A multi-dimensional perspective on the culture of teaching and learning in schools in the Northern Province

dc.contributor.advisorSteyn, J. C.en
dc.contributor.authorMakungo, Nkhumeleni Stanleyen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studiesen
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Schools in the Northern Province are faced with a serious problem concerning the lack of a culture of teaching and learning. Such problems are caused by the lack of physical facilities, shortage of textbooks, underqualified educators etc. This makes it impossible for the government and teachers to create a conducive environment for the culture of teaching and learning. This investigation explored the factors behind the lack of a culture of teaching and learning. A literature study investigated learner and teacher's problems on the lack of teaching and learning culture as well as strategies to improve the situation. Moreover, historical, philosophical as well as political and psychological perspective on the culture of teaching and learning were discussed. A study on the culture of teaching and learning in secondary and primary schools in the rural areas of the Northern Province was conducted. Data was analysed, discussed and synthesised. Major findings that emerged were the following: Many schools are dysfunctional Learners are uninterested in learning and lacks motivation teachers are demotivated and unwilling to carry duties entrusted to them. Parents are also negative towards education of their children. Lack of physical facilities For this reason, teachers, parents and learners need to work hand in hand to restore the culture of teaching and learning. It is the government's responsibility to create a conducive learning and teaching climate.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skole in die Noordelike Provinsie het te kampe met 'n groot probleem weens die gebrek aan 'n leer-en onderrig kultuur. Hierdie gebrek is die gevolg van tekort aan fisiese fasiliteite, aan handboeke, ondergekwalifiseerd opvoeders, ens. Dit is dus moeilik vir die owerheid en onderwyser om 'n klimaat te skep wat bevordelik is vir 'n leer-en onderrigkultuur. Die doel van die ondersoek is om te probeer vasstel wat die taktore is wat hierdie gebrekkige kultuur veroorsaak. n Literatuurstudie is gedoen na die leerder sowel as die opvoeders se probleme rakende die gebrek aan 'n leerkultuur sowel as maniere hoe om die situasie te verbeter. Historiese, filosofiese, politiese asook psigologiese perspektlewe met betrekking tot die onderrig en leerkultuur is bespreek. 'n Ondersoek na die leer en onderwys kultuur in sekondere skole in die landelike gebiede van die Noordelike Provinsie is gedoen. Inligting IS geanaliseer, bespreek en gesintetiseer. Die belangrikste bevindinge wat na vore gekom het, is: Baie skole funksioneer nie soos dit veronderstel is nie. Leerders is nie geinteresecrd in opvoeding nie en toon 'n gebrek aan motivering Opvoeders is nie gemotiveerd nie en is in sommige gevalle onwillig 0111 take wat aan hule opgedra word uit te voer. Ouers is negatiefteenoor hulle kinders se opvoeding. Daar is 'n gebrek aan fisiese fasiliteite. As gevolg van bogenoemde redes moet opvoeders, ouers en leerders saamwerk 0111 sodoende die kultuur van onderrig en leer te herstel. Dit is die regering se verantwoordelikheid om 'n klimaat te skep wat bevordelik is vir onderrig en leer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent106 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectEducation -- South Africa -- Northern Provinceen
dc.subjectTeaching -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen
dc.titleA multi-dimensional perspective on the culture of teaching and learning in schools in the Northern Provinceen
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