Optimalisering van gemeenskapsdeelname in geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning : 'n Wellington-gevallestudie

dc.contributor.advisorDavids, I.
dc.contributor.authorSmit, Jacobus Francois
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africans are familiar with apartheid principles and practices. Apartheid principles were not only used as a mechanism that robbed people of their human rights, but it also gave rise to limited or no community participation in government decision-making. South Africa's democratic regime (after 1994) is striving to increase community participation in government decision-making. In this regard, the South African national government is initiating community development policies and programmes such as the Reconstruction and Development Programme (1994), Masakhane programme (1998) and Integrated Development Planning (1997). This research focuses on Integrated Development Planning (lOP) and local government's role in stimulating community participation. Various participation models are highlighted, and the Wellington case is used to illustrate that communities will participate optimally in development activities if their participation will bring about their own empowerment. The research methodology includes interviews, television news programmes, newspaper articles and focus group sessions. Responses from the focus group interviews indicated that the community is easy-going and they expect activities to be undertaken for them. It was also noted that meaningful mechanisms for enhancinq community participation are limited. The community-empowerment model and recommendations are presented to optimise community participation. The following recommendations are made, namely accessibility of development initiatives, mobilising the community, relevant administrative skills of public officials, democratic constitution and legislation, concrete policy relating to community participation, meaningful empowerment of the community, explaining the content of concepts, programmes and projects, training for public officials, awareness of policy implications with regards to community participation and municipal planning in co-operative government.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaners is vertroud met apartheidsbeginsels en praktyke. Apartheidsbeginsels is nie net as 'n meganisme gebruik om groepe van hul menseregte te ontneem nie, maar dit het ook aanleiding gegee tot gebrekkige of geen gemeenskapsdeelname in owerheidsbesluitneming. Suid-Afrika se demokratiese regeringstelsel (na 1994) streef daarna om gemeenskapsdeelname in owerheidsbesluitneming te verhoog. Binne hierdie hoedanigheid het die nasionale regering gemeenskapsontwikkelingsbeleide en programme soos die Heropbou-en Ontwikkelingsprogram (1994), Masakhane-program (1988) en GeTntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning (1997) daargestel. Die navorsing fokus op Ge"integreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning (GOB), en plaaslike owerhede se rol ten opsigte van die stimulering van gemeenskapsdeelname. Verskeie deelname-modelle word uitgelig en aan die hand van die Wellington-geval, word aangetoon dat gemeenskappe optimaal sal deelneem aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite indien hul deelname sal bydra tot hul eie bemagtiging. Die navorsingsmetodologie sluit in onderhoude, televisie-nuusprogramme, koerantartikels en fokusgroep-sessies. Terugvoering van die fokusgroeponderhoude dui aan dat die gemeenskap gemaksugtig is en verwag dat aktiwiteite vir hulle onderneem word. Daar is waargeneem dat betekenisvolle meganismes om gemeenskapsdeelname te optimaliseer gebrekkig was. Die kommunikasie-bemagtigingsmodel en aanbevelings word aangebied ten einde gemeenskapsdeelname te optimaliseer. Die volgende aanbevelings word gemaak naarnlik, toeganklikheid van ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe; mobilisering van die gemeenskap; relevante administratiewe vaardighede van openbare amptenare; demokratiese grondwet en beleide; konkrete beleide rakende gemeenskapsdeelname; betekenisvolle bemagtiging van die gemeenskap; verduideliking van die inhoud van konsepte, programme en projekte, opleiding van amptenare; bewuswording van beleidsimplikasies rakende gemeenskapsdeelname en munisipale beplanning in 'n samewerkende regering.af_ZA
dc.format.extent97 p. : ill., maps
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- South Africa -- Wellington -- Planning -- Citizen participationen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- South Africa -- Wellington -- Decision making -- Citizen participationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Political scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Political scienceen_ZA
dc.titleOptimalisering van gemeenskapsdeelname in geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning : 'n Wellington-gevallestudieaf_ZA
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