardigheidshandleiding vir toetredende raadslede, met geen vorige ondervinding van die demokrastiese regeerproses nie, dien. Die struktuur van die studie bestaan uit die volgende: As agtergrond tot die studie konsentreer die eerste hoofstuk op die politieke herstruktureringsproses op plaaslike owerheidsvlak en die belang van opleiding en ontwikkeling van raadslede. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om raadslede bewus te maak van die verskillende rolle en wyduiteenlopende funksies, asook die vereiste mensvaardighede, wat met die amp van raadslid gepaard gaan. Die navorsing moet ook as normatiewe vaardigheidshandleiding vir ruislede, met geen vorige ondervinding van die demokratiese regeerproses nie, dien. Die struktuur van die studie bestaan uit die volgende: As agtergrond tot die studie konsentreer die eerste hoofstuk op die politieke herstruktureringsproses op plaaslike owerheidsvlck en die belang van opleiding en ontwikkeling van raadslede. af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The aim of this research is to make councillors aware of the various roles and divergent functions, as well as the human skills which are required for the position of the councillor. The research must also serve as normative human skills manual for councillors with no previous experience of democratic governmental processes. The structure of the research is the following: The first chapter concentrates, as background, on the political restructuring process on local government level and the importance of training and development of councillors. The second chapter focuses on the open system and contingency approach as theoretical basis to explain the influence of the various environmental components on the role perceptions and functions of councillors. A model of the role and functions of local authority representatives conceptualizes, explains and simplifies the roles and functions of councillors. The third chapter provides an overview of divergent functions and roles of councillors and concentrates on three roles which councillors perform in general, viz. representative role, management and policy role and political role. The fourth chapter discusses the supporting resources and appropriate human skills for local authority representatives. Attention is given to the training and development of councillors. Appropriate human skills for councillors are classified according to the three skills typology which is used in the classification of management skills. By using the technique of post analysis, a post description for councillor, a councillor as committee chairperson and a councillor as mayor respectively is given in which the post objective, primary tasks and responsibilities and human skills are explained. As the required humans skills, set out in the post description of the positions of councillor, committee chairperson and mayor respectively, cannot be discussed individually, certain human skills are identified and selected which are required for the representative role. The selected human skills are as follows: communication, persuasion, public speaking, media handling and ward issue handling. In the fifth chapter attention is focused on the importance of communication and persuasion skills for local authority representatives. The sixth chapter concentrates on public speaking skills for local authority representatives. In the seventh chapter attention is given to handling, and to the handling of ward issues. This study concludes that a exists for a training development for councillors. Appropriate human skills must be identified, and skills topics must be included in the training and development programme. en_ZA
dc.format.extentxxii, 290 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshLocal officials and employees -- Public speakingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCommunication in public administrationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPublic speaking -- Government relationsen_ZA
dc.titleMensvaardighede vir die verteenwoordigende rol van plaaslike owerheidsverteenwoordigersaf_ZA
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